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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....


by | May 3, 2022

• Stock bull to £5000
• Cows & calves top at £3150
• In-calf heifers to £3050
• Yearling heifers to £2000

In front of a busy ringside, pedigree Simmentals sold to a solid trade and topped at £5000 at the reduction sale, held due to ill health, of the Blackpool herd of David Loftus, Mount Farm, Carr Lane, Singleton, Blackpool at Bentham Auction Mart, on Tuesday 3rd May.

Cows and calves topped at £3150, with in-calf heifers to £3050, and yearling heifers to £2000. However, leading the way at £5000 was the herd stock bull Denizes Juggernaut. Bred by MA Barlow & Sons, Four Oaks, Nr Leyland, Lancashire, this rising four-year-old bull by Denizes Hamish 16 and out of Raceview Dawn Matilda, a Hillcrest Champion daughter, is a maternal half brother to the 30,000gns Denizes Lancelot. With tremendous figures, Denizes Juggernaut is in the breed’s top 1% for both Calving Ease Direct, and Calving Ease Daughters, and is +7 for Maternal (Milk).The combination of pedigree and performance saw the bull being purchased by local breeders JH & VG Wood, Popes Farm, Dutton, Preston for their noted Popes pedigree herd.

The stated aim of the Blackpool herd has been to breed bulls and females with size, power, good mobility and temperament, and the sale very much provided the opportunity to acquire proven pedigree Simmental cattle with good breeding behind them. Leading the cows and calves at £3150 was Blackpool Hayley VG 85 with her Denizes Juggernaut sired heifer calf Blackpool Martha at foot. 2016 born, Blackpool Hayley is by Islavale Elder 13 and is out of Balckpool Vogue, a Blackford Nobleman daughter. Securing this top lot, and one of several purchases on the day, was E&M Fairhurst & Son, for the fast establish Fairhurst pedigree herd at Langcliffe Mill, Langcliffe, North Yorkshire.

Selling at £3000 was the 2019 born Blackpool Kelsi with her calf at foot, Blackpool Nicky. Blackpool Kelsi is sired by Woodhall Ferrari and is out of Blackpool Isla VG86. Sold with a Maternal (Milk) figure of +8, this outfit was bought by Barry Harding for his Hallway pedigree herd at Cornerfields Farm, Uxbridge, Bucks. In-calf heifers sold well throughout to average £2260 and to a top of £3000.

Yearling heifers topped at £2000 for the May 2021 born Blackpool May. Entirely homebred, this heifer is by Blackpool Jonathon 18, and is out of Blackpool Desi GP 84.


Cows & calves £2261
In-calf heifers £2260
Yearling heifers £1550
Stock bull £5000