by | Jul 22, 2024

Cade Fifi’s Nala also wins Interbreed Continental Champion
Simmentals win Team of Four Interbreed

The outstanding September 2022 born heifer Cade Fifi’s Nala lit up the 2024 Royal Lancashire Show for breeders Paul & Sharrie Cade, Paddock Farm, Buckden, Peterborough, when taking the Overall Supreme Championship at the 2024 Simmental English National Show, before moving on to win the Overall Individual Interbreed Championship of the Royal Lancashire Show, held at Salesbury Hall, Ribchester on 19th – 21st July.

Overall Interbreed and Overall Simmental Champion Cade Fifi’s Nala

With eleven classes having been judged in the allocated ring on Saturday morning, the Simmental first and second prize winners then moved to the show’s main ring to ‘wow’ the big crowds as they paraded, and as the Championship judging played out. Judge for the day was Stewart Stronach of the highly noted Islavale Herd, Berryleys Farm, Keith, and he duly gave the Championship tap to Cade Fifi’s Nala who was expertly shown by the Cade’s daughter, Erin.

Speaking afterwards, Stewart Stronach said of his Champion: “This is just a tremendous heifer. Good in all the right places, she moves well, is easy fleshing, deep in the hip, wide and square, and has real show presence. She’s very much a modern Simmental with no extremes or hard muscling, and will go on to make a beautiful cow.”

Judge Stewart Stronach

Very much backing this judgement up on the show’s closing day, Cade Fifi’s Nala went on to win the Individual Continental Interbreed Championship, before taking the show’s blue riband award when winning the Individual Interbreed Overall Supreme title.  For good measure, and a little extra icing on the cake, Cade Fifi’s Nala then joined up with the bull Popes Premier from Jimmy & Vikki Wood, Popes Farm, Preston; and Denizes Melody 52nd, and Denizes Melody 53rd from the Wacton Herd of RE & SHW Steggles, Honingham, Norfolk, to win the Team of Four Interbreed.  Judging the interbreeds was the well-known Mary Reynolds, Hampshire.

The Interbreed awards reflected what was a high-quality Simmental English National Show with the judge Stewart Stronach congratulating all of the exhibitors for the standard of animals forward and noting that he had ‘seen Simmentals that I think will be some of the best in the UK today’!

Cade Fifi’s Nala is an ET calf by Sacombe Jameson and out of the noted Sterling Celia’s Fifi, who is owned in a three-way split by the Cades along with the Brandane herd of Jimmy McMillan and the Key herd of GD Key & Sons.  Sterling Celia’s Fifi, bred by Boddington Estates, by Sterling Cotswold, and out of Sterling Delores Celia, is a past winner of the English National Show having lifted the title in 2017 at the Three Counties Show.  Later that same year she was sold for 22,000gns, a then albeit briefly held Simmental female record, at the Boddington Estate Herd Dispersal Sale and to Harte Farms, Republic of Ireland. In 2021 the ‘herd consortium’ came together to buy Sterling Celia’s Fifi for 6200 Euros at the Harte’s online Dispersal Sale. The quality of Cade Fifi’s Nala suggests this was a knowledgeable and rewarding investment and Sharrie Cade was quick to thank and acknowledge Jimmy McMillan, and Simon Key for their part in ‘the journey with Sterling Celia’s Fifi’.

It was an emotional win for the Cades and from their Cade herd which was only established in 2017 and now comprises of some 25 breeding females and fifty head in all.  Commenting afterwards, Sharrie Cade said:  “It really has been quite overwhelming to win these prestigious titles against such strong competition, and it’s going to take a little time to sink in!  Fifi’s Nala is stylish, modern, easy fleshed with good growth, and most importantly for us is very correct.  She’s a very special heifer but she is typical of the type of animals that we are looking to breed.”   The wins at the Royal Lancashire Show are the highest show achievements for the herd to date but with them also having bred the bull Cade Nugget who took the Male Championship at the 2023 Simmental English National Show and also the Interbreed Male Continental Champion at the same Royal Norfolk show, for Chris & Zara Curson’s Hollybrook herd.

With a host of titles behind her this year, Cade Fifi’s Nala has been part of Simmental winning Interbreed Teams and Groups at the Royal Norfolk, was breed champion at Herts Show and Reserve Continental Interbreed, and was Reserve Supreme Simmental at Suffolk, and Royal Norfolk Shows!  Bringing two quality heifers to the show, another red ticket was secured when the January 2023 born Cade Kathleen’s Prada, also by Sacombe Jameson 18, won the fourth heifer class on the day.

Reserve Overall Champion Popes Princess Noor

Females were to the fore and taking the Reserve Overall Supreme, and Reserve Female title was Popes Princess Noor from well-known local breeders Jimmy & Vikki Wood, Popes Farm, Preston, Lancashire. April 2022 born, Popes Princess Noor is an ET calf by the noted Team Celtic and is out of Popes Princess Hettie. This in-calf heifer (to Denizes Hamish) arrived at the Royal Lancashire having won the Simmental Supreme Championship at the 2024 Great Yorkshire Show.  Commenting, Stewart Stronach said:  “This is another tremendous Simmental heifer.  She’s full of show presence, has a beautiful head, and carried herself extremely well.” A multi title winning animal, Popes Princess Noor was the Overall Junior, and Junior Female Champion at the 2023 Simmental English National Show, and is a half sister to the all-conquering 2022 Simmental English Show Champion, Popes Princess Lumi.

The quality kept on coming and winning the Male Championship, Junior Male, and Overall Junior, was the very stylish January 2023 born Simply Peter Pan from Robert & Louise Fitton, Moss Hall Farm, Lostock, Bolton, and another from the Red Rose County of Lancashire. This calf is by Ashland Magic and is out of Derrycallaghan Kitkat (ET). Of his Male Champion Stewart Stronach said: “Again a very modern Simmental, this bull is long and clean with a great turn of hip, and carried himself extremely well. He’s a bull with all the qualities to do both jobs as a breeder’s bull, and as a high-end commercial bull.”  For the ten cow Simply herd who are ‘not regulars in the showring’, this was their highest show accolade to date and with it being the bull’s first time out.  Commenting Robert Fitton said:  “We really think this bull is the full package of looks, breeding, and figures.  His sire was bought for length, colour, and figures, and his dam is a thick set cow.  He’s clean with width and end, and no gut and carries a +9 figure for Maternal (Milk), and is +109 for Self-Replacing Index.”  In a little footnote, all of the Simply animals registered in 2023 carry the name Peter within, in tribute to Robert’s dad, so a very fitting win.

Male Champion, Junior Male and Overall Junior Champion Simply Peter Pan 23

Lifting the Reserve Male Championship was the January 2023 born bull Popes Premier 23. Sired by Popes Lethal Weapon, Popes Premier 23 was shown through last summer as a calf at foot alongside his multi title winning mum, Popes Princess Immie. Premier’s grand dam is the herd’s famous, and much decorated cow, Popes Princess Cleo. In his own, Popes Premier 23 won the Simmental Pedigree Calf Championship and National Pedigree Calf Show Interbreed, at the English Winter Fair in November 2023.  This year he won the Male Championship and Reserve Overall to his stablemate Popes Princess Noor, at the 2024 Great Yorkshire Show.

Reserve Male Champion Popes Premier

Back in the females and the Junior Female Champion and Reserve Junior Overall was Atlow Plume from David Donnelly, Atlow House, Ashbourne, Derbyshire.  June 2023 born this was another ‘first timer’ in the show ring.  Sired by Dermotstown King Kong (ET), Atlow Plume is out of Atlow Dora’s Jojo who goes back to Kilbride Farm Dora 34A EX94.  The Atlow Herd has secured many show Championships over the years and speaking afterwards David Donnelly said this heifer was right up there with previous breeding: “Atlow Plume is one of the best heifers we have bred since Atlow Valentine who was an Overall Simmental and Interbreed Champion at the Royal Show in the early 2000’s.”  From here the aim is that Atlow Plume will be entered, along with two other show heifers, to the Next Generation IV Simmental female Sale at Carlisle in December.

Junior Female Champion Atlow Plume

Another local breeder putting forward a mighty team of animals was MA Barlow & Sons from their noted Denizes herd.  Enjoying a fine day the herd picked up four class winners (three in the bull classes) and four second prizes.  The consistency and performance of the Denizes entries saw the herd pick up the Imex Award for the breeder winning most points across all of the classes.

Pair winners – Denizes Melody 53 & Denizes Melody 52

Group of Four

Judge Stewart Stronach with Overall Champion Cade Fifi’s Nala and Reserve Champion Popes Princess Noor with Iain Kerr from BSCSJunior Championship

Simmental English National Show
(Held within Royal Lancashire Show)
Saturday 20th July 2024

Judge: Mr Stewart Stronach, Islavale Herd, Berryleys Farm, Keith

Class S1a Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
1st J H & V G Wood                    Popes Trixies Pearl
2nd A S Leedham                       Grangewood Jewel’s Princess
3rd David Donnelly                     Atlow Pippa

Popes Trixies Pearl

 Class S2b Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
1st David Donnelly                    Atlow Plume
2nd Barlow Brothers                 Denizes Matilda 15th
3rd Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Eunice 5th
4th Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Nelly 14th

Class S2c Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Matilda 16th
2nd Barlow Brothers                 Denizes Melody 58
3rd PM & R Fitton                     Simply Trixi Pixie

Denizes Matilda 16th

Class S2 Heifer, born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2023
1st PA & SM Cade                        Cade Kathleen’s Prada
2nd JH & VG Wood                      Popes Trixies Prudence
3rd R & L Storersmith                 Storersmith Puzzle
4th J H & V G Wood                     Popes Trixies Perla
5th T & J Hassall                          Fishpool Poppy

Cade Kathleen’s Prada

 Class S3 Heifer, Born on or between 1st August and 31st December 2022
1st PA & SM Cade                      Cade Fifi’s Nala
2nd RE & SHW Steggles          Denizes Melody 53
3rd RE & SHW Steggles           Denizes Melody 52
4th A S Leedham                      Grangewood Tollie’s Natalie

 Class S4 Heifer, born on or between 1st April and 31st July 2022
1st J H & V G Wood                    Popes Princess Noor
2nd A S Leedham                       Grangewood Nicole
3rd Steven White                        Tirley Bluebelle

Class S9a Bull, born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Predator 23
2nd J H & V G Wood                  Popes Paxton 23
3rd RE & SHW Steggles            Wacton Peroni 23
4th PM & R Fitton                     Simply Pete (Big) 23

Denizes Predator

Class S9b Bull, born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                    Denizes Passito 23 (P)
2nd Barlow Brothers                   Denizes Pablo 23
3rd Barlow Brothers                    Denizes Powerboy 23
4th Barlow Brothers                    Denizes Portobello 23

Denizes Passito

Class S9c Bull, born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                     Denizes Phantom 23
2nd Barlow Brothers                   Denizes Paparazzi 23
3rd RE & SHW Steggles               Wacton Powerhouse 23

Denizes Phantom

Class S10 Bull born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2023
1st PM & R Fitton                       Simply Peter Pan 23
2nd J H & V G Wood                   Popes Premier 23
3rd J H & V G Wood                    Popes Power 23

Class S11 Bull born in 2022
1st R & L Storersmith                Storersmith Navarone 22

Storersmith Navarone

Class S13 Pair of animals
1st RE & SHW Steggles
2nd A S Leedham
3rd JH & VG Wood
4th Barlow Brothers

S14 Group of four
1st  JH & VG Wood
2nd RE & SHW Steggles
3rd Barlow Brothers

Overall Champion
Cade Fifi’s Nala                          PA & SM Cade

Reserve Overall Champion
Popes Princess Noor                JH & VG Wood

Female Champion
Cade Fifi’s Nala                          PA & SM Cade

 Reserve Female Champion
Popes Princess Noor                JH & VG Wood

Junior Female Champion
Atlow Plume                                 David Donnelly

Male Champion
Simply Peter Pan                        PM & R Fitton

Reserve Male Champion
Popes Premier 23                      J H & V G Wood            

Champion Junior Male
Simply Peter Pan                        PM & R Fitton

Junior Champion
Simply Peter Pan                        PM & R Fitton