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2024 East Anglian Herd Competition Results

Best Bull Calf 1st Wacton Russell RE & SHW Steggles 2nd Hemingford Red Rum James Griffin 3rd Cade Riddick PA & SM Cade Yearling Bull 1st Hemmingford Pluto James Griffin 2nd Fircovert Pilot P Gunther 3rd Wacton Peroni RE & SHW Steggles Stock Bull 1st...

2024 Midland Club Herd Competition

Judge David Lowry Small Herd 1st David Donnelly - Atlow 2nd Chris & Kath Martindale - Forsdale 3rd N & K Goddard - Ashes Medium Herd 1st Paul Jolliffe - Star Green 2nd R & L Storersmith - Storersmith 3rd David Loftus - Blackpool Large Herd 1st Jimmy &...


by | Jul 29, 2024

  • Ballinalare Farm Nikita wins Overall Reserve Individual Interbreed
  • Ranfurly Principal P12 Wins Overall Reserve, Male Champion & Junior Champion, and the Beef Stakes Interbreed
  • Dermody Princess 2 takes Simmental Reserve Female Championship
  • Coolcran Pharaoh 23 wins Simmental Reserve Male Championship

 The all-conquering heifer Ballinalare Farm Nikita, from Joe & Alan Wilson, Dorans Hill, Newry, Co Down, continued her trophy laden show career when winning the 2024 NI Simmental National Show, held within the Randox Antrim Show, at Shanes Castle, Randalstown Road on Saturday 27th July.

Ballinalare Farm Nikita Overall Supreme & Female Champion

This latest win for the February 2022 born heifer saw her retain her NI Simmental National Show title that she won last year, and followed on from her win at the 2024 RUAS Balmoral Show in May, which was also a defence of that title.  This double-double is thought to be a first for a Simmental in Northern Ireland.

Ballinalare Farm Nikita, who is sired by the 14,000gns Saltire Impressive is out of Ballinalare Farm Ilyssa whose Granddam is a full sister of the noted Ballinalare Farm Nightrider.

Judge for the day was Jim Goldie of the noted Newbiemains herd at Annan, Dumfries and who commented on his Champion: “This heifer is just naturally very wide. She has power and is in good condition, and is very feminine with it.  Just a terrific representative of the Simmental breed.”   Later in the day Ballinalare Farm Nikita, who is in-calf to Omorga Murray,  placed Overall Reserve in the Individual Interbreed judged by John Finlay, Blackcraigs, Castle Douglas.

Judge Jim Goldie

Speaking afterwards a delighted Joe Wilson said:  “Ballinalare Farm Nikita is just a special heifer but we could never have imagined winning both the RUAS Balmoral and NI Simmental National titles in consecutive years.  It’s a great honour to have done so and against such a high standard of animals.”

On 7th September the Ballinalare herd is having an export sale at Rathfriland with around 25 head for sale including full embryo siblings to Ballinalare Farm Nikita, and also to the 28,000gns Banhill Farm Masterpiece.  Also selling on the same day will be 20 breeding females, including fifteen heifers, from the Ranfurly herd of David and Jonny Hazelton, Cohannon House, Dungannon.  With more than a little symmetry therefore it was the Ranfurly herd who took the Reserve Overall, Male, and Junior Championship titles with their young bull Ranfurly Principal P12 who will also feature in the sale in September.

Ranfurly Principal Reserve Overall, Male Champion, Junior Champion

Entirely homebred, Ranfurly Principal 12 23 is an AI calf by Ranfurly Limelight L11 20, who was sold for 16,000gns at Stirling in February 2022, and is out of the Raceview King daughter Ranfurly Weikel 13th EH17 EX90. Further progeny from Ranfurly Limelight L11 20 will also be for sale in September.  Ranfurly Principal 12 arrived at Antrim with a good show pedigree behind him having stood second in his class to the Male Champion at the 2024 RUAS Balmoral Show, and having been Male Champion and Reserve Supreme at Omagh Show.  Of this April 2023 born calf the judge Jim Goldie said:  “This is a really stylish calf, again with natural width, shape and conformation.  He’s a modern bull that will continue to improve and develop and with a good future ahead of him.”  Later in the show Ranfurly Principal 12 powered on to win the Pedigree Beef Bull Stakes for all pedigree bulls in show, born on or after 1st January 2023, and judged by Raymond Irvine, Banffshire.

Dermody Princess 2 Reserve Female Champion

Standing Reserve Female Champion to the Overall Supreme was another stylish heifer in the shape of Dermody Princess 2 from JL & CJ Weatherup, Ballyclare, Co Antrim.  Bred by Mr N Jagoe, this September 2002 heifer by Saltire Impressive and out of Dermody Kandy, a Glebedale Tyson daughter, was purchased by the Weatherups at Roscommon for €9200.  In May this year Dermody Princess 2 stood Reserve Female Champion at the 2024 RUAS Balmoral Show and again to Ballinalare Farm Nikita.  She was AI’d some six weeks ago to Raceview King and will now go out to grass within the herd’s 35 breeding females.   Commenting on his Reserve Female the judge said:  This is a lovely stretchy, deep ribbed heifer with a tremendous body.  I have no doubt she will continue to develop and go on and make a first class breeding female.”

Coolcran Pharaoh Reserve Male Champion & Overall Reserve Junior

Taking the Reserve Male Championship and Overall Reserve Junior Championship was the stylish October 2023 born Coolcran Pharaoh 23 from Shane & Paul McDonald, Coolcran, Tempo, Co Fermanagh.  This calf is by Islavale Miami, and is out of Coolcran Cinderella’s Gucci, an Ashland Brandy daughter, who shares the same maternal line as the 26,000gns Coolcran Heidi’s Noreen.  Of his Reserve Male Champion Jim Goldie said:  This young bull had a really nice length and stretch to him and had a super, breedy head. Well proportioned, with good feet and legs, he walked extremely well and has every potential to go on to make a pedigree bull.”  Enjoying a strong show Pharaoh’s stablemate, and class winner, Coolcran Peroni won the Bull Performance for the bull, born on or after 1st January 2023, scoring highest points combining Self Replacing Index and Physical Attributes.  July 2023 born, Coolcran Peroni is also by Islavale Miami, and is out of the Carnkern Titan daughter Ranfurly Weikel 38th L5 (ET), who was purchased at the Ranfurly Production Sale herd in 2020.  Coolcran Peroni has a Self-Replacing Index of +128 putting him in the breed’s top 5%, and with a Maternal (Milk) figure of +14, a breed top 1% figure for this trait.  Both Pharaoh and Peroni are from the first crop of calves by the herd stock bull Islavale Miami 21 purchased privately in the summer of 2022.

Coolcran Precious Royalbeauty Heifer Performance Winner

For good measure Coolcran Precious Royal Beauty then won the heifer performance recorded class, awarded to the heifer, born on or after 1st January 2022, scoring the highest points combining Self Replacing Index and physical attributes. September 2023 born this heifer is by Coolcran Maximus 21, who is now the stock bull within Heather Duff’s Pitmudie herd in Scotland, and is out of Raceview Farah Royal (ET).

Hosted by the Northern Ireland Simmental Breeder’s Club, the NI Simmental National Show was also a part of the programme of events attended by British Simmental Young Members as part of a weekend that saw them have a National Stockjudging at the Kilbride farm herd of WH Robson & Sons, plus herd visits to the Ballinalare herd of Joe & Alan Wilson, Dorans Hill, Newry, Co Down, and the Hiltonstown herd of Richard & Rhys Rodgers, Portglenone, Co Antrim.

NI Simmental National Show at Antrim Show, July 27th, 2024
Judge: Jim Goldie, Newbie Mains Farm, Annan

 Class 67 – Cow or Heifer in milk or in calf, kindly sponsored by Animax
1st          Mr WD & JD Hazelton – Ranfurly Lady Diana 41 M14 – S: Auchorachan Hercules 16 D: Ranfurly Lady Diana 33

Class 68 – Senior heifer, born between 1st January 2022 & 30th June 2022, kindly sponsored by Animax
1st          Mr J & Mr A Wilson – Ballinalare Farm Nikita – S: Saltire Impressive 17 D: Ballinalare Farm Ilyssa

Class 68 Ballinalare Farm Nikita

Class 69 – Intermediate heifer, born between 1st July 2022 & 31st December 2022, kindly   sponsored by Countryside Services
1st          J & C Weatherup – Dermody Princess 2 – S: Saltire Impressive 17 D: Dermody Kandy
2nd          J Glasgow – Bridgewater Farm Evie 5 – S: Auchorachan Hercules 16 D: Bridgewater Farm Evie 2
3rd          J Glasgow – Raceview PCH Vivkim ET – S: Coose Jericho (P) D: Raceview Chantelle Vivian
4th          R & R Rodgers – Hiltonstown Nadia – S: Raceview King Bat K 019 D: Hiltonstown Topaz

Class 69 Dermody Princess 2

Class 70 – Junior heifer, born between 1st January 2023 & 30th April 2023, kindly sponsored by Yara
1st          A Clarke – Breaghey Class P477 – S: Omorga Horton 16 D: Breaghey Class I286
2nd          M & E McCloskey – Drumagarner RVH Escelina – S: Dermotstown Delboy D: Drumagarner Helen
3rd          J & C Weatherup – Lisglass Primrose – S: Saltire Impressive 17 D: Lisglass Kit-Kat
4th          A Clarke – Breaghey Vida – P504 – S: Kilbride Farm Marvel 21 D: Breaghey Vida K362

Class 70 Breaghey Class P477

Class 71 – Junior heifer, born between 1st May 2023 & 31st August 2023, kindly sponsored by Noel Kilpatrick Financial Services
1st          W & J Hazelton – Ranfurly Weikel 52 P18 23 – S: Ranfurly Limelight L11 20 D: Ranfurly Weikel 18 H2
2nd          W Dodd – Craigy Violet P9 – S: Keeldrum Gambler 15 D: Craigy Violet L4
3rd          W Dodd – Craigy Beatrice P10 – S: Keeldrum Gambler 15 D: Craigy Beatrice H1 (P)
4th          R & R Rodgers – Hiltonstown Posh S: Hiltonstown Lachlan 20 D: Hiltonstown Angel 2

Class 71 Ranfurly Weikel 52 P18 23

Class 72 – Junior heifer, born between 1st September 2023 & 31st December 2023, kindly sponsored by T Met.
1st          H Stubbs & A Burleigh – Derrycallaghan Polly – S: Manor Park Hansome 16 D: Derrycallaghan Hotpants
2nd          H Stubbs & A Burleigh – Derrycallaghan Primrose – S: Manor Park Hansome 16 D: Derrycallaghan Kalmaty-Jane
3rd          J & C Weatherup – Lisglass Panache S: Omorga Volvo D: Lisglass Kerry
4th          S McDonald – Coolcran Precious Royalbeauty – S:Coolcran Maximus 21 D: Raceview Farah Royal ET

Class 72 Derrycallaghan Polly

Class 74 – Heifer performance recorded class – Awarded to the heifer scoring the highest points combining Self Replacing Index and physical attributes.  Heifers which are born on or after 1 January 2022 are eligible.  Kindly sponsored by ABP.
1st          Coolcran Precious Royal Beauty            134 points
2nd          Breaghey Vide P504                                131 points
3rd          Breaghey Class P477                               102 points
4th          Ranfurly Weikel 52 P18                           96 points                                         

Female Champion                      – Ballinalare Farm Nikita
Reserve Female Champion    – Dermody Princess 2

Class 76 – Junior bull, born between 1st January 2023 and 30th April 2023, kindly sponsored by Biocell
1st          W & J Hazelton – Ranfurly Principal P12 23 – S: Ranfurly Limelight L11 20 D: Ranfurly Weikel 13
2nd          C & S McIlwaine – Corrick Patriot 23 – S: Curaheen Drifter – D: Corrick Cherry

Class 76 Ranfurly Principal

Class 77 – Junior bull born between 1st May 2023 & 31st August 2023. kindly sponsored by Millburn Concrete
1st          S McDonald – Coolcran Peroni – S: Islavale Miami 21 D: Ranfurly Weikel 38th L5
2nd          W Dodd – Craigy Prime 23 – S:Seafront Gill – D:Craigy Jessica L9
3rd          M Cunning – Pointfarms Panther 23 – S:Hiltonstown Lancelot – D:Pointfarms Margo
4th          M & E McCloskey – Drumagarner Peter 23 – S: Dermotstown Delboy D: Drumagarner Shannon
5th          M Cunning – Pointfarms Premier 23 – S: Hiltonstown Lancelot 20 D: Pointfarms Kelly
6th          W & G Nelson – Drumacritten Peter 23 – S:Auchorachan Hercules D: Drumacritten Jackie

Class 77 Coolcran Peroni

Class 78 Junior bull born between 1st September 2023 & 31st December 2023, kindly sponsored by Provita
 1st         S McDonald – Coolcran Pharaoh S: Islavale Miami D: Coolcran Cinderellas Gucci
2nd          C & S McIwaine – Corrick Presley 23 S: Seafront Gill D: Corrick Matilda
3rd          W Dodd – Craigy Paddington 23 S: Saltire Impressive 17 D: Craigy Jessica K2

Class 78 Coolcran Pharaoh

 Class 80 – DANI Rosebowl Bull Performance Award – Awarded to the bull scoring highest points combining Self Replacing Index and Physical Attributes, Bulls which are born on or after 1st January 2023 are eligible, Kindly sponsored by George Hamilton Machinery
1st          Coolcran Peroni              163 points
2nd          Coolcran Pharaoh          144 points
3rd          Corrick Presley               141 points

Kindly sponsored by Danske Bank

Male Champion                           Ranfurly Principal P12
Reserve Male Champion          Coolcran Pharaoh
Beef Stakes                                    Ranfurly Principal P12

Junior Championship, kindly sponsored by Danske Bank
Champion                                    Ranfurly Principal P12
Reserve Junior Champion        Coolcran Pharaoh

 Overall Championship, kindly sponsored by Danske Bank
Overall Champion                       Ballinalare Farm Nikita
Reserve Overall Champion     Ranfurly Principal P12

Overall Reserve Interbreed    Ballinalare Farm Nikita

Class 81 Pair of animals, property of exhibitor kindly sponsored by L&B Estate Agents
1st          Ranfurly – W & J Hazelton
2nd          Derrycallaghan – A Burleigh
3rd          Drumagarner – E McCloskey

Ranfurly Winning Pair of Animals

Class 82 Group of 3 property of one exhibitor.  Kindly sponsored by Irwin Feeds
1st          Craigy
2nd          Ranfurly
3rd          Lisglass

Craigy Herd Winning Group of Three

 Class 83 – Young Handler aged 8-12 years old on show day – Kindly sponsored by Thompson.
1st          Lewis Dodd
2nd          Timothy Rainey
3rd          Danny Clarke

Class 83 Lewis Dodd Young Handler 8-12 years

 Class 84 Young Handler aged 13-18 years old on show day –Kindly sponsored by Fanevalley
1st          Jamie Dodd
2nd          Rhys Rodgers

Class 84 Jamie Dodd Young Handler 13-18 years

Female & Res Female with Show Sponsors