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Simmental Farm Open days in 2023

A big part of forward breed promotion for the Simmental Society in association with regional clubs, will be to hold a series of Farm Open Days at venues, commercial and pedigree, across the UK and where you can see the breed in action.

Kicking this off we are delighted to announce the first four Simmental Open days in 2023 will be held at venues in Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales respectively. The aim of these days will be to showcase the working abilities and good economics of Simmental cattle through the milk and maternal, and terminal traits that they are renowned for.

Please see below the dates and a brief pen picture of each of the Open Days.

RJ McKane, Spring Farm, Ballymena

Saturday 20th May

First up is Northern Ireland and the commercial and pedigree enterprise of RJ McKane, Spring Farm, Ballymena, County Antrim. James McKane and family farm a Suckler to beef enterprise on 120 Acres in Ballymena, Co Antrim. The Suckler Herd is comprised of 55 cows which calve over a 12-week block in the months of February, March and April. Cows on the McKane’s farm are predominantly Simmental bred and two Simmental stock bulls are used within the herd. Heifers calve at 24 months and are bred first time to an Aberdeen Angus Bull. 

Vernon & Jon Bailey, Mixbury Hall, Brackley, Northants

Thursday 1st June

Vernon and Jon Bailey’s Mixbury Hall, Near Brackley in Northamptonshire. This mixed farm enterprise of beef, sheep and arable carries a closed herd of 70 pedigree Simmentals with 10 to 12 retained each year, and remaining heifers sold to other breeders across the UK. Young bulls not suitable for breeding are finished and sold direct, with the remaining male calves sold as yearlings through the local Thame market.

DG Manson & Sons, Brodieshill Farm, Forres, Inverness

Saturday 8th July

Next up will be noted commercial producers Colin and Robert Manson, D & G Manson and Sons, Brodieshill Farm, Forres, Inverness. The Mansons have 145 head of suckler cows the majority of which are Simmental crosses, calving in the Spring, and they breed all of their own replacements. Previously finishing the bull calves, they have more recently been castrating them and selling them as stores at Thainstone. At present the Mansons run three Simmental bulls purchased from the Blackford and Islavale herds. A very focussed commercial herd and will be a top venue.

Mark & Emma Evans, Upper Harglodd, Haverfordwest, Pembs

Friday 18th August

In August the Society and Wales Simmental Club will hold a further Farm Open Day at the Dewisland herd of Mark and Emma Evans, Upper Harglodd, Haverfordwest, Pembs. Farming across holdings, there’s an emphasis on home grown feed in what is both a pedigree and commercial suckler system. Fifty pedigree cows and 20 in-calf heifers form the basis of the pedigree herd at Upper Harglodd. In added value diversification, the Evans’ also have a boxed beef scheme, and run a micro-brewery! Sure to be another hugely interesting day. At the time of writing, we are finalising the dates with the host farms and will be advertising them early in the New Year. Some great Simmental based visits ahead and Farm Open days not to be missed!