Snapshot farm feature on George and Charles Gordon, Lost Farm, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire as they prepare to market their Simmental heifers with calves at foot, on Tuesday 27th April at Aberdeen & Northern Marts’ Thainstone Agricultural Centre.
Simmental heifers with calves at foot from George and Charles Gordon, Lost Farm, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire, are well sought after each year at Aberdeen and Northern Marts’ breeding sales held at Thainstone. Over the past 20 years, the father and son duo has been selling strong consignments of well-bred outfits to returned buyers at both the spring and autumn fixtures, producing overall sale averages as high as £2920 and top prices of £3700.
The family farms 1100 acres of land which rises to 948ft above sea level and includes 200 acres hill ground, while 125 acres of spring barley, 40 acres of fodder rape and 11 acres of fodder beet is grown. As well as running a 50-cow suckler herd of mainly Simmental cross females, the family also keeps 1100 breeding ewes which includes mainly Texel cross ewes to produce prime lambs which are sold through Aberdeen and Northern Marts.
Simmentals have been a staple part of the business for some years and Charles believes there is nothing to beat the breed, particularly when it comes to mothering ability. “We find Simmental cross females are ideal functional cows and do a great job of producing quality calves which are easy fleshing and reach a good weight,” said Charles. “They produce plenty of milk and have the ability to be crossed to any breed successfully.” While the family sells all of their calves as yearling stores through Thainstone, they also buy in around 80 bulling heifers through the centre each year for selling back through the sale ring with Limousin calves at foot in the spring and autumn.
The bulk of the heifers are pure Simmentals or Simmental crosses and are bought at 18-24-months-old from noted homes. “I usually start buying in heifers around the end of January and I like to buy ones with big frames and plenty of length,” said Charles.

“Simmental crosses are the most popular suckler breed in Aberdeenshire so there is huge demand for them at Thainstone, particularly darker red and white types which I try to buy more of.”
The heifers are now calved earlier at Lost to get the calves to a good, strong size for sale day, with the first calving from the end of January onwards. “The calves need that extra bit of size and style to sell the unit well so we have found that having older calves works in our favour,” said Charles.
The Lost consignments at both the April and October sales usually produce some of the highest herd averages, with last year’s 26 outfits sold in the spring averaging £2888 and reaching a top of £3300.
In the autumn, they sold equally well with 19 units cashing it to average £2673 but it was in May, 2014 when they produced their best average yet of £2920 and a top price of £3700 for the champion. “We have the same customers coming back each year which is really pleasing to see,” commented Charles. “These Simmental heifers have the ability to last long and will go on for 10 years or more, producing good quality calves.”
“Simmental crosses are the most popular suckler breed in Aberdeenshire so there is huge demand for them at Thainstone, particularly darker red and white types which I try to buy more of.”
The heifers are now calved earlier at Lost to get the calves to a good, strong size for sale day, with the first calving from the end of January onwards. “The calves need that extra bit of size and style to sell the unit well so we have found that having older calves works in our favour,” said Charles.
The Lost consignments at both the April and October sales usually produce some of the highest herd averages, with last year’s 26 outfits sold in the spring averaging £2888 and reaching a top of £3300.
In the autumn, they sold equally well with 19 units cashing it to average £2673 but it was in May, 2014 when they produced their best average yet of £2920 and a top price of £3700 for the champion. “We have the same customers coming back each year which is really pleasing to see,” commented Charles. “These Simmental heifers have the ability to last long and will go on for 10 years or more, producing good quality calves.”

With next week’s sale of 350 head of adult breeding cattle just around the corner, George and Charles are hoping for another great sale at Thainstone. This year’s spring consignment includes 34 outfits, all of which have been individually tested and BVD vaccinated. Calves are also tissue tagged. “Thainstone is a great centre for selling breeding stock, particularly big framed, milky Simmentals which suit the market,” added Charles, who hopes to have a similar number forward for the sale in October. “I couldn’t fault the Simmental breed and, in my opinion, there is nothing better than a shed full of Simmental females.”
Next week’s sale at Thainstone Centre, Inverurie, on Tuesday, April 27, will commence at 10am in the Thainstone Exchange. Buyers must register ahead of the sale and online bidding will be available through the Thainstone Online platform.