Simmental Society involved in trials in Cumbria and Yorkshire dales.

by | Jul 15, 2015

Monitoring the performance of different breeds of cattle on commons or rough grazing

The aims of which are to increase understanding of  how grazing breeding or growing cattle on a common, allotment or other rough grazing affects:

•             growth rates of the animals

•             the quality and quantity of grass available in-bye for conservation or feeding other stock

•             the rough grazing vegetation

And identify any problems with grazing rough ground or a common

We are monitoring:

•         Growth rates or condition score changes

•         Grass quality on rough ground

•         Grass quality and some growth rates on in-bye

•         Fertiliser inputs on in-bye

•         Any health problems or management issues

•         Cost/ benefit analysis

6 of the 12 farmers participating have some Simmentals or Simmental crosses in their herds.