In 2024, Simmental Young Members were again very much to the fore again throughout the Simmental year and playing an active and very visible part at Society sales, summer shows, and major events. Perhaps a highlight of the year was the Young Members Weekend held in Northern Ireland in July which saw members from across the UK come together for three days of stockjudging; herd visits; a trip to the NI National Show; and with plenty of time for socialising with fellow Young Members. See the report of the weekend in this section, and the provisional programme for the 2025 SYM Weekend.
The SYMA continues to be the forum for young members to develop their interest and knowledge in all things Simmental and cattle breeding generally. Hugely important it is a foundation for the development of young Simmental members and the improvement of the Simmental breed in the future.
Simmental young members can be found in all the affiliated Clubs around the UK and the Society is keen to grow SYMA membership and activity. Collectively, with support from the SYMA officeholders, and the British Simmental Cattle Society, events are organised at both local and national level and can typically include:
- National and regional SYMA stockjudging
- Herd visits and open days
- Exchange visits and trips
- Courses in cattle preparation, feeding, halter training, clipping, showing cattle and general stock knowledge
- Technical days and online courses on cattle breeding, genetics, EBVS & genomics
- Marketing of Simmental cattle and use of online forums for breed promotion
- SYMA Social events
The Simmental Young Member Association is a fantastic forum for you to learn more about cattle and the livestock industry generally. It’s a lot of fun, educational, and a great opportunity to meet and mix with people who share a common interest in British Simmental, one of the UK’s leading beef breeds.
Want to join the SYMA and help us grow the organisation? Then please contact us at or on 02476 696513

The Simmental Young Members Association is a fantastic forum for you learn more about cattle and the livestock industry generally. It’s a lot of fun, educational, and a great opportunity to meet and mix with people who share a common interest in British Simmental, one of the UK’s leading beef breeds.
Want to join the SYMA and help us grow the organisation? Then please contact us at or on 02476 696513