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2025 Simmental Young

Members Weekend


In another exciting announcement, first notice is given that the 2025 BSCS Young Members Weekend will be held in Perth, Scotland between 1st – 3rd August.

Following the success of the event in Northern Ireland, the 2025 weekend will follow a similar programme including herd visits, a national stock judging competition for teams and individuals, and a visit to the Scottish National Simmental Show within Perth Show. As well as the ‘business at hand’ the weekend will again see plenty of time for fun and socialising at the arranged events and barbecues.

With a view to building upon this week, discussions are ongoing around the herd visits within the weekend being developed into a breed promotional farm walk/visit, and open to everyone.

As with last year’s Young Members Weekend it is again very much hoped that all BSCS Clubs will get involved with this event to promote it and by encouraging and helping young members within the respective regions to attend. Please look out for further details in due course but very much a date for your diaries.


Organisation for the weekend is underway but please see here some general points of information that we hope are helpful and clear:

OPEN TO ALL: The weekend, and stock judging competition, is open to all Young Simmental Members who wish to attend. Respective parents and guardians are also welcome to accompany and attend. As above, discussions are ongoing around the herd visits within the weekend being developed into a breed promotional farm walk/visit, and open to everyone.

STOCK JUDGING COMPETITION & TEAMS FROM THE BSCS REGIONS: As noted, the weekend and stock judging competition is open to all Young Simmental Members who wish to attend either individually or as part of a Regional Team. We would again very much hope that each Regional Club would be able to encourage and put forward at a minimum a Junior and a Senior Team comprising of two young members in each team. The method of selecting the teams is at the discretion of each Regional Club.

In the competition the Junior Section is for Young Members up to the age of 21, with the Senior Section being for ages 21-30.

COMPETITION CLASSES & PRIZES: The stock judging competition will follow a typical format with four cattle classes, and one reasons class. There will be maximum points of 250 (50 points per class) and scored in Young Farmers format.

Prizes will be awarded to: Individual Junior = 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Individual Senior= 1st, 2nd 3rd; Junior Team= 1st, 2nd, 3rd: Senior Team = 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Reasons Winner Junior; Reasons Winner Senior; Overall Winner; Reserve Overall Winner; Best Points Under 16 (or Junior); and International Winner.

It’s all about the experience, taking part, and friendships established but there will be some terrific prizes on offer and including plaques/prize cards; cash prizes; and trophies!

FLIGHTS, ACCOMMODATION, TRANSPORT: We will again be working with the Nottinghamshire based company Field Farm Tours (FFT) who specialise in, and help with the logistics of booking flights, securing hotels, and organising transport for groups. FFT will be able to help members with enquiries and making bookings for this trip.

PLEASE NOTE: We would very much hope that the respective Regional Clubs will again be able to support the flight/travel costs of the respective Young Members in the teams that the Club put forward. As noted, the weekend and competition is open to all and with individual young breeders wishing to attend responsible for their respective travel costs. (Farm Field Tours would again be willing to help individuals). Any parents and guardians, travelling and attending, would also be responsible for their own travel costs.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATION: The present aim is that attendees will stay in a hotel(s) in the Perth area. The Society will cover the costs of the two nights of accommodation for the Young Members who are part of the teams put forward by the Regional Clubs. As with above individual young members, and any parents and guardians, attending, will be responsible for their own accommodation costs.

PERTH SHOW: A highlight of the trip will be the visit to Perth Show on the Saturday with the event also hosting the 2025 Scottish National Simmental Show. This will be an opportunity to see some terrific Simmental cattle, meet Scottish Simmental breeders, and to take in the whole show experience.

*The Scottish Simmental Club and the Society will continue to work on the details of this weekend, and please look out for further information and updates.
It has all the ingredients to be another fantastic weekend and to bring British Simmental Young Members, from all geographies, together in 2025.

If you would like to register your early interest in this event then please fill out and submit the electronic form below and we will forward you all further information in due course.

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