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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....

Bristol Show and Sale – Simmental sell to 4,200gns at Bristol

by | Apr 10, 2010

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The Simmental Society show and sale took place at the Bristol Sales Centre with vendors from no less than seventeen different counties participating. In the pre- sale show the judge Mr. John Moore of Northern Ireland awarded the male champion to ‘Penwern Wilson’ exhibited by Mr. R Jenkins of Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion, who later sold at 3,000gns to Messrs Counsell.

The reserve male champion was Crackley Whiteknight, a polled bull exhibited by Messrs Booth & Bell of Kenilworth, Warwickshire who sold for the top bid of the day at 4,200gns to Messrs Cole of Yelverton Devon. Boddington Estates of Cheltenham Gloucestershire won all three female classes. Their female champion was a maiden heifer ‘Sterling Julia’s Waneta’ by ‘Sterling Alex’ selling at 2,700gns with their reserve female champion ‘Sterling Nova’s Amethyst’ – a 15month old maiden heifer selling at 1900gns.

Boddington’s 1st Prize 5 year old cow and 3 month old bull calf sold at 2,500gns. Mr. and Mrs. D Mills sold an in-calf heifer ‘Wishful Vanilla’ at 3,500gns which stood 2nd in her class. Mr. R Greenham of East Sussex sold his 2nd prize maiden heifer ‘Boars Head Grace 4th’ at 2,300 gns.

Other notable Bull prices were:-
P.N Burgess ‘Tibrook Warrior’- 3,500gns
P.N Burgess ‘Tibrook Watty’ – 3,000gns
A Davies ‘Hirwaun Winston’ – 3,000gns
P.J & B. E Kimber ‘Beanhill Warrior’ – 3,000gns
Messrs Booth & Bell ‘Crackley Woodstock’ – 3,000gns
C. H. Evans ‘Wroxhall Welldone’ – 3,000gns
R. H. Widdecombe ‘Starline Witness’ -2,900gns
K. Thomas ‘Crowgey Atlas’ – 2,900gns

25 Bulls – £2,461.14
17 Maiden Heifers £1,744.85
5 In-calf Heifers £1,942.50
4 Cows and Calves £1,890.00
‘Crackley’ Draft Sale £2,320.56
‘Loxton’ Reduction – Cows and Calves – £2,231.25

Auctioneers – Stags in conjunction with McCartneys