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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....

Carlisle Annual Spring Sale of Simmental Bulls and Females

by | Apr 28, 2011


It was a packed ringside of keen bidders in show of a tremendous trend for Simmental bulls at the Annual Spring Sale at the Carlisle Sale held at Harrison & Hetherington Auctioneers.
Blackpool Alpha

Topping the trade at 4,200gns was Blackpool Alpha by Lamhoj Supery (P), bred by J D Loftus of the Blackpool Herd in Lancashire.

Urrvalley Alfie

Male Champion & Supreme Champion Urrvalley Alfie 09 by Dirnanean Salvador which was bred by Peter Brown, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire, sold for 4,100gns, also from the same stable Urrvalley Albert a Keeldrum Schubert son sold for 4,100gns

Lyvennet Archer

Reserve Male Champion & Supreme Male Champion, Lyvennet Archer 09 sold for 2,100gns

14 bulls sold at a sale average of £3195.00 a clearance rate of 88%

Blakewell Nina

Female Champion Blakewell Nina 7th bred by I & M Steele in East Yorkshire, sold for 1,200gns.

Courace Kim

Reserve Female Champion was Courance Kim a Hockenhull Socrates daughter bred by A W Jack of Courance Farms, she was unsold

4 haltered females were sold for a sales average of £1,155

5 unhaltered females were sold for a sales average of £1,115

Caistor Reduction Sale
6 cows with Calves/ and incalf sold to a sales average of £1,442
3 Maiden heifers sold to a sales average of £952.00