by | May 10, 2023

Strong demand for Simmental breeding females
Simm X Heifers & bull calves to £3400
Simm cows & bull calves to £3400
Simm cows & heifer calves to £3300

The trade for commercial Simmental breeding cattle was on fire at United Auctions – Livestock Auctioneers, Stirling on Monday May 1st with quality Simmentals in demand throughout the categories.

Leading the way was Jim & Liz Dyet, East Merkland Farm, Strathaven, Lanarkshire who topped the sale of bulling heifers with three 16 to 18-month-old Simmentals each making a tremendous £3650! Two of the heifers were by Islavale Huntly, and with the third being by Skerrington Gambler. All three heifers were purchased by Alastair Mitchell, Victoria Farm, Muthill, Crieff. Further Merkland Simmental x heifers on the day made £2200, and £2000 on the day when selling to Milton Farmers.

The strong trade for Simmentals continued when Simm X heifers & bull calves from Kirkton made £3400. In the cows & bull calves, Simm X’s from Beannie made £3400, and £3300 respectively. The same vendor led the cow & heifer calf trade with their Simm X’s making £3300, and £3100.

With an increasing cost base, efficiency and all-round added value is key to the forward industry. Quiet, easy calving, easy keep, milky Simmental females, who can wean calves at 50% of their bodyweight at 200 days, are ticking a lot of added value boxes for commercial producers. There’s more to a Simmental!