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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....

Perth May Show and Sale

by | May 3, 2004

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14 bulls sold out of 15 forward
Average £2361.79

Champion Simmental Bull Innerwick Neptune Bred by Mr & Mrs L Moffat
Date of Birth 19/09/02
Sire Strathisla Kaiser
Dam Innerwick Jingle

Reserve Simmental Bull Bruchag Nirvana Bred by R & P McAlister
Date of Birth 09/06/02
Sire Woodhall Klinsman
Dam Bruchag Avril

Top price £6300 for Innerwick Neptune Bred by Mr & Mrs L Moffat sold to Messrs GMR & FM Sandison
Date of Birth 19/09/02
Sire Strathisla Kaiser
Dam Innerwick Jingle

£3990 for Bruchag Nirvana Bred by R & P McAlister sold to A Malcolm & Son, Perthshire
Date of Birth 09/06/02
Sire Woodhall Klinsman
Dam Bruchag Avril

£3990 for Bruchag Navigator Bred by R & P McAlister sold to A Malcolm & Son, Perthshire
Date of birth 03/07/02
Sire Woodhall Klinsman
Dam Bruchag Amy 3

£2625 for Starline Norman Bred by R H Widdicombe sold to Mr C H Mitchell of Fife
Date of birth 05/08/02
Sire Blackford Hawk
Dam Starline Karen 2