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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....

Perth Spring Show and Sale

by | Feb 21, 2006

Lot 938_f
A packed sale room saw 59 of the 63 females forward find new homes at Monday’s female sale at Perth; several went to new buyers with the top price of 5500gns being paid by Mr Tallintire of High Griseburn, Gt Asby, Cumbria for Hockenhull Snow Queen.  This 9yr old cow by Ravensworth Carefree has a string of successful claves behind her and was sold by Hockenhull Farms with her bull calf Hockenhull Snow King at foot and in calf to Hockenhull Red Rum.The Champion from the pre-sale show judged by Michael Durno was the first Lot into the ring and realised the second top price at 3000gns for David Mair’s, Croftburn herd from Northern Ireland. Denzies Melody 3rd bred by Michael Barlow, joined Mr JB Wilkie’s herd at South Braggie Wells, Dunecht.  She was quickly followed by another two four figure prices, firstly for Gerald & Morag Smith’s Drumsleed Rhoda, selling to Mr Inglis, Dalachy, Aberdour for 2800gns and Mr & Mrs D Mill’s Wishful Regal Whisper who followed Snow Queen to Mr Wilkie’s herd for 2900gns.Overall 59 females were sold to an average of £1306.


A sound underlying commercial trade ensured an increase in averages for the Simmental breed at Perth this week. With more farmers looking to breed their own replacements to keep a handle on their health status and the need for a quick growing, easy to handle animal to tie in with the new Single Farm Payment, confidence is steadily growing in the Simmentals.  Following a very successful sale of females the previous day, the bulls took centre stage and continued a steady trade which without any “high flyers” produced a healthy £3,404 average up £507 on the previous year when 128 were sold. 118 of the 136 bulls forward found new homes giving a clearance rate of 87%.

The Overall Champion at the pre sale show, judged by Michael Durno, was the Junior Champion Innerwick Renown from Lindsay and Dorothy Moffat, Innerwick, Dunbar. A son of Gortin Larry and out of Innerwick Lily, by Innerwick Jubilee, this outstanding young bull sold for the top price of the day of 8000gns to Messrs W. & G. Strachan, Hill of Balmaud, King Edward, Banff.

Innerwick Renown

Earlier in the sale the senior bull Dirnanean Reformer by Dirnanean Nickel from Findlay McGowan sold to Tillymaud Farms, Tillymaud, Udny, Ellon for  7,500gns.
Mr. G. A. Francis and family, travelled all the way from Abergorlech, Carmarthen to purchase Lisglass Romeo for 7200gns, the Reserve Junior Champion from J.L & C.J Weatherup, 48 Lisglass Rd, Irish Hill, Ballyclare, Northern Ireland to join their Pystyll Herd.

Lisglass Romeo

A strong show of bulls from Gerald & Morag Smith at Drumsleed, Fourden, Laurncekirk, sold to a top of 6,500gns for Drumsleed Royale, when he was bought by Messrs R & P McAlister, Langalbuinoch, Kingarth, Isle of Bute.  He was matched later in the day when Messrs Ian Maclean Livestock, Kent, paid 6,500gns for Blackford Runrig from Billy & Anne McPherson,, Blackford Farm, Croy, Inverness.

A recent Simmental promotion held in Orkney also resulted in 14 bulls finding new homes on the Island.

Corskie Radium

 Derrycallaghan Rooster

 Hockenhull Radar

 Urrvalley Rock Steady

Judge: Mr Michael Durno

111 Bulls sold to a sales average of £3403.00

50 females sold to a sales average of £1147.65

Prize Lot No Name Vendor Purchaser Price Gns
Overall Champion & Junior Champion 938 Innerwick Renown Mr & Mrs L Moffat W & G Strachan – Balmaud Herd 8000.00
Senior Champion 833 Corskie Radium Mr J Green Mrs P Lally – Chyanhal Herd 7000.00
Reserve Senior Champion 855 Derrycallaghan Rooster Mr H C Stubbs J & G Smith – Orkney 7000.00
Intermediate Champion & Reserve Overall Champion 903 Hockenhull Radar Mr V H C Arnold Aucheneck Estates – Killearn 4600.00
Reserve Intermediate Champion 930 Urrvalley Rock Steady Mr P F Brown Aitken Brothers – West Lothian 4200.00
Reserve Junior Champion 963 Lisglass Romeo J L & C J Weatherup M/S G A & H M Francis – Pistyll Herd 7200.00
Top Price Bulls 938 Innerwick Renown Mr & Mrs L Moffat W & G Strachan – Balmaud Herd 8000.00
866 Dirnanean Reformer Mr F J A McGowan Tillymaud Farms – Tillymaud Herd 7500.00
963 Lisglass Romeo J L & C J Weatherup M/S G A & H M Francis – Pistyll Herd 7200.00
833 Corskie Radium Mr J Green Mrs P Lally – Chyanhal Herd 7000.00
855 Derrycallaghan Rooster Mr H C Stubbs J & G Smith – Orkney 7000.00
842 Drumsleed Royale Mr G W Smith R & P Mcalister – Bruchag Herd 6500.00
894 Blackford Runrig Mr G W Mcpherson Mr Ian Maclean – Kent 6500.00
Female Champion 725 Denizes Melody 3rd Mr D B Mairs M/S J B Wilkie & Sons – Braigiewell Herd 3000.00
Reserve Female Champion 745 Skerrington Carina 18th Mr J Young Firm of J Maxwell – Jaw Herd 2000.00
Top Price Females 805 Hockenhull Snow Queen 8th Mr V H C Arnold Mr J A Tallentire – Swingletree Herd 5500.00
725 Denizes Melody 3rd Mr D B Mairs M/S J B Wilkie & Sons – Braigiewell Herd 3000.00
733 Wishful Regal Whisper D B & C A Mills M/S J B Wilkie & Sons – Braigiewell Herd 2900.00
732 Drumsleed Rhoda Mr G W Smith Mr C Inglis – Greencap Herd 2800.00
806 Crackley Cornelia 27th M/s Booth & Bell Mr W N Douglas – Selkirk 2200.00

United Auctions, Perth Agricultural Centre, Huntingtower Park, Perth. PH1 3JJ Tel. 01738 626183 Fax. 01738 636934 E-Mail.