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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....

Stirling May Multi-Breed Show and Sale

by | May 2, 2011


Once again strong demand for the breed was shown at the Perth Multibreed Sale held in Stirling on 2nd May 2011.
32 Bulls sold giving a 82% Clearance, they were sold at a sales average of £3340.31


Topping the sale at 5500gns was Islavale Ajay, a Chestermann Varney son and was bred by Mr W S Stronach.

2nd Top price bull sold for 5000gns, Westridge Arthur by Corskie Tyson, he was bred by Mr & Mrs M Ward & Sons

Falondene Bonanza 10

3rd Top price realised was 4800gns, Falondene Bonanza 10, a Ravensworth Hermon son bred by Messrs J A & K J Dwyer.

Broombrae (Mr G L Clark) draft sale 3 sold to a sales average of £1470

Fishwick (Mr P W Close) draft sale 3 sold to a sales average of £1505
