January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....
SIMMENTAL BULLS AVERAGE £7770, UP £1938 ON THE YEAR, AND A NEW CENTRE RECORD AVERAGE Islavale Pizza sells at 9000gns Backmuir bulls at 8000gns, and 7000gns x2 Tillyeve, and Drumsleed bulls at 7500gns The ongoing demand for Simmental bulls was again evident with...
94 SIMMENTAL BULLS SMASH THE BREED RECORD AVERAGE TO SET NEW MARK OF £9,832, UP £2,334 ON THE YEAR • 56,000gns a new UK, & European record for a Simmental bull • Commercial producers buying bulls up to £20k • Four bulls sell at 20,000gns and over • 26 bulls in all...
Stirling Sale

Judge: Bridget Borlase of Perrywood Simmentals
Many records were broken at Perth at Stirling Bull Sales on 20th February 2012. A breed record average of £6236 was achieved with 119 bulls sold with a 83% clearance, this increased the average from last year up to £1827 for a further 9 more bulls sold.
There were 72 bulls sold in excess of 5,000gns or above and 10 bulls sold in excess of 10,000gns or above.
The sale topped at 19,000gns for Grangewood Baron Junior Champion with a TSI of +100 and an SRI of +102 he is a son of Omorga Volvo and was bred by Mr & Mrs A S & Y A Leedham, and was purchased by Messrs Ward from the Westridge Herd.
Next up went to Islavale Brilliant Overall Male Champion & Senior Champion by Curaheen Vobster bred by Mr W S Stronach was sold to Mr H Brunton, Crudie Simmentals for 18,000gns.
Next to add to the high prices is Team Banker bred by Mr R J Macgregor he is by Team Volvo a homebred bull and out of a homebred cow, Team Kasey, he holds a TRI of +100 and a SRI of +102, and realised 17,000gns and was purchased by John Dykes of the Mendick Herd
Next up 4th Joint Top Price went to Kilbride Farm Bantry bred by by W H Robson & Sons and a son of Cairnview Snazzy, he has a TSI of +83 and a SRI of +78 also sold at 12,000gns, Auchorachan Barry bred by D & R Durno & Sons and is by Saltire Talent who sired the Overall Champion in October 2011 which made 20,000gns, he holds a TSI of +86 and a SRI of +88.
These bulls all sold for 10,000gns, first up, Islavale Bicardi by Glenturk Premier and bred by Mr W S Stronach holding a TSI+60 and SRI+63, this was then followed by Longbeach Bosco Reserve Overall Champion and Intermediate Champion a son of Kilbride Farm Viduka sold by Mr L A Richardson TSI +69 & SRI +65, next to come in was Corskie Basil a son of Ballinalare Farm Nightrider bred by W J & J Green he holds a TSI of +89 and a SRI of +95, up next from the same herd Kilbride Farm Benone by Seaview Prince Charming with a TSI of +88 and SRI+90, the final bull to be sold at 10,000 went to Dellfield Brigadier a Stralongford Trojan son, bred by Mr B Grant and he holds a TRI of +82 & SRI of +82.
It was apparent that the Commerical farmer was more than prepared to pay up to 10,000 for a good bull.
Female Sale Report
Starting the female trade off for Simmentals was the Female Champion Corskie Acqya by Kilbride Farm Tarrant, bred by W J & J Green, this powerful heifer who has been running with lslavale Sabre, is out of the Burghbridge Lane daughter Corskie Raindrop and was sold for 4500gns to Jim and Patricia Goldie, Newbiemains.
From the same home as the Female Champion, Corskie Aspire Reserve Female Champion has gone at 4800gns, another by Tarrant and in calf to Sabre, she is out of another daughter of Burghbridge Lane she went to Mr & Mrs Hawkey, Sowenna.
17 Females sold to a sales average of £2,730.44.
Skerrington Draft 10 sold to a sales average of £1.974.00
Dirnanean Draft 5 sold to a sales average of £2,457.00
Broombrae Draft 5 sold to a sales average of £2,583.00
Derwentwood Draft 4 sold to a sales average of £1,614.00