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Cornwall Club Report

Cornwall Club Report

January The year began with the sad loss of one of our founder members Roger Pascoe. A great friend and enthusiast for our breed, Roger introduced many breeders to the art of show craft and encouraged everyone to enter shows and keep the cattle sections going....

Perth Autumn Show and Sale

by | Oct 22, 2008


The Simmental Bull sale at Perth showed that confidence in the breed is continuing. With averages only slightly back on last year the quality bulls sold well to both Pedigree and commercial buyers although due to an increase in spring calving there is normally an increased demand from the commercial sector during the February sale. This also reflected in the percentage clearance which was back slightly on last year as this trend continues.

Top Price Bull Dirnanean Vincent 12,000GNS Bred by F J McGowan

The top price of the day went to Finlay McGowan’s Dirnanean Herd when he sold Dirnanean Vincent for 12 000gns to Alex and Ross Kings’ Woolfstar Herd at Ormiston in East Lothian. He showed outstanding figures in both Terminal Sire Index and Self Replacing Index continuing a definite increased trend at the sale for bulls with good figures.

Senior bulls sold well with the second top price of 10 000gns coming from the second bull in the ring Hollywood Tinsley from Brian Phillips when he travelled north to Mr John Wilkie Braigiewell in Echt. Two other bulls made 10 000gns. The first when Finlay McGowan parted with his earlier income and bought John Young’s Skerrington Vanguard. The other 10 000gns bid came from W. A. Galloway and Son from Newton Stewart to join their 170 cow commercial herd when they purchased Hector Macaskill’s Woodhall Vauxhall.

Further details of the top prices are as follows:-

Bull Vendor Gns. Purchaser
Dirnanean Vincent Finlay Mcgowan 12000 A King
Wolfstar Ormiston East Lothian
Hollywood Tinsley B Phillips 10000 JB Wilkie & Sons
Braigiewell Echt Westhill
Skerrington Vanguard W Young 10000 Finlay Mcgowan
Incheoch Farms Alyth Blairgowrie
Woodhall Vauxhall H Macaskill 10000 WA Galloway & Son
Culnoag Sorbie Newton Stewart
Kilbride Farm Viagra WH Robson & Sons 9000 CR Fovargue Bros
Bottom Farm Farm Town Coleorton
Chestermann Varney N & N Gwynne 8000 WS Stronach & Partners
Berryleys Farm Grange Keith
Slievenagh Vip RJ Boyd 8000 R McNee Ltd
Woodend Farm Armadale
Corrick Viscount 2nd C Mcilwaine 8000 Delfur Farms
Dundurcas Farm Rothes Aberlour
Corskie Viking 2 Wl & J Green 7000 Snaigow Partnership
Hillocks of Clunie Blairgowrie
Omorga Vernon J Wilson 7000 B G & L Allan
Glenturk Newton Stewart
Woodhall Virgil H Macaskill 6500 A & D Clark
Stratheast Holm Orkney
Chestermann Vladimir N & N Gwynne 5000 James Jeffrey
Kersknowe Kelso
Islavale Viscount WS Stronach & Pts 5000 AD Sutherland
Connachie Elgin Morayshire
Hazelden Vindaloo Hazelden Ltd 5000 J Walker & Sons
Sauchenbush Echt
Blackford Voltage WG Macpherson 4800 J & I M Sinclair
Ha Quoy Shapinsay Kirkwall
Blackford Vivaldi WG Macpherson 4800 GW Smith
Drumsleed Fordoun Laurencekirk
Wroxall Timekeeper CH Evans &Sons 4500 S & K Smith
Turnamiddle Cottage Portlethen
Balmaud Victorious W & G Strachan 4500 JH Logan & Co
Dalfask Farm Girvan Ayrshire
Islavale Vagabond WS Stronach & Pts 4500 J Wink & Sons
Bainshole Farms Huntly
Islavale Vulcan WS Stronach & Pts 4500 JN & A Mccolm
Crailloch Portwilliam
Broombrae Vulture V2 GL Clark 4000 Wm Barnetson & Sons
Lynegar Farm Watten Wick
Corskie Vault WJ & J Green 4000 Conan Mains Farms
Conan Mains Conon Bridge
Kersknowe Volcano James Jeffrey 4000 DC & JJ Marshall (Gosland)
The Beeches Blendewing Biggar
Corskie Vision WJ & J Green 4000 Stephen & Gibb
Haremoss Turriff
Copper Mill Venture P & C Goldsbrough 4000 K Russell
Crouse Farm Wigtown
Tolquhon Vanquish A Sleigh 3800 G & J Gulloch
Stemster John O Groats
Drumsleed Viscount GW Smith 3800 J Strathern & Partners
Foot O Green Stirling
Balmaud Viscount W & G Strachan 3500 D Thomson (Goodtrees)
Holylee House Walkerburn
Drumsleed Vodka GW Smith 3500 N & M McLellan
Kilchiaran Farm Isle of Islay
Skerrington Vip W Young 3500 J & R Mitchell
Pairney Farm Auchterarder
Mayfiled Van Damme Whitehouse Fms 3500 Alcan Farms Ltd
East Moor Ellington Morpeth
Skerrington Vision W Young 3500 TL Stirling
Auchterblair Farm Carrbridge
Ashland Vagabond P Kelly 3200 AG Stephen & Co
Burnside Of Idoch Turriff
Corrick Vandal C Mcilwaine 3200 Delfur Farms
Dundurcas Farm Rothes Aberlour
Craighill Vip T C & G Greenhill 3200 P Morrison & Son
Hatton Manor Auchterless Turriff

75 bulls averaged £4086
2007 – 75 bulls averaged £4134


Following a summer of private sales for quality females a packed ringside at Perth saw a reduced entry from last year average at £1963.50 for the 30 heifers forward and £1470 for 5 cows and calves.

The draft heifers from Brian Allan at Glenturk were the outstanding show of the day with the top price being paid for Glenturk Tessa when she sold to Leslie Weatherup Lisglass Northern Ireland for 4400 gns. Champion at the pre sale show judged by Robin Boyd Northern Ireland was Boddington Estates’ Sterling Jools Vienna who sold to Messrs Stephen & Co Burnside of Idoch Turriff.

Top prices were as follows:-

Glenturk Tessa B Allan 4400gns L Weatherup
Lisglass Ballyclare
Corskie Topaz J Green 3500gns Wilkin
Raefen Keith
Annick Prudence’s Victoria L Quarm 3200gns Mill
Brucefield Cupar
Glenturk Vanity B Allan 3200gns R Forde
Northern Ireland
Sterling Jools Vienna Boddington Estates 2800gns Stephen & Co
Burnside of Idoch Turriff
Skerrington Susan 16th J Young 2600gns S Francis
Honmeadstead Wilts.
Glenturk Vicky B Allan 2500gns Innes
Millbrae Forres
Glenturk Vanessa B Allan 2400gns Goldsbrough
Corskie Toffee J Green 2200gns Lyle & Co
Nether Partis Fife
Glenturk Venice B Allan 2200gns Lyle & Co
Nether Partis Fife
Glenturk Verity B Allan 2200gns Addison
Corskie Tamara J Green 2000gns Lyle & Co
Nether Partis Fife
Annick Nancy A J Wilson 2000gns Lyle & Co
Nether Partis Fife

5 Cows and Calves £1479.00
30 Heifers £1963.50

2007: 82 Females Averaged £1709.07

Lot 710 Overall & Junior Champion Sterling Viking 2nd

Overall & Junior Champion & Reserve Overall & Junior Reserve Champion recieve awards from Judge Robion Boyd & wife Darla and William Jackson CKD Galbraith Sponsor

Female Champion & Reserve Female Champion recieve their awards from Judge Robin Boyd and wife Darla - Stockman Jimmy McMillian (L) & Breeder Laughlin Quarm (R)

Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion Recieve awards from Judge Robin Boyd and Sponsor William Jackson CKD Galbraith

Kilbride Farm Perpetual Trophy fot the Best Three Bulls bred by Exhibitor won by Cecil McIlwaine and presented by Billy Robson OBE - also pictures Robin Boyd Judge

Female champion

Lot 568 Reserve Female Champion Annick Prudence's Victoria

Lot 599 Hollywood Tinsley sold for 10,000 GNS bred by Mr B Phillips

Lot 630 Senior Champion Chestermann Varney

Lot 636 Reserve Senior Champion Ashland Vagabond

Lot 658 Reserve Intermediate Champion Omorga Vernon

Lot 707 Intermediate Champion Kilbride Farm Viagara

Lot 717 Skerrington Vanguard sold for 10,000 GNS

Lot 736 Reserve Overall & Reserve Junior Champion Corrick Viscount 2nd

United Auctions
Agricultural Centre Huntingtower Park Perth. PH1 3JJ
Tel. 01738 626183 Fax. 01738 636934