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Pedigree Calf Fair Results – Balmoral, Judge Mr Iain Green (Corskie)

Pedigree Calf Fair Results – Balmoral, Judge Mr Iain Green (Corskie)

Scottish breeder Iain Green who runs the 180-cow Corskie Herd, alongside 480 commercial suckler cows, praised the quality of Simmentals at the Pedigree Calf Fair, held at Balmoral.

“It has been a pleasure to judge this impressive show.”

Catching Iain Green’s eye to take the senior championship plaudits was the thirteen-month-old Scribby Farms George, an Omorga Volvo son, bred by Keith and Andrea Nelson from Rosslea.

“This is a very correct bull with super locomotion. He has length, width, and great depth of thigh.”

Keith and Andrea Nelson's Scribby Farms George was the winner of the senior championship at the Pedigree Calf Fair, Balmoral.

Keith and Andrea Nelson’s Scribby Farms George was the winner of the senior championship at the Pedigree Calf Fair, Balmoral.

Runner-up was the September 2015 Lisglass Gallant bred by Leslie Weatherup, and son Chris, from Ballyclare. This one is by herd sire, and former Balmoral champion, Dermotstown Delboy.

Iain Green said: “This bull has great width over the shoulder, and oozes breed character.”

Reserve senior Simmental champion was Lisglass Gallant bred by Leslie and Chris Weatherup, Ballyclare. 

Reserve senior Simmental champion was Lisglass Gallant bred by Leslie and Chris Weatherup, Ballyclare.

Pat Kelly, and son Frank, Tempo, secured the junior championship award with the ten-month-old bull Ashland Humdinger. Also by Dermotstown Delboy, he is bred from Ashland Lady Diamond 7th – one of 10 cows in the herd.

Iain Green added: “The junior champion is an outstanding bull with great potenial. He has tremendous length and super bone quality.”

The January 2016 born Ashland Humdinger secured the junior championship for Pat and Frank Kelly, Tempo. 

The January 2016 born Ashland Humdinger secured the junior championship for Pat and Frank Kelly, Tempo. 

Claiming the reserve junior title was the January 2016 Curaheen Apostle son Drumlone Hotrod exhibited by Kenny Veitch, Lisbellaw.

“This is another fine example of the breed with good width and length.”

Bull born between 01/09/15 and 31/12/15 – 1, Keith Nelson, Scribby Farms George by Omorga Volvo; 2, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Lisglass Gallant by Dermotstown Delboy; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Bridgewater Farm Gazza by Dermotstown Delboy.

Heifer born between 01/09/15 and 31/12/15 – 1, Duncan McDowell, Castlemount Wiekel by Longbeach Darius; 2, Shane and Paul McDonald, Coolcran Lady Grainne by Ashland Brandy; 3, William Dodd, Ranfurly Kleeb 35th by Clonagh Tiger Gallant.

Bull born between 01/01/16 and 31/03/16 – 1, Pat and Frank Kelly, Ashland Humdinger by Dermotstown Delboy; 2, Kenneth Veitch, Drumlone Hotrod by Curaheen Apostle; 3, Chris Traynor Kilmore Hunter by Kilbride Farm Bantry.

Heifer born between 01/01/16 and 31/03/16 -1, Stephen Millar, Glenock Highway by Kilbride Farm Newry; 2, E O’Neill, Drumcoote Daisybell by Scottish Neff.

Bull calf born after 01/04/16 -1, Andrew Clarke, Beaghey Harrison by Wroxall Cocker-Leeky-Soup; 2, Keith Nelson, Scribby Farms Hero by Omorga Volvo.

Heifer calf born after 01/04/16 – 1, William Nelson, Drumacritten Heidi by Dermotstown Delboy; 2, Ashton Wallace, Ashfurly Weikel’s Harmony by Kilbride Farm Warren.

Junior Simmental champion was Ashland Humdinger exhibited by Frank Kelly, Tempo. The reserve junior champion was Drumlone Hotrod bred by Kenny Veitch, Lisbellaw. 

Junior Simmental champion was Ashland Humdinger exhibited by Frank Kelly, Tempo. The reserve junior champion was Drumlone Hotrod bred by Kenny Veitch, Lisbellaw.

Stars of the Future report 12th November 2016

Stars of the Future report 12th November 2016

Stars of the Future Calf show 12th November 2016 – United Auctions

A great show of calves came forward for the annual Stars of the Future event held at United Auctions in Stirling on the 12th November, Judging the Calf Show was Mr David Donnelly, (Atlow Herd), Preserva (Midlands) Ltd, Atlow House, Moss Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 3FB

Emma McAlister was awarded the Senior & Overall (Interbreeds) Young Handler – Judged by Paul Walker and presented with a new clipper, courtesy of Allflex.

Emma McAlister - Senior & Overall Young Handler

Emma McAlister – Senior & Overall Young Handler

Senior Champion was awarded to Kennox Tara’s Gem, a Sowenna Aristrocrat 09 daughter, exhibited by Mr David Craig, Kennox Cottage, Stewarton, Ayrshire KA3 3EF

Kennox Tara’s Gem

Kennox Tara’s Gem

Reserve Senior Champion went to Aultmore Goliath, a Banwy Bonzo 10 son from W M Patterson & Son, Upper Forgie, Aultmore, Keith, Moray AB55 6QT.

Aultmore Goliath

Aultmore Goliath

Taking the Junior Champion title was Cairnview Sonia 4th a Cairnview Snazzy daughter from Mr A J Wilson, Westcroft Farm, Lylestone Road, Kilwinning, Ayrshire KA13 7QN

Cairnview Sonia 4th

Cairnview Sonia 4th

With Reserve Junior Champion going to Greencap Hulk, a Kilbride Farm Dragoon 12 son, bred by Colin Inglis.

Greencap Hulk

Greencap Hulk