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Carlisle Sale


The Annual Spring Carlisle sale drew excellent crowds, judged by Mrs D Moffat of the Innerwick Herd.
Overall Champion & Female Champion Midhope Highlight 3rd realised 3,800gns which was by Dirnanean Snowie and bred by W J Hollingsworth.

Midhope Highlight 3rd

Reserve Overall Champion, Male Champion & Top Price Bull went to Braegarrie Bravo 10 bred by D L & S Currie, sold for 7,900gns.


Reserve Male Champion, Starline Beau Geste 10 by Slievenagh Talisman bred by R H Widdicombe and, which was unsold.

Joint 3rd Top Price bull Braegarrie Barclay bred by D L & S Currie. Purchased by Mr J Burns, Drygate Farm, Renfrewshire for 5,200gns.

Reserve Female Champion, Midhope Thelma 3rd bred by W J Hollingsworth was purchased for 2,900gns

Swingletree Buster

2nd Top Price Bull Swingletree Buster bred by J A Tallentire a Popes Laird son realised 5,500gns


3rd Top Price Bull went to Simply Courageous bred by R M Fitton and by Seaview Tommy reached 5,200gns

2nd Top Price Female realised 3,500gns Midhope Saffron 4th bred by W J Hollingsworth.

Newark Multi Breed Sale


A strong commercial demand underpinned trade at the Multi Breed Event at Newark Livestock Market, which saw a top price of 5000gns for the Male and Overall Simmental champion.

Overall Simmental champion - Burghbridge Bradley - 5,000gns

Sale leader and coming through as champion Simmental under judge Brian Wise was Burghbridge Bradley from Otley based Charles Clarke by Brinkton Major and out of the Strathisla Popeye daughter Burghbridge Emily, he was knocked down to Paul Gunther for his Fircovert herd, Norfolk.

Next in the money at 4000gns was a bull from the same home, this time Burghbridge Briar, another Major son, this time out of a Popeye daughter Burghbridge Vienna. Buyer here was G White and Son, Manor Farm, Alford, Lincs.

The second prize Williams Connolly from Hayley Clarke, Hevingham, Norfolk, then sold at 3000gns. This one is by the successful show bull Heathbrow Tristar and is out of a Dirnanean Reformer daughter Tillymaud Danielle 33rd and sold to A Greaves, Top Farm, Retford, Nottinghamsire while at the same money was the Dowley family, Lieston, Suffolk, sold Theberton Bomber, a Burghbridge Nero son out of a Craighill Number One daughter, to James Knight Farm, Manor Farm, Walcot, Falkingham.

Female and Reserve Overall Champion, Midhope Vixen 2nd - 3,200gns

The Simmental female and Reserve Overall Champion, Midhope Vixen 2nd, from Messrs Hollingsworth sold for 3200gns. Born February 2010, she is by Dirnanean Snowie and is out of the Pasturehouse Paleface daughter of Midhope Vixen and carries a TSI of +87 and an SRI of +85. Buyer here was Messrs Fovargue Bros, Bottom Farm, Town Farm, Coalville, the Edroda herd. The same buyers also purchased the Reserve Female champion, Grangewood Beverly from the Leedham family, at 3100gns. This one is February 2010-born as well and is by the Starline Klassik son Tilbrook Turpin and is out of Grangewood Tanya, who is a daughter of Riverdale Figaro.

At 3300gns, R W and B I Arnold, Enderby, Leics, purchased Charles Clarke’s first prize heifer, Burghbridge Crystal 5th. This one is by the Strathisla Julius son Brinkton Major and is out of the Strathisla Popeye daughter Burghbridge Crystal 2nd.

9 Simmental bulls £2875.33
30 Simmental females £1708.00

Newark Livestock Market

Bristol Sale


A large crowd gather for the annual Society supported Spring Show and sale at the Washingpool Sales Centre, Bristol.

The pre-sale Male Champion selected by the Judge & Society President Mr Michael Robson, Kilbride Farm, Doagh, Northern Ireland was Crackley Bobby Dazzler from M/S Booth and Bell, Crackley Farm, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, this June 2010 son of Lamhoj Supery sold for the day’s top price of 5000gns.

Crackley Bobby Dazzler

Reserve Male Champion Grangewood Bono, an Omorga Volvo son from Mr & Mrs AS & YA Leedham, Gunby Lea Farm, Grangewood, Netherseal, Swadlincote, Derbyshire sold for 4000gns.

Grangewood Bono

Next best at 3800gns was Hemingford Billy form Mr JA Griffin & Mrs S Arkley, Hemingford Park, Hemingford Abbots, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire this 2nd place bull sired by Wistow Johnson and with several influential bloodlines in his pedigree.

Crackley Bazooka

Selling at 3500gns was another form M/S Booth and Bell, Crackley Farm, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, second in his class Crackley Bazooka by Farnborough Trailblazer.

Females topped at 3400gns for the Champion from Mr J McMillan, Brandane Bella a Sterling Viking 2nd daughter has a milk figure of +9.

Brandane Bella

Second top price female and Reserve Female Champion was from the inform stable of Mr & Mrs AS & YA Leedham Gunby Lea Farm, Grangewood, Netherseal, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, this Dirnanean Salvador daughter sold for 3250gns.

Grangewood Amelia

Third and Forth priced females were both from Mr D Bush, Bridge Farm, Poole Keynes, Cirecenster, Gloucester making 2650gns the second placed heifer Chapman Star’s Bilberry sired by Heywood Statesman, and another Statesman daughter, Chapman Lovage’s Barberry making 2400gns

9 bulls £3,290
12 Females £2,100

Auctioneers: Stags

Simmental bulls peak at 4,200gns – Commercial heifers reach a top of £306.80 per 100 kilos


Pedigree Simmental bulls reached a ceiling of 4,200gns at the spring show and sale, hosted by the Northern Ireland Club at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart on Tuesday 13th March 2012.

Quality bulls met a ready market, and following a 92% clearance auctioneer Trevor Wylie confirmed that 22 bulls changed hands to average £2,866 – an increase of £270 on this time last year when 18 lots leveled at £2,596.

Sale topper at 4,200gns was the first prize winning Scribby Farms Barney, a seventeen-month-old entry by the Dripsey Super King son, Leeherd Woodstock. Consigned by the Nelson family – William, Margaret, George and Keith from Rosslea, County Fermanagh, his dam is the Madera daughter, Ready Penny Sheba. He has a terminal sire index of +36 and a self replacing index of +33, and sold to Alexander and Kathryn Ross who run 60 suckler cows at Newtownards, County Down.

The first bull into the salering, Ashland Bingo, attracted the second highest price of the day for the father and son team of Pat and Frank Kelly, Tempo, County Fermanagh. Born in July 2010 he is by the Starline Nelson son, Dirnanean Salvador, and is out of a daughter of the herd’s stock bull, Raceview Nigel. His Breedplan figures include an eye muscle area of +3.8, placing in the top ten per cent of the breed, a TSI of +78 and an SRI of +70. This second prize winner caught the eye of James Savage from Portaferry, County Down.

Following close behind at 4,000gns was the day’s male and reserve supreme champion Kilbride Farm Blizzard brought out by Billy Robson OBE, and sons Michael and Norman from Doagh, County Antrim. Sired by the home-bred Kilbride Farm Newry son, Kilbride Farm Warren, this fourteen-month-old bull is out of a dam by Seaview Prince Charming. He was snapped up by Stephen Dunn from Killyleagh, County Down. This one is +6 for milk, has a TSI of +64 and an SRI of +65.

Next best at 3,600gns was the third prize winning Longbeach Barry bred by Sean Burns, Rathfriland, County Down. Sired by the Cleenagh Flasher son, Omorga Volvo, this September 2010 born entry is out of a home-bred Brinkton Brilliant daughter. He is in the breed’s top five per cent for eye muscle area +4.1, TSI +80 and SRI of +90. Highest bidder was Jerome McCaffery from Belleeks, Newry, County Down.

Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Ballyclare, County Antrim, realised 3,300gns for the first prize winning Lisglass Bionic ET. Born in September 2010 he is the result of a mating between Kilbride Farm Newry and the Carnkern Titan daughter, Cleenagh Hazel – full sister to the noted brood cow Cleenagh Daffodil. He is +7 for milk, has an eye muscle area of +3.1, a TSI of +67 and an SRI of +76. Buyer was Brian Edgar from Downpatrick, County Down.

The day’s male and supreme overall champion Ashland Boomerang came under the hammer at 3,000gns for Pat and Frank Kelly. Sired by Omorga Volvo, this August 2010 born bull is bred from the Seighfried daughter, Ashland Terrific Lucy. He is in the breed’s top five per cent with an eye muscle area of +4.3, and in the top one per cent with a daughter calving ease score of +5.2, a TSI of +91 and an SRI of +115. Highest bidder was John Todd from Portadown, County Armagh.

Breed club chairman Pat Kelly, and son Frank, sold three bulls from their noted Ashland herd to average £3,360 per head.

Also selling at 3,000gns was the fourth prize winning Derrycallaghan Bumper TSI+59 and SRI+54, brought out by Harold Stubbs, Lisbellaw, County Fermanagh. Born in July 2010 he is by the Wroxall Field Marshall son, Slimero Victory, and is out of a home-bred dam by the noted Carnkern Titan. This one was snapped up by M Burleigh, Kinawley, County Fermanagh.

The third and final bull to command a bid of 3,000gns was the unplaced Slievenagh Brigadeer from Robin and Darla Boyd’s herd at Portglenone, County Antrim. This fifteen-month-old bull was sired by the 22,000gns Omorga Samson, and is out of a home-bred dam by the 12,000gns Slievenagh Fantastic. He sold to Keith Dickson from Moneymore, County Londonderry. This one is in the breed’s top ten per cent for calving ease +4.1 and eye muscle area +3.6, and has a TSI +69 and an SRI+74.

The collective entry of Simmental females reached a peak of 3,700gns, with ten heifers achieving a complete clearance to average £2,063 each.

A top call of 3,700gns was paid to the Robson family for their female champion, Kilbride Farm Eunice 115B. This October 2010 born heifer was sired by Kilbride Farm Newry, and is out of a home-bred Carnkern Titan daughter. Buyer was Mr J Fegan, Castlewellan, County Down.

The third prize winning Inishrush Whitney 1st came under the hammer at 2,100gns for John Whyte, and sons William and Philip, from Portglenone, County Antrim. Born in October 2010, she is by the 15,000gns Cairnview Snazzy, and is out of a home-bred dam by Omorga Prince. This one sold to Eric Lindsay from Strabane, County Tyrone.

Reserve female champion was the December 2010 maiden heifer Drumbulcan Bianca, shown by Kenneth and Avril Stubbs, and daughters Zara and Alice, from Irvinestown, County Fermanagh. Sired by Kilbride Farm Newry, she is out of a home-bred dam by stock bull, Omorga Regan. Selling for 1,800gns, she joins Duncan McDowell’s herd at Newtownards, County Down.

The pre-sale show was judged by Robbie Mulligan, Banbridge and sponsored by Northern Bank; while the commercial section of the sale was sponsored by Connon General Merchants based at Ballymena.

There was strong demand for commercial Simmental females, with maiden heifers peaking at £306.80 per 100 kilos, paid to Cecil McIlwaine, Newtownstewart, for a 440kgs heifer which sold for £1,350, and £288.88 per 100 kilos for a 450kgs heifer at £1,300.

Other leading prices include: Joe Wilson, Newry, £1,440 (£269.15 per 100 kilos) for a 535kgs heifer, £1,160 (£266.66 per 100 kilos) for a 435kgs heifer, and £1,200 (£252.63 per 100 kilos) for a 475kgs heifer; Kevin McAuley, Broughshane, £900 (£268.65 per 100 kilos) for a 335kgs heifer, and £780 (£260.00 per 100 kilos) for a 300kgs heifer; Eamon McCloskey, Kilrea, £1,000 (£263.10 per 100 kilos) for a 380kgs heifer, £1,250 (£263.10 per 100 kilos) for a 475kgs heifer, £1,550 (£262.70 per 100 kilos) for a 590kgs heifer, and £1,250 (£257.70 per 100 kilos) for a 485kgs heifer; Norman Weatherup, Larne, £1,250 (£263.00 per 100 kilos) for a 475kgs heifer.

In-calf heifers topped at £1,440 and £1,000 paid to Anson Sharkey, Aughnacloy, and £1,000 paid to Seamus Casey, Dungannon.

Cows with calf at foot reached a ceiling of £1,700 and £1,550, realised by John Perry, Dundonald.

Results from the pedigree judging ring include:

Class 1, bull born between 07/04/10 and 25/08/10 – 1, Pat Kelly, Tempo, Ashland Boomerang by Omorga Volvo; 2, Pat Kelly, Ashland Bingo by Dirnanean Salvador; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Cookstown, Bridgewater Farm Brandy by Samark Superman.

Class 2, bull born between 02/09/10 and 25/09/10 – 1, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Ballyclare, Lisglass Bionic ET by Kilbride Farm Newry; 2, Pat Kelly, Ashland Buster by Omorga Volvo; 3, Sean Burns, Rathfriland, Longbeach Barry by Omorga Volvo.

Class 3, bull born between 02/10/10 and 10/11/10 – 1, William Nelson, Rosslea, Scribby Farms Barney by Leeherd Woodstock; 2, John Whyte and Sons, Portglenone, Inishrush Ben by Blackford Explosion; 3, David Hazelton, Dungannon, Ranfurly Bengal by Kilbride Farm Newry.

Class 4, bull born between 04/12/10 and 10/01/11 – 1, W H Robson and Sons, Doagh, Kilbride Farm Blizzard by Kilbride Farm Warren; 2, Andrew Patterson, Cookstown, Wilandale Boxer by Omorga Volvo; 3, Robert and Richard Rodgers, Portglenone, Hiltonstown Braveheart by Kilbride Farm Newry.

Female, born between 06/01/10 and 05/10/10 – 1, W H Robson and Sons, Doagh, Kilbride Farm Eunice 115B by Kilbride Farm Newry; 2, William Phair, Lisbellaw, Coolcrannel Brenda by Seabank Flint; 3, John Whyte and Sons, Inishrush Whitney 1st by Cairnview Snazzy.

Female, born between 06/12/10 and 23/02/11 – 1, Kenneth Stubbs, Irvinestown, Drumbulcan Bianca by Kilbride Farm Newry; 2, John Whyte and Sons, Inishrush Tanya by Kilbride Farm Newry; 3, Kenneth Stubbs, Drumbulcan Butterfly by Omorga Regan.

Commercial heifers reach a top of £306.80 per 100 kilos

The second prize winning Ashland Bingo came under the hammer at 4,100gns.

Norman Robson, Doagh, exhibited the reserve supreme champion Kilbride Farm Buzzard which sold for 4,000gns. Included is John Henning, head of agricultural relations, Northern Bank, sponsor.

The supreme champion was Ashland Boomerang which sold at 3,000gns. Frank Kelly, Tempo, was congratulated by sponsor John Henning, head of agricultural relations at Northern Bank.

Pat Kelly, chairman, NI Simmental Cattle Breeders' Club, and vice-chairman Nigel Glasgow, receive a sponsorship cheque for the commercial section of the spring sale from John Connon and Matthew Cunning, Connon General Merchants

Pictured at the NI Simmental Cattle Breeders' Club show and sale, Dungannon, are from left: Leslie Weatherup, Ballyclare; Alan Wilson, Newry; and Christopher Boyd, Portglenone.

Paddy McCloskey, Kilrea, and dad Eamon, were among the exhibitors at the Dungannon Simmental show and sale.

Thainstone Sale


The sales season’s fireworks continued at the Society sale at Thainstone on 29th February 2012.
The Champion Bull Islavale Bailey, by Glenturk Premier from Mr W S Stronach, Berryleys Farm, Keith Aberdeenshire sold for 9000gns a centre record for Simmentals to Liam Muir, Upper Onston, Stenness Orkney.

Islavale Bailey

Reserve Champion Tillyeve Blockbuster, by Kilbride Farm Vernon from Messrs C & M Bruce, Tillyeve, Undy,Ellon sold to Messrs Morrison, Fairburn, Longmanhill Banff for 8000gns.

Tillyeve Blockbuster

10 bulls sold to average £5071.50, the one bull not sold through the ring was sold immediately after the sale resulting in a 100% clearance.

Aberdeen & Northern Marts