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Royal Northern Spring Show and Sale

Royal Northern Spring Show and Sale


Pedigree bulls sold to a top price of 3,400gn at the spring show and sale at Thainstone Centre on Wednesday, March 2nd 2005.

The event was run by Aberdeen & Northern Marts as part of the 2005 Royal Northern Spring Show and was held under the auspices of the British Charolais, Limousin, Simmental and Aberdeen-Angus cattle societies.

Whiteknowes Pioneer – the Simmental champion from W. J. Barclay, Whiteknowes, Deskford, Cullen.

From W. J. Barclay, Whiteknowes, Deskford, Cullen came both the champion and reserve champion Simmentals. Champion was the September 2003-born Whiteknowes Pioneer by Slievenagh Fantastic which made 2,100gn, while the reserve – the September 2003-born Whiteknowes Punch by Islavale Marvel – achieved 1,700gn.


Simmental Bull: 1 Whiteknowes Pioneer by Slievenagh Fantastic from W. J. Barclay, Whiteknowes, Deskford, Cullen (2,100gn); 2 Whiteknowes Punch by Islavale Marvel from W. J. Barclay, Whiteknowes, Deskford, Cullen (1,700gn); 3 Drumsleed Pepper by Sterling Mars 2nd from G. W. Smith, Drumsleed, Laurencekirk (2,000gn).

Perth Spring Sale


10,000 gns – Lot 1016 Corskie Proton Sire Popes Laird Dam Corskie Blarney K35 Breeder Mr J Green purchaser Mr J Young Skerrington

10,000 gns – Lot 1079 Ballinalare Farm Rival Sire Camus Brandy Dam Ballinalare Farm Kathleen Breeder Mr J Wilson purchasers D Moffatt, Inerwick & Mr H Macaskill, Woodhall.

9,000 gns – Lot 1019 Kilbride Farm Pele Sire Carnkern Titan Dam Kilbride Farm Eunice K3 Breeder WH Robson & Sons Purcahser Mr B Grant, Dellfield.

Kilbride Farm Pele

8,200 gns – Lot 938 Ashland Perfect Sire Raceview King Dam Ashland Lucy Breeder Mr P Kelly Purchaser D C Houldey, Manor Park.

Ashland Perfect

8,200 gns – Lot 901 Drumsleed Pagan Sire Beeches Kestrel Dam Drumsleed Kristie Breeder Mr G W Smith Purchaser W G MacPherson, Blackford.

Drumsleed Pagan

Lot 889

Lot 946

Lot 968

Lot 1016

Lot 1037

Lot 1074

Lot 1079

Top price females

4200 gns – Lot 792 Darsham Picnic Sire Corrick Kentucky Kid Dam Darsham Kitty Breeder AR Clements & Ptnrs Purcahser Mr Norman, Innes.

2520 gns – Lot 789 Burndennett Penny Sire Burndennett Lennox Lewis Dam Burndennett Hilda Breeder JH Henderson Purchaser Mr Norman, Innes

2205 gns – Lot 813 Darsham remember Me Sire Darsham King Kong Dam Darsham Flash Breeder AR Clements & Ptnrs Purchaser P Ross, Dumfriesshire

2100 gns – Lot 774 Skerrington Rosebud 30th Sire Dovefields Gallant Dam Skerrington Rosebud 9th Breeder Mr J Young Purchaser Firm of J Maxwell, Glasgow.

128 bulls were sold to an average of £2897
30 femaleswere sold to an average of £1434.30

Show Results

Overall Champion & Junior Champion Strathisla Popeye Sire Blackford Lionheart Dam Strathisla Hannah 2nd Breeder Strathisla Farms – Mr Adrian Ivory

Overall Reserve Champion & Intermediate Champion Blackford Ptarmigan Sire Curlieu Knight Dam Blackford Kittiwake Breeder Mr W G MacPherson

Champion Female Darsham Pringle Sire Corrick Kentucky Kid Dam Darsham Ketlie Breeder AR Clements & Ptnrs

Reserve Female Champion Skerrington Rosebud 30th Sire Dovefields Gallant Dam Skerrington Rosebud 9th Breeder Mr John Young

Senior Male Champion Bruchag Priority Sire Woodhall Klinsman Dam Bruchag Wendy 9th Breeder M/s R & P McAlister

Reserve Senior Male Champion Drumsleed Pagan Sire Beeches Kestrel Dam Drumsleed Kristie Breeder Mr G W Smith

Reserve Intermediate Champion Orlando Pedro Sire Curlieu Major &M Forrester

Reserve Junior Champion Tillymaud Rolls Royce Sire Blackford Lancer Dam Tillymaud Helga Breeder Mr D A Argo

The City of Perth Quaich Trophy went to AR Clements & Partners for Supreme Female Champion Darsham Pringle

The R.H. Carter Trophy for Best group of 3 animals bred by exhibitor
went to Mr G W Smith for Drumsleed Pagan, Drumsleed Pheonix & Drumsleed Pacific

Bob Carter presenting Gerald with the R H Carter Perpetual Trophy for Drumsleed Pagan, Phoenix Pacific for best group of 3

Auctioneers: United Auctions Tel: 01738 626183

Carlisle Autumn Show and Sale

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Although entries were slightly down, the Simmental trade at the Carlisle Autumn Show & Sale was good with bulls averaging 1694gns.
Judged by Mr C. Addison, the top-price of 2200gns went to Wigton breeders J. & E. Peile, for the Champion animal, Pasturehouse Paleface, a 16 month old bull.

Pasturehouse Paleface

W. Heaps,Chorley, Lancs, sold Rosten Pricey, also 16 months, at 1950gns.

Messrs Allen, Newton Stewart, drew 1900gns for Glenturk Prince Peter, the Reserve Champion.

Females averaged 952gns for in-calf heifers.

Report by Christine Heaps North West Club Secretary

Perth Autumn Sale

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The 102 bulls sold averaged £3413 – down £24 on last year when 105 changed hands.

Top price of the day came for the reserve junior champion, the March 2003 Woodhall Premier, from Hector MacAskill, Woodhall, Dunbar, and sold to Richard Rodgers, Portglenone, Co Antrim, for 13,000gns.

The junior champion, the May 2003 Skerrington Pinnacle, from John Young, Skerrington Mains, Kilmarnock, made 12,000gns. The buyer was Billy MacPherson, Blackford, Inverness.

Skerrington Pinnacle

The supreme champion, the March Corskie Principal from Jim and Ian Green, Corskie, Fochabers, Moray, sold for 11,000gns. This beast joins the pedigree herd of Boddington Estates, near Cheltenham. The sire, Popes Laird, cost 12,000gns in February 2002 and has proved to be real breeder and an outstanding bargain.

Corskie Priciple

Another son of this bull from Corskie, a second prize winner, sold at 10,000gns to Adrian Ivory, Strathisla Farms, Meigle, Perth.

Billy MacPherson, of Blackford, has bred numerous fine bulls this year. He had a top of 7000gns selling to Forteviot Farms, Dupplin, Perth, where the bull will be run with commercial cows.

orlando tanya

Ludlow Autumn Sale

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Champion Bull - Dovefields Preditor

8 Bulls £1304
2 Females £1029
Prize Vendor Name Sire Price £ Buyer
Champion L Renshaw Dovefields Preditor Dovefields Gallant Not Sold .
Reserve Champion T W Ford Shebdon Pop Crackley Kansas 1,260.00 G S Jones Prefix Rhedynog
Top Priced Bulls T W Ford Shebdon Pop Crackley Kansas 1,260.00 G S Jones Prefix Rhedynog
M/S N & N Gwynne Rosten Playboy Gretna House Supersonic 1063 1,470.00 E H Gatehouse, Worcestershire
P N Burgess Tilbrook Polo Salisbury Challenger 1,417.50 F B Woodyatt, Worcestershire
Top Price Females P N Burgess Tilbrook Petula Sterling Flint 1,281.00 M Skitt, Aberystwyth
P N Burgess Tilbrook Pippa Arkmill Franklyn 777.00 M Skitt, Aberystwyth