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Cade Fifi’s Nala also wins Interbreed Continental Champion
Simmentals win Team of Four Interbreed

The outstanding September 2022 born heifer Cade Fifi’s Nala lit up the 2024 Royal Lancashire Show for breeders Paul & Sharrie Cade, Paddock Farm, Buckden, Peterborough, when taking the Overall Supreme Championship at the 2024 Simmental English National Show, before moving on to win the Overall Individual Interbreed Championship of the Royal Lancashire Show, held at Salesbury Hall, Ribchester on 19th – 21st July.

Overall Interbreed and Overall Simmental Champion Cade Fifi’s Nala

With eleven classes having been judged in the allocated ring on Saturday morning, the Simmental first and second prize winners then moved to the show’s main ring to ‘wow’ the big crowds as they paraded, and as the Championship judging played out. Judge for the day was Stewart Stronach of the highly noted Islavale Herd, Berryleys Farm, Keith, and he duly gave the Championship tap to Cade Fifi’s Nala who was expertly shown by the Cade’s daughter, Erin.

Speaking afterwards, Stewart Stronach said of his Champion: “This is just a tremendous heifer. Good in all the right places, she moves well, is easy fleshing, deep in the hip, wide and square, and has real show presence. She’s very much a modern Simmental with no extremes or hard muscling, and will go on to make a beautiful cow.”

Judge Stewart Stronach

Very much backing this judgement up on the show’s closing day, Cade Fifi’s Nala went on to win the Individual Continental Interbreed Championship, before taking the show’s blue riband award when winning the Individual Interbreed Overall Supreme title.  For good measure, and a little extra icing on the cake, Cade Fifi’s Nala then joined up with the bull Popes Premier from Jimmy & Vikki Wood, Popes Farm, Preston; and Denizes Melody 52nd, and Denizes Melody 53rd from the Wacton Herd of RE & SHW Steggles, Honingham, Norfolk, to win the Team of Four Interbreed.  Judging the interbreeds was the well-known Mary Reynolds, Hampshire.

The Interbreed awards reflected what was a high-quality Simmental English National Show with the judge Stewart Stronach congratulating all of the exhibitors for the standard of animals forward and noting that he had ‘seen Simmentals that I think will be some of the best in the UK today’!

Cade Fifi’s Nala is an ET calf by Sacombe Jameson and out of the noted Sterling Celia’s Fifi, who is owned in a three-way split by the Cades along with the Brandane herd of Jimmy McMillan and the Key herd of GD Key & Sons.  Sterling Celia’s Fifi, bred by Boddington Estates, by Sterling Cotswold, and out of Sterling Delores Celia, is a past winner of the English National Show having lifted the title in 2017 at the Three Counties Show.  Later that same year she was sold for 22,000gns, a then albeit briefly held Simmental female record, at the Boddington Estate Herd Dispersal Sale and to Harte Farms, Republic of Ireland. In 2021 the ‘herd consortium’ came together to buy Sterling Celia’s Fifi for 6200 Euros at the Harte’s online Dispersal Sale. The quality of Cade Fifi’s Nala suggests this was a knowledgeable and rewarding investment and Sharrie Cade was quick to thank and acknowledge Jimmy McMillan, and Simon Key for their part in ‘the journey with Sterling Celia’s Fifi’.

It was an emotional win for the Cades and from their Cade herd which was only established in 2017 and now comprises of some 25 breeding females and fifty head in all.  Commenting afterwards, Sharrie Cade said:  “It really has been quite overwhelming to win these prestigious titles against such strong competition, and it’s going to take a little time to sink in!  Fifi’s Nala is stylish, modern, easy fleshed with good growth, and most importantly for us is very correct.  She’s a very special heifer but she is typical of the type of animals that we are looking to breed.”   The wins at the Royal Lancashire Show are the highest show achievements for the herd to date but with them also having bred the bull Cade Nugget who took the Male Championship at the 2023 Simmental English National Show and also the Interbreed Male Continental Champion at the same Royal Norfolk show, for Chris & Zara Curson’s Hollybrook herd.

With a host of titles behind her this year, Cade Fifi’s Nala has been part of Simmental winning Interbreed Teams and Groups at the Royal Norfolk, was breed champion at Herts Show and Reserve Continental Interbreed, and was Reserve Supreme Simmental at Suffolk, and Royal Norfolk Shows!  Bringing two quality heifers to the show, another red ticket was secured when the January 2023 born Cade Kathleen’s Prada, also by Sacombe Jameson 18, won the fourth heifer class on the day.

Reserve Overall Champion Popes Princess Noor

Females were to the fore and taking the Reserve Overall Supreme, and Reserve Female title was Popes Princess Noor from well-known local breeders Jimmy & Vikki Wood, Popes Farm, Preston, Lancashire. April 2022 born, Popes Princess Noor is an ET calf by the noted Team Celtic and is out of Popes Princess Hettie. This in-calf heifer (to Denizes Hamish) arrived at the Royal Lancashire having won the Simmental Supreme Championship at the 2024 Great Yorkshire Show.  Commenting, Stewart Stronach said:  “This is another tremendous Simmental heifer.  She’s full of show presence, has a beautiful head, and carried herself extremely well.” A multi title winning animal, Popes Princess Noor was the Overall Junior, and Junior Female Champion at the 2023 Simmental English National Show, and is a half sister to the all-conquering 2022 Simmental English Show Champion, Popes Princess Lumi.

The quality kept on coming and winning the Male Championship, Junior Male, and Overall Junior, was the very stylish January 2023 born Simply Peter Pan from Robert & Louise Fitton, Moss Hall Farm, Lostock, Bolton, and another from the Red Rose County of Lancashire. This calf is by Ashland Magic and is out of Derrycallaghan Kitkat (ET). Of his Male Champion Stewart Stronach said: “Again a very modern Simmental, this bull is long and clean with a great turn of hip, and carried himself extremely well. He’s a bull with all the qualities to do both jobs as a breeder’s bull, and as a high-end commercial bull.”  For the ten cow Simply herd who are ‘not regulars in the showring’, this was their highest show accolade to date and with it being the bull’s first time out.  Commenting Robert Fitton said:  “We really think this bull is the full package of looks, breeding, and figures.  His sire was bought for length, colour, and figures, and his dam is a thick set cow.  He’s clean with width and end, and no gut and carries a +9 figure for Maternal (Milk), and is +109 for Self-Replacing Index.”  In a little footnote, all of the Simply animals registered in 2023 carry the name Peter within, in tribute to Robert’s dad, so a very fitting win.

Male Champion, Junior Male and Overall Junior Champion Simply Peter Pan 23

Lifting the Reserve Male Championship was the January 2023 born bull Popes Premier 23. Sired by Popes Lethal Weapon, Popes Premier 23 was shown through last summer as a calf at foot alongside his multi title winning mum, Popes Princess Immie. Premier’s grand dam is the herd’s famous, and much decorated cow, Popes Princess Cleo. In his own, Popes Premier 23 won the Simmental Pedigree Calf Championship and National Pedigree Calf Show Interbreed, at the English Winter Fair in November 2023.  This year he won the Male Championship and Reserve Overall to his stablemate Popes Princess Noor, at the 2024 Great Yorkshire Show.

Reserve Male Champion Popes Premier

Back in the females and the Junior Female Champion and Reserve Junior Overall was Atlow Plume from David Donnelly, Atlow House, Ashbourne, Derbyshire.  June 2023 born this was another ‘first timer’ in the show ring.  Sired by Dermotstown King Kong (ET), Atlow Plume is out of Atlow Dora’s Jojo who goes back to Kilbride Farm Dora 34A EX94.  The Atlow Herd has secured many show Championships over the years and speaking afterwards David Donnelly said this heifer was right up there with previous breeding: “Atlow Plume is one of the best heifers we have bred since Atlow Valentine who was an Overall Simmental and Interbreed Champion at the Royal Show in the early 2000’s.”  From here the aim is that Atlow Plume will be entered, along with two other show heifers, to the Next Generation IV Simmental female Sale at Carlisle in December.

Junior Female Champion Atlow Plume

Another local breeder putting forward a mighty team of animals was MA Barlow & Sons from their noted Denizes herd.  Enjoying a fine day the herd picked up four class winners (three in the bull classes) and four second prizes.  The consistency and performance of the Denizes entries saw the herd pick up the Imex Award for the breeder winning most points across all of the classes.

Pair winners – Denizes Melody 53 & Denizes Melody 52

Group of Four

Judge Stewart Stronach with Overall Champion Cade Fifi’s Nala and Reserve Champion Popes Princess Noor with Iain Kerr from BSCSJunior Championship

Simmental English National Show
(Held within Royal Lancashire Show)
Saturday 20th July 2024

Judge: Mr Stewart Stronach, Islavale Herd, Berryleys Farm, Keith

Class S1a Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
1st J H & V G Wood                    Popes Trixies Pearl
2nd A S Leedham                       Grangewood Jewel’s Princess
3rd David Donnelly                     Atlow Pippa

Popes Trixies Pearl

 Class S2b Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
1st David Donnelly                    Atlow Plume
2nd Barlow Brothers                 Denizes Matilda 15th
3rd Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Eunice 5th
4th Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Nelly 14th

Class S2c Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Matilda 16th
2nd Barlow Brothers                 Denizes Melody 58
3rd PM & R Fitton                     Simply Trixi Pixie

Denizes Matilda 16th

Class S2 Heifer, born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2023
1st PA & SM Cade                        Cade Kathleen’s Prada
2nd JH & VG Wood                      Popes Trixies Prudence
3rd R & L Storersmith                 Storersmith Puzzle
4th J H & V G Wood                     Popes Trixies Perla
5th T & J Hassall                          Fishpool Poppy

Cade Kathleen’s Prada

 Class S3 Heifer, Born on or between 1st August and 31st December 2022
1st PA & SM Cade                      Cade Fifi’s Nala
2nd RE & SHW Steggles          Denizes Melody 53
3rd RE & SHW Steggles           Denizes Melody 52
4th A S Leedham                      Grangewood Tollie’s Natalie

 Class S4 Heifer, born on or between 1st April and 31st July 2022
1st J H & V G Wood                    Popes Princess Noor
2nd A S Leedham                       Grangewood Nicole
3rd Steven White                        Tirley Bluebelle

Class S9a Bull, born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                  Denizes Predator 23
2nd J H & V G Wood                  Popes Paxton 23
3rd RE & SHW Steggles            Wacton Peroni 23
4th PM & R Fitton                     Simply Pete (Big) 23

Denizes Predator

Class S9b Bull, born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                    Denizes Passito 23 (P)
2nd Barlow Brothers                   Denizes Pablo 23
3rd Barlow Brothers                    Denizes Powerboy 23
4th Barlow Brothers                    Denizes Portobello 23

Denizes Passito

Class S9c Bull, born on or after 1st April 2023
1st Barlow Brothers                     Denizes Phantom 23
2nd Barlow Brothers                   Denizes Paparazzi 23
3rd RE & SHW Steggles               Wacton Powerhouse 23

Denizes Phantom

Class S10 Bull born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2023
1st PM & R Fitton                       Simply Peter Pan 23
2nd J H & V G Wood                   Popes Premier 23
3rd J H & V G Wood                    Popes Power 23

Class S11 Bull born in 2022
1st R & L Storersmith                Storersmith Navarone 22

Storersmith Navarone

Class S13 Pair of animals
1st RE & SHW Steggles
2nd A S Leedham
3rd JH & VG Wood
4th Barlow Brothers

S14 Group of four
1st  JH & VG Wood
2nd RE & SHW Steggles
3rd Barlow Brothers

Overall Champion
Cade Fifi’s Nala                          PA & SM Cade

Reserve Overall Champion
Popes Princess Noor                JH & VG Wood

Female Champion
Cade Fifi’s Nala                          PA & SM Cade

 Reserve Female Champion
Popes Princess Noor                JH & VG Wood

Junior Female Champion
Atlow Plume                                 David Donnelly

Male Champion
Simply Peter Pan                        PM & R Fitton

Reserve Male Champion
Popes Premier 23                      J H & V G Wood            

Champion Junior Male
Simply Peter Pan                        PM & R Fitton

Junior Champion
Simply Peter Pan                        PM & R Fitton



  • Tregnether herd sees clean sweep of major Simmental awards
  • Simmental team of five Takes Reserve Team Interbreed

 Please see here the report from the 2024 Royal Cornwall Show, held on the 6th – 8th June at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge,  supplied by the Cornwall Simmental Club

Five exhibitors presented twenty animals to be judged by the current British Simmental Society President Mr Norman Robson. From Northern Ireland and the renowned Kilbride Farm herd which the Cornwall Simmental members visited during their 2023 September trip. Royal Cornwall Show was Norman and his wife Jill’s first experience of the Duchy.

Stephanie Hooper and David Reeves who run the Tregnether pedigree and commercial herds enjoyed a stellar day with their team of six animals all sired by the home-bred Tregnether Jackpot (Sterling Gino) out of local Liskerret and Treverbyn dams.

Winning all four of the classes they entered beginning with Tregnether Proper Job, born 31st March 2023. Proper Job then went on to stand Male Champion and lifted the Junior Champion and Reserve Supreme awards. While Tregnether Prince, February 2023 was selected as Reserve Male Champion.

Tregnether Proper Job, Male Champion and Reserve Overall Champion

Tregnether Nellie born 15th March 2022, headed the two-year-old heifers before being tapped forward for Female Champion and Overall Supreme. In-calf to Lakeside Warrior she is due in October.

Tregnether Nellie, Female & Supreme Simmental champion

Tregnether Pixie continued the epic day for the young couple by taking the heifer born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2023. Born on the last day of March she stood Reserve Female Champion after lengthy consideration by the judge, and Reserve Junior Champion.

Rounding off the afternoon Tregnether Proper Job and Tregnether Pixie joined forces to head the pairs class.

Friday is inter-breed day. The judge selected Nellie, Proper Job, and Pixie together with Tregnether Peach and Bosahan Paloma to represent the Simmental breed in the team of five. This eye-catching junior team were runners-up to a the powerful Charolais representatives.

Besides their cattle, Steph and David enjoyed success in the sheep section with Reserve Champion commercial and a flurry of rosettes with their pedigree Zwartbles. To complete the show for the family their sons Elliott was awarded a prize in the under four class while seven-year-old Oliver won his section in the sheep young handler classes on Saturday.

The remaining class winners were:

Bull born on or after 1st April 2023
Mr and Mrs J M & AM Grose & Sons – Trewarnevas Poldark 23

Cow born before 1st January 2021, in calf or with a calf at foot.
Mr & Mrs S Gummow – Killiworgie Elderflower’s Ivy

Cow or heifer born in 2021 in milk with calf at foot or certified in-calf and due to calve before three years of age.
Mr & Mrs S Gummow – Killiworgie Ivy’s Maria

Heifer born on or after 1st April 2023
PJ, B & DJ Olds – Bosahan Peony Hello Baby (P)

Full results and more photos to follow.

Live streaming of classes available on Cornwall Simmental Club Facebook page.



We meet with James Hamilton, this year’s NSA ScotSheep host on Wednesday 5th June, based at Aikengall located on the edge of the Lammermuir Hills, Innerwick, Dunbar and where Simmental has a major complementary role to play with the sheep enterprise.

Succession and the freedom to be your own man have always been at the forefront and long-term planning for the Hamilton family – James, Charles and Harry alongside their late father, John.  Harry took on the tenancy of Nunraw in 2010, the opportunity to purchase Barney Mains where Charles is now based came in late 2021, while James remains at Aikengall.  Combined, the three units carry 900 spring calving Simmental cross suckler cows and accompanying finishing unit together with 1,400 Blackface ewes including 700 pure ewes, 700 ewes bred to the Bluefaced Leicester and 1,400 Scotch Mules bred to Texel rams for finished lamb production.

James explains: “While we are each running our own farms, the arrangement provides that critical mass and we’re linked: the extra land has enabled us to expand the suckler herd, Barney Mains has allowed us to be self-sufficient in grain and straw and we’ve been able to develop a complete stratified sheep enterprise.
“We have always tried to build a system that can sustain itself and turn in a profit without support payments, and we are currently as close to that as we have ever been.”
He continues: “After moving from Dykefoot and South Cobbinshaw in Lanarkshire to Aikengall back in 1998, we converted to organic production which was very profitable in the early days due to good organic conversion schemes and premiums on stock of up to £1/kg.
“Organic was in fact the precursor to the current regenerative movement; it was simply a more unquantified ‘caveman’ approach. Without the ability to turn to a bag or a can to solve your problems, we learnt a great deal. It was about building fertility for crops such as kale or barley using good clover-based swards that in turn boosted feed values, clean grazings to reduce worm burdens and closed herds to prevent introducing disease – the list goes on.

“Whilst we took the decision in 2014 to return to conventional production, the lessons we learned haven’t been lost. We like to think we currently farm an intensive system on an extensive basis – we’re exploiting our resources’ potential with minimal input however we like to pay as much attention to detail as we can.

“We are finding what’s good for farm profitability is also good for the environment and carbon efficiency. When we have a good grazing sward with clovers and herbs the soil health and ability to hold pH and fertility is greatly enhanced. Recent carbon tests on upland silage fields have shown soil carbon levels of 15-18%, far greater than the assumed 2-3%. This is a great story to tell and a torpedo to the Bismarck of negative press the livestock industry sustains,” says James.

“Labour is a big issue – we each mange our units singlehanded alongside our wives – Emma, Jane and Rebecca. At Aikengall, I have part time help feeding up along with seasonal help from students at calving and lambing, consequently we need an easy care suckler, one that will look after herself, and Simmental has proved herself to us for nearly three decades.”

“Simmental has got to be the Tesla of upland suckler beef production,” says James Hamilton. “She is a great dual-purpose cow – easy calving, maternal and milky, and is able to extensively rear a quality calf each year which goes on to easily flesh. Furthermore, she is performing off heather hill remaining in BCS 3.5 totally off forage and without any extra cost through to the end of December – weather permitting, which can subsequently shorten the winter period to just four months of the year.”  In fact, Simmental has been the backbone of the family’s suckler finishing enterprise for almost 30 years and is set to continue that role well into the foreseeable future. “While we inherited Simmental when we bought Aikengall in 1998, since then we’ve worked away introducing native breeds to reduce cow size to an average 650kg mature weight and establish a fleshier, more efficient suckler cow and one that will hold her condition during winter. Today’s herd comprises 80% Simmental genetics.

“While we’ve some cows lasting for 10 years, one of objectives is to keep the herd productive and young averaging six crops. We semen test all the bulls before they are turned out, they run with the heifers for four weeks and the cows up to six weeks, and then we scan three weeks after they’re removed in mid-September and anything that’s empty is culled.”  Replacement heifers are carefully selected: “We’re annually introducing 200 head and calve them at two years – we pelvic score and weigh to make sure they’re sufficiently well grown reaching 400kg and fit to run with the bull – either Angus or Lincoln Red. We run them in two groups of 100 head, each with three or four bulls for four weeks as an insurance policy.

“After that first cross, it’s Simmental all the way and we keep these bulls in for two cycles, and again we cull all of the empties,” says James. “Our ruthless culling policy has resulted in herd fertility dramatically increasing and most cows getting in calf in the first turn.”

The Hamiltons run a string of 25 Simmental bulls; they annually refresh with a handful purchased in Stirling and occasionally top up with one or two bought privately. “We work each one as long as he’s fit, usually for up to five seasons. We do pay attention to selecting for calving ease, eye muscle and backfat EBVs however we don’t rely on them. We like a slightly smaller and ‘musclier’ type of bull, since we believe they and their progeny will hold flesh easier.  “We also like those with dark red coats – we believe they absorb more sunlight which in turn helps to keep more flesh on the cattle.”

With some 900 head of cows to calve over the three farms within a space of six weeks then ease of calving is vitally important. “We keep an eye on them and have cameras, however very little intervention is required; the calves are lively and able to take care of themselves in the most part.

“Cows and calves are turned out on to a flush of spring grass and thrive on the upland pastures and hill until nine months weaning at +300kg target weight. Three to four weeks prior to weaning we introduce creep – wheat distillers and barley to help with the transition process. The calves are then built up onto a finishing diet of homegrown crimped cereals, silage, a bit of straw and bought in protein, with bespoke minerals included,” he explains. “All calves are weighed at housing and at two-month intervals to ensure they keep on track.

“The cattle tend to finish in a tight pattern which mirrors calving, at 17 to 20 months of age – steers at an average 390kg and heifers 340kg to 350kg and all consistently grading within the U, R 3 and 4L spec. They’re very well sought after and keenly bid for by Highland Meats, AK Stoddart and Macduff beef,” he says adding: “It is a pleasure to work with the Simmental breed to achieve the type and temperament of cow and finishing beast in the farming system we are striving to achieve.”



Suckler herd performance
24 months age at first calving
95% heifer scan
96% cow scan
80% calving within the first two cycles
90% reared
6 calf crops
17 – 20-month finishing; steers ave 390kg, heifers ave 340kg; U, R 4L

Aikengall, Dunbar, East Lothian

1,900 acres, upland unit, 900’ – 1,200’
450 spring calving Simmental cross breeding females
600 head finishing unit
1,400 Blackface ewes

Thurston Mains
400 acres arable/good grazing lowland next door to Aikengall

Nunraw, Garvald
1,200 acres, tenanted unit
350 spring calving Simmental cross breeding females
1,400 Scotch Mule ewes

Barney Mains, Haddington
450 acres arable
140 acres rough grazing, plus 80 acres grazing next door farm
100 suckler cows

Coreshope, Heriot
2,000 acres upland unit contract farmed with the Walgate family
Running all bulling heifers and ewe hoggs



  • Fishpool Poppy wins Female Championship & Overall Reserve
  • Jack Heath wins Overall Young Handler with Tirley Natalie

Popes Premier, Simmental & National Pedigree Calf Show Interbreed Champion

At the opening day of the 2023 English Winter Fair held at Staffordshire County Showground, the 30th January 2023 born bull calf Popes Premier, from Messrs JH & VG Wood, Popes Farm, Dutton, Preston, Lancs, won the Simmental Pedigree Calf Championship before moving on to win the National Pedigree Calf Show Interbreed, a first for the Simmental breed.

Sired by Popes Lethal Weapon, Popes Premier has been shown all summer as a calf at foot alongside his multi title winning mum, Popes Princess Immie, who amongst a welter of wins was the Overall Supreme Interbreed Champion at the Great Yorkshire Show, and was the Simmental Supreme Champion at the Simmental English National Show held within the Royal Norfolk. Premier’s grand dam is the herd’s famous, and much decorated cow, Popes Princess Cleo.  Judging the Simmental section was Jim Goldie of the noted Newbiemains herd, Annan, Dumfriesshire, and who was full of praise for his Champion:  “This calf had tremendous style about him, was long and clean, and very nice over his rump. He moved really well with good legs and feet, and is just a very modern young Simmental bull.”

Judging the Interbreed was the well-known commercial producer John Hall, Penrith and who very much endorsed Jim Goldie when commenting: “This is a very smart calf, well grown, and beautifully brought out.  Very modern he carried plenty of shape, had no gut to him, and had a lot of class and style. I just loved this young bull and felt he was an easy winner on the day.”

Popes Premier with Hannah Wood and Simmental judge Jim Goldie

Winning the Female Championship, and the Overall Reserve in the Simmental section, was the junior heifer calf Fishpool Poppy from Tom & Jennie Hassall.  January 2023 born, Fishpool Poppy is by Newbiemains Kalypso and is out of Kilbride Farm Eunice 277J.  From a noted female line, Kilbride Farm Eunice 277J was purchased privately from WH Robson & Sons, Ballyclare during Covid. This red ticket made it a notable double for the 12-breeding female Fishpool herd with Poppy also having a class win at the recent Simmental Youngstock Show held within the Borderway Agri Expo at Carlisle.  Of his Female Champion, Jim Goldie said: “Poppy was a lovely, feminine heifer, with great length and just full of breed character.  Again she was good on her legs, had tremendous locomotion and showed herself extremely well.”

Fishpool Poppy, Female Champion & Overall Reserve

Taking the Reserve Male Championship, and first in class one, was Storersmith Navarone from local breeders R&L Storer Smith, Ashbourne Road, Uttoxeter.  December 2022 born, Navarone is got by the AI sire Clonagh Latin Lover, and is out of Storersmith Havannah, a Popes Barclay daughter. Through the two days of the show Storersmith Navarone, along with his stablemate Storersmith Newton, a Ballinalare Farm Galaxy son, drew much attention as they featured on the Midlands Simmental Club’s promotional stand. 

Back in the females and taking the Reserve Female Championship was the smart young January 2023 born calf Newton House Posh from JW Gosmore Partners, Tattenhall Chester.  Standing second in its class to the Female Champion, Newton House Posh is by Lissadell Mr Mullarkey VIP, a bull purchased at Roscommon Premier Sale, and is out of Clonagh Krystal Posh, a Bruchag Glenfiddich 15 daughter.  Next stop for this young heifer will be the mucha anticipated Next Generation III Sale of Simmental Females & Weaned Calves due to be held at Borderway Mart, Carlisle on Friday 1st December.

In the fantastically supported Young Handlers Championships it was a ‘big win’ for fifteen-year-old Jack Heath, Sheaf Farm, Tarvin, Chester, who took the Overall Championship whilst showing the Simmental heifer Tirley Natalie of Steve White, Tarporley, Cheshire.  With a little ‘form’ behind him Jack, who is a member of Beeston YFC, also recently won the Overall Young Handler title as part of the Youth Development Programme, and held at Rosemead Angus, Shackleford, Nr Godalming, Surrey.

A big well done also to the Midlands Simmental Club for putting on an informative and welcoming Simmental promotional stand over the two days.  In the trade stands competition the Midlands Club was awarded a terrific second place. 


Class 78 Senior Bull Calf born between 1st October 2022 and 31st December 2022
1st – Lot 229: Storersmith Simmentals – STORERSMITH NAVARONE s. Clonagh Latin Lover
2nd – Lot 228: Storersmith Simmentals – STORERSMITH NEWTON. s. Ballinalare Farm Galaxy

Class 79 Junior Bull Calf born between 1st January 2023 and 30th June 2023
1st – Lot 233: VG Wood – POPES PREMIER s. Popes Lethal Weapon
2nd – Lot 235: S White – TIRLEY PATRICK s. Rathnastan Lobster Pot
3rd – Lot 236: Renshaw & Brassington – DOVEFIELDS PHOENIX s. Star Green Kenny
4th – Lot 234: VG Wood – POPES POWER s. Saltire Impressive
5th – Lot 232: Storersmith Simmentals – STORERSMITH PROVIDENCE s. Ballinalare Farm Galaxy

 Class 80 Senior Heifer Calf born between 1st October 2022 and 31st December 2022
1st – Lot 237: S White – TIRLEY NATALIE s. Kilclaven Impulsion 17
2nd – Lot 238: J & T Gosmore – NEWTON NICE ONE s. Lissadell Mr Mularkey
3rd – Lot 239: J & T Gosmore – NEWTON HOUSE MAJESTY s. Lissadell Los Angeles

Class 81 Junior Heifer Calf born between 1st January 2023 and 30th June 2023
1st – Lot 243: T & J Hassall – FISHPOOL POPPY s. Newbiemains Kalypso 19
2nd – Lot 242: J & T Gosmore – NEWHOUSE POSH s. Lissadell Mr Mularkey
3rd – Lot 247: VG Wood   – POPES TRIXIES PEARL s. Clonagh Lucky Explorer
4th – Lot 245: VG Wood – POPES TRIXIES PRUDENCE s. Saltire Impressive
5th – Lot 241: Storersmith Simmentals – STORERSMITH PUZZLE s. Ballinalare Farm Galaxy

Sp.2a. The Midlands Simmental Club kindly offer £75 to the Champion Bull calf
Lot 233: VG Wood – POPES PREMIER      

Sp 2b. The Midlands Simmental Club kindly offer £50 to the Reserve Champion Bull calf
Lot 229: Storersmith Simmentals – STORERSMITH NAVARONE     

Sp.3a. The Midlands Simmental Club kindly offer £75 to the Champion Heifer calf
Lot 243: T & J Hassell – FISHPOOL POPPY

Sp. 3b. The Midlands Simmental Club kindly offer £50 to the Reserve Champion Heifer calf
Lot 242:  J & T Gosmore  Ches – NEWTON HOUSE POSH   

Sp.4a. For the Overall calf sired by a Pedigree Simmental Bull £100 offered by The Midlands Simmental Club
Lot 233: VG Wood – POPES PREMIER      

Sp. 4b. For the Reserve Overall calf sired by a Pedigree Simmental bull £50 offered by The Midlands Simmental Club
Lot 243: T & J Hassell – FISHPOOL POPPY Sp.15 Overall Interbreed Championship For the overall Champion in the Pedigree Calf Show £1000 offered by Tithebarn Ltd.
Lot 233: VG Wood – POPES PREMIER      



  • 32,000gns sets new UK breed record for a Simmental female sold at auction
  • Five lots, including outfits sell for 10,000gns and more
  • Sale grosses £347,700

Simmental achieved a new 32,000gns female breed record in Stirling on Monday 23 October when David and Lesley Sapsed dispersed their entire noted Heathbrow polled herd following a decision to retire after almost three decades of breeding pedigree Simmental.

Star of the sale at 32,000gns was Heathbrow Natasha, an 18-month-old maiden by the herd’s illustrious Heathbrow Important 17, the multi-title winning show bull, herd sire and European Simmental Bull of the Year in 2019, and she was out of Raceview Emerald Alicia600 EX91 by Milnafua Graduate. A striking, fleshy well-balanced heifer exemplary of the breed, Natasha had already been in the limelight during her short-lived show career having secured the Great Yorkshire Junior Interbreed title and Reserve Breed Champion at Edenbridge, together with a fist full of red tickets. She was knocked down sold to Jimmy and Vikki Wood based at Popes Farm, Dutton, Preston, Lancashire.

The Wood family from the Popes herd with David, Lesley and Brenda and Heathbrow Natasha

Commenting after the sale Jimmy Wood said: “It was actually our daughter Hannah who bought her and will be starting a herd in her own name with Natasha as her foundation female. We first saw Heathbrow Natasha at Herts County Show when she was just a young heifer and immediately saw her potential. We’ve been ‘up close and personal’ to her ever since having shown at many of the same shows through the summer. She’s just kept coming on and we thought she was outstanding at the Great Yorkshire Show. Natasha has everything we would look for in a female. She’s full of femininity with lots of sparkle and presence and is a totally new bloodline with the best of breeding behind her, a real cow maker for the future. It’s a big price tag but it’s a long-term investment and there’s always going to be competition when that quality of heifer and genetics comes to the market.”  

The Wood family took home another four entries. At 9,000gns they secured Heathbrow Melody, an April 2021 born in heifer by Heathbrow Klassik 19, out of Raceview Emerald Alicia and scanned in calf to Blackwood Kirk. Also heading home to join their Popes herd at 7,500gns was the Heathbrow Findlay 14 sired Heathbrow Girlie’s Ivy VG88. An in-calf Heathbrow Girlie’s Freesia EX94 daughter she was a successful member of the Sapsed’s show team.

Heathbrow Melody 9,000gns
Heahthbrow Girlie’s Ivy 7,500gns

The dispersal’s second top call at 14,000gns went to Heathbrow Milky Way VG85, a January 2021 born heifer by Scotland Hill Cairo 11 EX91 and out of Dirnanean Girlie E31 EX93. She was sold with her three-month-old twin heifer calves at foot, Heathbrow Girlie’s Polly and Heathbrow Girlie’s Poppy, sired by Heathbrow Masterpieve 21. The trio went to breed newcomer, Jimmy Hodge, Fellowhills Farm, Horndean, Berwick upon Tweed.

Heathbrow Milky Way 14,000gns

“Milky Way stood out as one of those animals that you wouldn’t want to change, and she is certainly making a good job of her twin heifers,” said former Holstein breeder, Mr Hodge who currently runs 30 pedigree Herefords. “I was so impressed with the quality of the Heathbrow cattle on offer, I thought I would give them a try and invest.”

Making 13,200gns in total was Heathbrow Kitkat’s Treasure VG87, a rising four-year-old Kilbride Farm Newry daughter and out of Darsham Real Treasure EX91, together with her nine-month-old heifer calf, Heathbrow Paradise Treasure by Blackford Kirk 19 EX91. Kitkat’s Treasure who was scanned in calf to Heathbrow Masterpiece was secured for 9,000gns by J A Griffin, Common Lane, Hemingford, Huntingdon, while her calf attracted a 4,200gns from V M Bailey and Sons, Mixbury Hall Farm, Brackley, Northants.

Heathbrow Kitkat’s Treasure 9000gns & Paradise Treasure 4200gns

The same buyers went to 7,600gns for their own pair. Heathbrow Girlie’s Lorna VG87, a February 2021 born heifer by Heathbrow Grand Slam 15 and sold in-calf to Kilbride Farm Morikawa was knocked down for 3,800gns, while the Baileys made an identical 3,800gns bid for her 10-month-pld bull, Heathbrow Napolean 22 by Blackford Kirk 19 EX91.

Heathbrow Girlie’s Lorna 3,800gns & Napoleon 3,800gns

Two entries shared a 10,000gns bid. First to go was Heathbrow Sarah’s Elegance EX94, a Celtic Comet daughter and out of Dirnanean Sarah. This 10-year-old was sold with her July-born bull calf, Heathbrow Polo, by Heathbrow Grand Slam to Mr R J Grenham of Boars Head Farm, Crowborough, East Sussex.

The second 10,000gns call was made by George Scrivens and Holly Grant, Highfield, Shrewley, Warwickshire for Heathbrow Magical Star sold in-calf to Blackford Kirk. A January 2021 born Heathbrow Important 17 daughter, she was out of Heathbrow Ice Star. George commented: “We’d visited the Sapseds four or five times over the last 12 months and rather than coming away with five or six average animals we really wanted a couple of the very best. Magical Star was top of our shopping list. She meant more to us than any other animal in the sale and we’re thrilled to come away with her.”

Heathbrow Magical Star 10,000gns

The couple’s quest to invest in a heifer calf to show next year was achieved when they paid 5,200gns Heathbrow Precious, a six-month-old by Heathbrow Important 17 daughter with her dam, the rising ten-year-old Heathbrow Fancy EX92 who goes back to Dirnanean and Swallowhill lines.

A cow and calf pair attracted the next highest total at 9,700gns. The EX90 classified nine-year-old Heathbrow Fizzy by Dirnanean Welcome and scanned in calf made 3,200gns to Ward Farming, West Mains Farm, Carnwath, Lanarkshire. A 6,500gns bid secured Fizzzy’s eight-month-old bull calf Heathbrow Phoenix 23, by Heathbrow Important 17 for Robert Blyth and Son, Harestonhill Farm, Wishaw, Lanarkshire.

Heathbrow Fizzy 3,200gns

Minutes later, the next heifer and calf unit was sold for a total of 8,400gns. The three-year-old Heathbrow Luxury VG86, by Cairo made 4,200gns to John Tuohy, Coose Farm, Whitegate, Co Galway, while the same 4,200gns price tag went to her 10-month-old bull calf Heathbrow Nautical 22, by Blackford Kirk. The buyer was Speirs Farms Ltd, Pepsal End, Pepperstock, Luton.

Totalling 7,800gns was Heathbrow Kimberley VG88, an April 2019 born Heathbrow Grand Slam daughter sold in calf to Morikawa and her nine-month-old bull Heathbrow Paddy 23 by Heathbrow Important. Kimberley made 3,800gns to Nether Balfour Farms Park, Balvenie House, Drumolk, Banchory while Paddy attracted a 4,000gns bid from Wisson and Son Partnership, Southwood Farm, Abbotsley, St Neots.

Heathbrow Kimberley 3,800gns

Heathbrow Heidi VG88 and her eight-month-old twin bulls by Heathbrow Important 17, went for 7,700gns in total. The seven-year-old Heathbrow Freddie Star 14 daughter sold in calf to Morikawa was bid for 2,500gns to Simon Kemp, Kingston, Canterbury. Heathbrow Pele 23 made 2,400gns to J and M Troup, Southbank Farm, Skene, Aberdeenshire, while his twin Heathbrow Pogba 23 sold for 2,800gns to J C McLaren and Partners, Dargill, Crieiff, Perthshire.

Next pair at 7,500gns was the January 2020 born Heathbrow Lavender VG88 (pictured below) together with her eight-month-old bull calf, Heathbrow Principal 23. Another Important daughter, Lavender was sold scanned in calf to Moriawa and made 5,500gns to Inverdunning Ltd, Inverdunning, Dunning, Perthshire ,while K Thain and Son, Shank, Huntly, Aberdeenshire went to 2,000gns for Principal.

Heathbrow Lavender 5,500gns & Principal 2,000gns

David Sapsed commented after the sale: “We’re both really delighted with the trade  and it was fantastic to see such widespread demand for the Heathbrow cattle.  There were a lot of new entrants and younger breeders buying cattle and we hope their purchases set them off on as enjoyable a pedigree road as we have had. Cattle sold into Scotland, back to England, and with an export trade to both Germany and the Republic of Ireland. 

“Very much the icing on the cake was the fantastic sale of Heathbrow Natasha to the Wood family.  That’s our first female at auction to sell for over 10,000gns and for her to set a new Simmental female record, well it was an unbelievable finale to our pedigree breeding career.  We were so pleased with how the cattle travelled and looked at the sale and huge thanks are extended to Brenda Hide, Rhys Grenham, Richard Rettie and all the team for their hard work. We’ve always tried to breed genuine, long, stylish cattle that have good locomotion, are quiet and a little bit slightly later maturing. Lesley and I would like to thank all of the bidders and buyers on the day and we wish everyone the very best of luck with their new purchases.”  

Averages: seven cows and calves £6,555; 25 cows £3,948; 12 bull calves £3,509; eight heifer calves £3,728; 10 in-calf heifers £5,975; 14 maiden heifers £5,955; two bulls £4,883.

Auctioneers: United Auctions