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NI Simmental club presents cheque for £34,000 to AANI

NI Simmental club presents cheque for £34,000 to AANI

The Northern Ireland Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club has presented a cheque for £34,000 to Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.

Members of the club’s committee were welcomed to the charity’s Maze headquarters by AANI representatives Kerry Anderson, Breige Mulholland, Christine Armour, and trustee Rodney Connor. The event coincided with National Air Ambulance Week.

AANI head of fund raising Kerry Anderson expressed her gratitude to the NI Simmental Club and everyone who supported its campaign. “This is the largest single donation we have ever received. I am delighted to accept this cheque on behalf of Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. It is very much appreciated.”

With running costs of £5,000 per day, the charity must raise £2m annually to remain operational.

The club’s fund raising activities included a charity raffle, which featured a number of prizes including a pedigree Simmental heifer or £2,000. The in-calf heifer Drumbulcan Honeybee, was generously donated by County Fermanagh herd owners Kenneth and Avril Stubbs and family. Rounding off the club’s 2018 fund raising campaign was its annual charity BBQ and auction in Dungannon which attracted 250 people.

Presenting the cheque club chairman Conrad Fegan thanked Simmental breeders and members of the public for their support and donations. “Air Ambulance Northern Ireland was our chosen charity for 2018. I am proud to present this cheque in memory of our long-standing committee member Thelma Gorman who tragically lost her life in a farm accident last year.

“As chairman of the NI Simmental Club I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this phenomenal total of £34,000. Thelma was a hugely popular person, and this amount is a fantastic tribute to her.”

Kerry Anderson continued: ”I am bowled over by this incredible amount of money, and I’d also like to thank the NI Simmental Club for the profile it has given Air Ambulance NI over the last number of months. You have really engaged with the local community, and everyone within the club should feel proud of its achievement.”

These words were echoed by AAN trustee Rodney Connor. “We are grateful to the Simmental Club for its massive effort. Kenneth and Avril Stubbs deserve a special mention. They really put their heart and soul into raising funds for Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. As well as donating Honeybee, the Stubbs family took her to five agricultural shows, and put hours of work into selling tickets. “

Air Ambulance Northern Ireland was launched in July 2017. Speed is crucial and Air Ambulance can be in the air within four minutes of an emergency call. Its operational base is at the Maze, and the helicopter can reach anywhere in Northern Ireland within 25 minutes. With a highly skilled trauma doctor and paramedic on board it is effectively bringing the hospital to the patient.

Office bearers and committee members of the NI Simmental Cattle Breeders' Club recently visited the headquarters of Air Ambulance Northern Ireland to present a cheque for £34,000. Included are AANI trustee Rodney Connor, and the charity's head of fundraising Kerry Anderson.

Office bearers and committee members of the NI Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club recently visited the headquarters of Air Ambulance Northern Ireland to present a cheque for £34,000. Included are AANI trustee Rodney Connor, and the charity’s head of fundraising Kerry Anderson.

Kenneth and Avril Stubbs, Drumbulcan Herd, are pictured at Air Ambulance NI's operational base at the Maze, with Conrad Fegan, chairman, NI Simmental Club; and the charity's Kerry Anderson.

Kenneth and Avril Stubbs, Drumbulcan Herd, are pictured at Air Ambulance NI’s operational base at the Maze, with Conrad Fegan, chairman, NI Simmental Club; and the charity’s Kerry Anderson.

Simmental club raises more than £30,000 for Air Ambulance NI

Simmental club raises more than £30,000 for Air Ambulance NI

THE Northern Ireland Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club has raised more than £30,000 for Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.

Fund raising activities included a raffle, BBQ and auction in memory of its highly esteemed club member Thelma Gorman, who died last year as the result of a tragic farm accident.

Club chairman Conrad Fegan said: “We have been overwhelmed by the response to this year’s fund raising efforts. Donations are still coming in, but so far the total raised is in excess of £30,000. This amount exceeds our initial expectations, but it is testimony to the popularity of our former club chairperson and long-standing committee member Thelma Gorman.

“Thelma was a great ambassador for the Simmental breed, and well-known on the show circuit. It was humbling to see so many pedigree breeders from other beef clubs coming together to support our annual BBQ.”

Almost 250 people, including Simmental breeders from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, attended the BBQ and auction in Dungannon.

One of the highlights of the night was the charity raffle which boasted a top prize of £2,000 or the pedigree in-calf heifer Drumbulcan Honeybee, generously donated by Kenneth and Avril Stubbs and family from Irvinestown.

The winning tickets were drawn by Peter Gorman, and the prize winners include:

1, Pedigree Simmental Heifer or £2,000 – Marilyn Leonard, Enniskillen.

2, LG 43” Full HD LED TV – Nicolas Watt, Newtownhamilton.

3, One night B&B for two people at Galgorm Resort and Spa, Ballymena – Georgina McCrea, Limavady.

4, SFS Plastic one tonne portable meal bin – Brian Ervine, Ballyclare

5, Millwood Crafts wooden farm set – Fergal Shanks Sligo.

Conrad Fegan added: “A big thank you to the Stubbs family for donating the September 2016 born heifer Drumbulcan Honeybee. She was on display at five shows during the summer, which helped to raise the profile and boost ticket sales for our charity raffle. “

The charity auction attracted more than 50 lots. Topping the auction at £1,200 were three straws of semen from the popular bull Raceview King, kindly donated by Peter and Marion O’Connell from County Cork.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the various businesses and individuals who pledged items for our charity auction. Thanks also to the bidders. We appreciate everyone’s generosity and support. “

Air Ambulance Northern Ireland was launched in July 2017, and 10% of its emergency call outs have been to farm accidents in the rural community.

Speaking at the BBQ, Rodney Connor, AANI trustee highlighted the importance of the emergency helicopter service which got off the ground after a 12-year lobbying and fundraising campaign.

“Speed is crucial and the Air Ambulance team can be in the air within four minutes of an emergency call. Based at the Maze, the helicopter can reach anywhere in Northern Ireland within 25 minutes, and with a highly skilled doctor and paramedic on board it is effectively bringing the hospital to the patient. “

Rodney Connor outilned running costs of £5,000 per day, meaning the charity must raise £2m each year to remain operational.

He concluded: “I would like to congratulate the Simmental Club on a fantastic BBQ and fund raising campaign. Thank you for choosing to support Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. “

Simmental bulls to a top  of 3,100gns at Ballymena

Simmental bulls to a top of 3,100gns at Ballymena

Ballymena Mart was the venue for the NI Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club’s evening show and sale of pedigree and commercial livestock.

Bulls reached a ceiling of 3,100gns, while pedigree females sold to a top of 2,200gns. In the commercial section cows with calf at foot peaked at £1,300 twice, and maiden heifers sold to a top of £1,200 twice.

Topping bull trade at 3,100gns was the reserve male and reserve supreme champion Drumlone Inmate TSI +77 SRI+89 bred and exhibited by Kenneth Veitch, Lisbellaw. This fifteen-month-old Carnkern Titan son was bred from the Raceview King daughter Corbally A1 Kate, and is a full brother to Drumlone Fabulous, sold at Stirling in February 2016 for 10,000gns. Buyer was pedigree breeder Kenneth Stubbs from the Drumbulcan Herd in Irvinestown.

Kenneth Veitch, Lisbellaw, exhibited the reserve male and reserve supreme champion Drumlone Inmate sold for a top price of 3,100gns at the NI Simmental Club's evening show and sale in Ballymena.

Kenneth Veitch, Lisbellaw, exhibited the reserve male and reserve supreme champion Drumlone Inmate sold for a top price of 3,100gns at the NI Simmental Club’s evening show and sale in Ballymena.

Judge James Alexander from Randalstown awarded the male and supreme overall championship ribbons to the February 2017 Shacon Invincible TSI+91 SRI+91. Bred by Brian Dooher, Donemana, he was sired by Kilbride Farm Delboy, and is out of the Anatrim Bodybuilder daughter Celtic Eve – one of six cows in the herd, founded in 2011. In the breed’s top 5% for eye muscle area +5.5, he sold for 2,200gns to Eric Connor from Maghera.

Male and supreme overall Simmental champion was Shacon Invincible bred by Brian Dooher, Donemana, and exhibited by Ritchie Devine.

Male and supreme overall Simmental champion was Shacon Invincible bred by Brian Dooher, Donemana, and exhibited by Ritchie Devine.

James Alexander commented” The champion is a long powerful bull with good bone and breed characteristics. The reserve champion is another good bull, long and correct, and slightly lighter boned.”

James Alexander from Randalstown judged the NI Simmental Club's evening show and sale in Ballymena Mart.

James Alexander from Randalstown judged the NI Simmental Club’s evening show and sale in Ballymena Mart.

Four lots came under the hammer at 2,000gns each.

First to go was the February 2017 Cladymore Invincible TSI+50 SRI+56 from Archie Reaney’s herd in Markethill. This third prize winner was sired by Hillcrest Valentine, and is bred from the Omorga Murray daughter Ballinlare Farm Favourite Lady. Buyers were H and S Griffin, Portglenone.

Kilbride Farm Warren was behind the breeding of the February 2017 Cleenagh Ivory TSI+91 SRI+108 bred by Adrian Richardson, Maguiresbridge. This fifth prize winner was bred from Cleenagh Eyeful – a daughter of the 12,000gns Stirling champion Drumlone Anchor.

Next best at 2,000gns was the first prize winning Hiltonstown Ike ET TSI+80 SRI+94 bred by Richard Rodgers, Portglenone. Born in March 2017, he is by the 2014 and 2015 Balmoral Show breed champion Dermotstown Delboy, and is out of a home-bred dam by Woodhall Premier.

Also selling at 2,000gns was the fourth placed Kilbride Farm Idris TSI+56 SRI+43 from the Robson family at Doagh. Sired by stock bull Corskie Damario, he is out of the Cairnview Snazzy daughter Kilbride Farm Fanni 40E – full sister to the 12,000gns Kilbride Farm Bantry.

Pedigree females peaked at 2,200gns, paid to Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Ballyclare, who offered an unled draft from their 35-cow Lisglass Herd. Leading the offering was the October 2016 Lisglass Hope, a daughter of herd sire Dermotstown Delboy. She is out of a home-bred Woodhall Premier dam.

The female champion Castlemount Angela 2nd came under the hammer at 1,850gns for Duncan McDowell from Newtownards.  This thirteen-month-old heifer was sired by Kilbride Farm Bantry, and is out of a Slievenagh-bred dam from the 12,000gns Dovefields Gallant.

Richard McKeown exhibited the female champion Castlemount Angela 2nd on behalf of Duncan McDowell, Newtownards. Addiing his congratulations is Neill Acheson, Animax, sponsor.

Richard McKeown exhibited the female champion Castlemount Angela 2nd on behalf of Duncan McDowell, Newtownards. Addiing his congratulations is Neill Acheson, Animax, sponsor.

Mr McDowell also realised 1,800gns for the seven-year-old cow Drumagarner Cute. Sired by Barnattin Wally, she is out of a dam by Lisglass Python. Included in the price was her March born Kilbride Farm Escalop bull calf Castlemount Jetliner.

In the commercial section, cow and calf outfits sold to £1,300 twice, and £1,200 twice, paid to Frank Cunning from Glarryford.

Maiden heifers peaked at £1,200, paid to Nigel Glasgow and Malcolm Thom, both from Cookstown. Other leading prices include £1,180 and £1,100 twice.

The NI Simmental Club is indebted to its sponsors, Animax and Connon General Merchants, for their generous continued support.

NI Simmental Cattle Breeders' Club chairman Conrad Fegan, centre, is pictured with sponsors of the evening show and salein Ballymena, John Connon, Connon General Merchants; and Neill Acheson, Animax.

NI Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club chairman Conrad Fegan, centre, is pictured with sponsors of the evening show and salein Ballymena, John Connon, Connon General Merchants; and Neill Acheson, Animax.

Results from the judging ring:

Bull, born between 15/09/16 and 22/12/16 – 1, Ian Davidson, Stewartstown Harry by Dripsey Super King; 2, Robin Boyd, Slievenagh Harvester by Kilbride Farm Delboy; 3, Kenneth Stubbs, Drumbulcan Heartbeat by Drumacritten Callum.

Bull, born between  02/01/17 and 22/01/17 – 1, Kenneth Stubbs, Drumbulcan Ivor by Drumacritten Callum; 2, Andrew Clarke, Breaghey Ironman by Breaghey Diamond; 3, Joe Campbell, Camus Icon by Curaheen Apostle.

Bull, born between 05/02/17 and 20/02/17 – 1, male and supreme champion, Brian Dooher, Shacon Invincible by Kilbride Farm Delboy; 2, reserve male and reserve supreme champion, Kenneth Veitch, Drumlone Inmate by Carnkern Titan; 3, Archie Reaney and Sons, Cladymore Invincible by Hillcrest Valentine.

Bull, born between 04/03/17 and 20/04/17 – 1, Richard Rodgers, Hiltonstown Ike by Dermotstown Delboy; 2, Adrian Richardson, Cleenagh Idle by Kilbride Farm Warren; 3, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Lisglass Icon by Dermotstown Delboy.

Reserve female champion was Jason Whitcroft's Whitdrum Lady Delilah. Included is sponsor Neill Acheson, Animax.

Reserve female champion was Jason Whitcroft’s Whitdrum Lady Delilah. Included is sponsor Neill Acheson, Animax.

Pedigree Simmental heifer is top prize in charity raffle

Pedigree Simmental heifer is top prize in charity raffle

The NI Simmental Cattle Breeders' Club is supporting Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. Launching the club's charity raffle are, from left: Conrad Fegan, chairman; Kenneth and Avril Stubbs, Irvinestown, who have donated an in-calf pedigree heifer; Gary Wilson, AANI area fund raising manager for Fermanagh and Tyrone; and Robin Boyd, president, British Simmental Cattle Society.

The NI Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club is supporting Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. Launching the club’s charity raffle are, from left: Conrad Fegan, chairman; Kenneth and Avril Stubbs, Irvinestown, who have donated an in-calf pedigree heifer; Gary Wilson, AANI area fund raising manager for Fermanagh and Tyrone; and Robin Boyd, president, British Simmental Cattle Society.

THE Northern Ireland Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club is organising a charity raffle in aid of Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.

First prize is an in-calf pedigree Simmental heifer generously donated by Kenneth and Avril Stubbs and Family from Irvinestown, County Fermanagh.

The September 2016 Drumbulcan Honeybee was sired by the Clonagh Tiger Gallant son, Drumacritten Callum, and is out of the home-bred Omorga Baldwin daughter Drumbulcan Errin.

The 20-cow Drumbulcan prefix was founded by Kenneth Stubbs in 1976. He said:” We are delighted that Air Ambulance Northern Ireland is the Simmental Club’s chosen charity for 2018.

“Last year we lost our very dear friend Thelma Gorman in a tragic farming accident. She was a stalwart of the club and a great ambassador for the Simmental breed. Living in a rural community we are fully aware of the vital service that Air Ambulance Northern Ireland provides, and we are pleased to donate Drumbulcan Honeybee or £2,000, as first prize in the charity raffle.”

Club chairman Conard Fegan thanked the Stubbs family for their generous donation. “Thelma Gorman was a highly esteemed Simmental breeder, and a long-standing committee member and former club chairman. In memory of Thelma, the proceeds from this year’s BBQ, auction and raffle will be donated to Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. “

Tickets are priced at £5 each or three for £10. The winning ticket will be drawn at the club’s annual BBQ in Dungannon Rugby Club on Friday 10th August.

Drumbulcan Honeybee will be visiting a number of the Provincial agricultural shows over the next few months – Armagh, Omagh, Castlewellan, Clogher Valley and Fermanagh County Show. Tickets will be on sale at these events and are also available from NI Simmental Club committee members.

Conrad Fegan added:” Our raffle features a number of great prizes, and we are indebted to the various local businesses for their generosity.”

Second prize is a 43” LG Full HD LED TV; third prize is one-night B&B for two at the award winning Galgorm Resort and Spa near Ballymena; fourth prize is an SFS Plastic one ton portable meal bin; and fifth prize is a hand-crafted wooden farm set from Millwood Crafts.

Air Ambulance Northern Ireland, in partnership with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, provides a helicopter emergency medical service, and responds to seriously ill or injured patients, seven days a week, for twelve hours a day.

From its base near Lisburn, Air Ambulance Northern Ireland can reach any part of the Province in approximately twenty-five minutes. Its primary role is to deliver advanced critical care, benefitting those whose lives are at serious risk following significant injury or trauma, by bringing urgent medical assistance directly to the patient at the scene.

Gary Wilson, AANI area fundraising manager for Fermanagh and Tyrone said: “We are delighted that the Stubbs Family and the NI Simmental Club are raising funds to support the work of Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.”

“Since its launch in July 2017 Air Ambulance Northern Ireland has been tasked over 300 times to every County in Northern Ireland. To ensure the service is sustained we need to raise £2 million annually, so public support is crucial.”

‘Impeccable’ win for Ranfurly  in Balmoral Simmental ring By Julie Hazelton

‘Impeccable’ win for Ranfurly in Balmoral Simmental ring By Julie Hazelton

A tremendous young bull with style and exceptional breed character was how English judge Bridget Borlase described the supreme Simmental champion at the 150th Balmoral Show.

Lifting the plaudits at the sun-drenched Balmoral Park – which has been home to the RUAS event for six years – was the sixteen-month-old Raceview King son, Ranfurly Impeccable ET from David and Jonny Hazelton’s herd in Dungannon. He also scooped the male and exhibitor-bred awards.

Ranfurly Impeccable

Ranfurly Impeccable

The Ranfurly Herd is a regular exhibitor at the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society Show, and its last Balmoral supreme title came in 2010 when this bull’s dam, Ranfurly Weikel 3rd ET was crowned female champion and went on to secure the overall title. She was reserve junior champion and female champion in 2009 and won a record nine successive breed championship awards in the same year.

Ms Borlase, who runs 120 cows in the Sacombe and Perrywood Herds in Hertfordshire said: “This is my first time at Balmoral Show, and it’s a privilege to be part of the 150th Anniversary celebrations.

“Simmentals are lacking in numbers, but not in quality. The champion caught my eye as soon as he entered the showring. He displays the type of breed character that you don’t see these days.  This bull has everything a pedigree breeder is looking for – length, conformation, good locomotion, style and power. “

The Hazelton’s also scooped a first prize rosette in the senior heifer class with Ranfurly Weikel 18th.  Sired by Raceview King, she is bred from the 2014 Danske Bank Female of the Year Ranfurly Weikel 11th. This heifer was reserve junior and reserve female champion at Balmoral Show in 2017.

Ranfurly Weikel 18th

Ranfurly Weikel 18th

Wesley Abraham from the Magheracrigan Herd in Irvinestown claimed the reserve championship honours with the junior heifer Cleenagh Ivy. Bred by Adrian and Clive Richardson from Maguiresbirdge, this sixteen-month-old heifer was sired by the 2014 and 2015 Balmoral champion Dermotstown Delboy and is bred from Stralongford Courtney. She was female champion at the NI Simmental Club’s March show and sale in Dungannon, and was purchased by Mr Abraham for 3,000gns.

Cleenagh Ivy

Cleenagh Ivy

Bridget Borlase added:” The female and reserve overall champion is a sweet heifer. She has length, character and great ring presence. I’ve no doubt she’ll grow and mature into a really good cow.”

Claiming the day’s reserve female championship was the second placed Whitdrum Lady Della from Jason Whitcroft’s 6-cow herd in Armagh. Born in March 2017, she is by Dermotstown Delboy, and bred from Omorga Crystal. This one is a full sister to Whitdrum Vicky – winner of numerous breed championships in 2017.

Whitdrum Lady Della

Whitdrum Lady Della

“This is another smart young heifer with great ring presence,” added the judge.

Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Ballyclare, won the reserve male championship with the Dermotstown Delboy son Lisglass Impressor. Bred from Lisglass Bramble, his full brother sold at Stirling last year to Gordon Clark’s Broombrae Herd.

Lisglass Impressor

Lisglass Impressor

“This bull is well grown for his age but lacks the character of today’s champion. I’ve no doubt he’ll be a good bull come the autumn.”

The Weatherup duo qualified for the Ivomec Super Pair of the Year final with the September 2016 Dermotstown Delboy daughters Lisglass Helena and Lisglass Honey. They were placed first and second in the intermediate heifer class.

Lisglass Helena

Lisglass Helena

Results from the show ring:


Bobbie Dickson Perpetual Challenge Trophy, for the supreme champion: WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Impeccable ET. Reserve: Wesley Abraham, Cleenagh Ivy.

Bangor and Six Road Ends Farmers’ Union Perpetual Trophy, for the female champion: Wesley Abraham, Cleenagh Ivy. Reserve: Jason Whitcroft, Whitdrum Lady Della.

William Black Memorial Perpetual Cup, for the male champion: WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Impeccable ET. Reserve: JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Impressor.

News Letter Shield, for the junior champion: WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Impeccable ET. Reserve: Wesley Abraham, Cleenagh Ivy.

NI Simmental Club Silver Award, for the best exhibit bred in Northern Ireland: WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Impeccable ET.

Bobbie Gamble Perpetual Challenge Trophy, for the best heifer born between 01/01/15 and 30/06/15: Wesley Abraham. Cleenagh Ivy.

Qualifiers for the Ivomec Super Simmental Pair of the Year: JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Helena and Lisglass Honey.


Heifer, born between 01/01/16 and 30/06/16 – 1, WD and J D Hazelton, Ranfurly Weikel 18th by Raceview King; 2, Margaret Little, Lummin Hattie by Auchorachan Wizard; 3, Margaret Little, Castlemount Modesty 3rd by Celtic Comet.

Heifer, born between 01/07/16 and 31/12/16 – 1, JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Helena by Dermotstown Delboy; 2, JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Honey by Dermotstown Delboy; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Cloone Hilda by Anatrim Bodybuilder.

Heifer, born on or after 01/01/17 – 1, Wesley Abraham, Cleenagh Ivy by Dermotstown Delboy; 2, Jason Whitcroft, Whitdrum Lady Della by Dermotstown Delboy; 3, Jonathan Henderson, Drumsamney Clover’s Stefany by Losning Iver.

Bull, born on or after 01/01/17 – 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Impeccable ET by Raceview King; 2, JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Impressor by Dermotstown Delboy; 3, Jason Whitcroft, Woodford Iceberg by Dermotstown Delboy.

Pair, property of exhibitor – 1, JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Helena and Lisglass Honey; 2, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Impeccable and Ranfurly Weikel 18th; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Bridgewater Farm Flirt and Raceview HI Champterona.