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  • Auchorachan and Newbiemains prize winners heading to Next Generation Sale

It was a Championship double for D&R Durno & Sons, Glenlivet, Ballindalloch when heifers from their noted Auchorachan herd took both the Simmental Championship and Reserve awards at the new Pedigree Calf Show fixture held within the Live Scot event at Lanark Agricultural Centre on Friday 26th November.

Taking the Overall Championship was the September 2020 born Auchorachan Liqueur Madie, who is sired by Auchorachan Hercules 16 and is out of Auchorachan Favourite.  A pedigree packed with breeding, Auchorachan Hercules first five sons sold have averaged over £10,500.  Auchorachan Favourite is from the Madie family which has bred the noted Auchorachan bulls Wizard, Winger, and AC/DC.  Auchorachan Liqueur Madie took the Championship award after placing first in the senior heifer class.

Auchorachan Liqueur Madie

The Simmental classes were judged by Anne MacPherson of the well-known Blackford herd, Inverness and who described her Champion as “a really well fleshed and sweet heifer, who I have no doubt will go on to do well.” Of her Reserve she continued: “again this was a very similar heifer in type, but not quite as powerful on the day as the Champion.”  Of the event as a whole Anne MacPherson said: “LiveScot was a very well-run event, and it’s great to see the inclusion of pedigree classes. As the event develops I have no doubt that the Simmental classes will continue to grow.”

Auchorachan Mellie Hilly

The Durnos also took the Reserve Champion with their Junior Heifer first prize winner Auchorachan Mellie Hilly. March 2021 born this calf is also by Auchorachan Hercules and out of Auchorachan Ellie EX90.  For good measure, Auchorachan Major, another March 2021 born Auchorachan Hercules calf, out of Auchorachan Hilly 6 EX91, won the Junior Bull class.  All three of these Auchorachan calves now head for Carlisle and the Society’s new Next Generation Sale of pedigree females and weaned calves (male & female), due to be held on Friday 3rd December.

Newbiemains Lady Wag

Standing second in her class to the Overall Champion was Jim & Patricia Goldie, Newbie Mains Farm, Annan, Dumfriesshire with Newbiemains Lady Wag. The August 2020 born Lady Wag is by the herd stock bull Skerrington Iceman EX94, and is out of Newbiemains Hash Tag Wag, a Lisglass Churchill daughter. Previously shown for the first time at the recent Borderway Agri Expo Simmental Calf Show, and where she took first prize in a very strong class of heifers, Newbiemains Lady Wag is another headed for the Next generation Sale at Carlisle. 

The Goldies took first prize in the Senior Bull Calf class with the August 2020 born Newbiemains Leonidas.  This calf is by Moorglen Hillbilly EX91 and is out of Woodhall Ginger (TF) VG86.


The inaugural Four Breed Calf Show has been hailed as a resounding success, by organisers, exhibitors, sponsors and spectators.

Supported by HVS Animal Health, Oddball Engineering and Dunbia, the multi-breed event featuring British Blue, British Blonde, Saler and Simmental entries, was held at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart.

The Simmental section dominated the one-day show with entries coming under the expert eye of breed society vice-president Norman Robson, from the noted 90-cow Kilbride Farm Herd based at Doagh, Ballyclare.

“It has been a great day, with a quality entry of calves in all classes. It was encouraging to see a number of new breeders taking part, and the calves were all well behaved which highlights the docile temperament of the breed.”

Senior champion, senior heifer class winner Ashland Topaz Lopez bred by Pat and Frank Kelly, Tempo. Picture: David Porter

Leading the senior championship line-up was the much-admired heifer Ashland Topaz Lopez bred and exhibited by Pat and Frank Kelly from Tempo. This fourteen-month-old heifer was sired by the 14,000gns Saltire Impressive, and is out of a home-bred Ashland Brandy daughter – one of ten breeding females in the County Fermanagh herd.

Her dam, Ashland Topaz 2nd also bred the first prize heifer Ashland Topaz Janet, sold at the NI Simmental Club’s sale in October 2019 to the Barlow family’s Denizes Herd in Lancashire.

Norman Robson said: This is an excellent heifer, and a tremendous example of the Simmental breed. She oozes style, breed character, and has great conformation. The senior champion is hard to fault, and is an easy winner!”

Reserve senior champion, and winner of the senior bull class, was Lisglass Leo bred by Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Ballyclare. Picture: David Porter

Runner-up in the senior championship line-up was the fourteen-month-old bull Lisglass Leo, bred by Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Ballyclare. Sired by Islavale Frontier, he is the first calf bred from Lisglass Iona – a daughter of the herd’s stock bull Dermotstown Delboy – 2014 and 2015 breed champion at Balmoral Show.  

“This is a fleshy young bull, well-muscled and very correct on his legs and feet,” commented the judge.

Junior champion, Ballymoney Martin bred by Noel and Mae Kilpatrick, Banbridge. Picture: David Porter

Claiming the day’s junior championship title was the ten-month-old bull Ballymoney Martin, bred in Noel and Mae Kilpatrick’s 16-cow herd at Banbridge. A son of the herd’s stock bull and AI sire Saltire Impressive, he is the fourth calf bred from the Sterling Dubai daughter Sterling Wenona’s Gold – purchased as an in-calf heifer at the Sterling dispersal sale in 2017.

Norman Robson added: ”The junior champion is a well-fleshed and muscly young bull, very correct and well-grown for his age“.

Reserve junior champion, Rehall Moneypenny bred by William and Keith Stubbs, Irvinestown. Pictured are Keith Stubbs, with nephews Jason and Alastair Little. Picture: David Porter.

The reserve junior championship was secured by the January-born polled heifer Rehall Moneypenny, bred by William and Keith Stubbs, Irvinestown. A Curaheen Gunshot daughter, she is the third calf bred from the Keeldrum Clio daughter Rehall Holly.

“This is another stylish heifer, well-balanced, very feminine, with nice breed characteristics. She walks well on good legs and feet,” concluded Norman Robson.

Alan and Lee Wilson, Rathfriland, exhibited the first placed pair of Simmentals, Ballinalare Farm Medusa and Ballinalare Farm Modesty. Picture: David Porter

First prize in the class for the best pair of calves went to the Wilson family’s Ballinalare Farm Herd based at Rathfriland. Their winning duo were the April born Camus Brandy daughter Ballinalare Farm Modesty, and the May born Ballinlare Farm Medusa by Ballinalare Farm Galaxy.

The NI Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the Four-Breed Calf Show, especially its sponsors, SFS Plastics, Bimeda, Agrimin and the British Simmental Cattle Society. Thanks also to judge Norman Robson, and the Wylie family for the use of the excellent facilities at Dungannon Farmers’ Mart.

Results from the judging ring

Jason Little exhibited Rehall Mellissa, the first prize junior heifer bred by William and Keith Stubbs, Irvinestown. Picture: David Porter

Young Handler – 1, Thomas Mcalister; 2, Jason Little; 3, Erin Nelson.

Senior bull, born between 1/9/20 and 31/12/20 – 1, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Lisglass Leo by Islavale Frontier; 2, Nigel Glasgow, Bridgewater Farm Linton by Islavale Frontier; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Bridgewater Farm London by Islavale Donald.

Senior heifer, born between 1/9/20 and 31/12/20 – 1, Pat and Frank Kelly, Ashland Topaz Lopez by Saltire Impressive; 2, Gareth Wilson, Raceview Mina Gretta by Kilbride Farm Delboy; 3, William and George Nelson, Drumacritten Lucy by Kilbride Farm Dragoon; David and Jonny Hazelton, Ranfurly Stella by Whitemire King Kong.

Junior bull, born on or after 1/1/21 – 1, Noel and Mae Kilpatrick, Ballymoney Martin by Saltire Impressive; 2, William Dodd, Craigy Max by Longbeach Darius; 3, William and Keith Stubbs, Rehall Moneymaker by Curaheen Gunshot; 4, Matthew Cunning, Pointfarms Mattie by Woodhall Invincible.

Junior heifer, born on or after 1/1/21 – 1, William and Keith Stubbs, Rehall Moneypenny by Curaheen Gunshot; 2, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Lisglass Marigold by Omorga Jaguar; 3, Chelsea Best, Clonguish Nova by Raceview King; 4, Andrew Clarke, Breaghey Veda M404 by Woodhall Ferrari.

Junior bull, born on or after 1/4/21 – 1, Christopher Quinn, Dunrock Mighty by Curaheen Bandit; 2, Ryan Gilmour, Gillview Major by Atlow Dixon.

Junior heifer, born on or after 1/4/21 – 1, William and Keith Stubbs, Rehall Mellissa by Derrough Samual; 2, Joe and Alan Wilson, Ballinalare Farm Medusa by Ballinalare Farm Galaxy; 3, Keith and Andrea Nelson, Scibby Farms Molly by Atlow Dixon; 4, Keith and Andrea Nelson, Scribby Farms Matilda by Dermotstown Delboy.

Pair, property of exhibitor – 1, Joe and Alan Wilson, Ballinalare Farm Medusa and Ballinalare Farm Modesty; 2, William and Keith Stubbs, Rehall Moneypenny and Rehall Mellissa; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Bridgewater Farm London and Bridgewater Farm Linton.


The noted Popes herd of JH & VG Wood, Popes Farm, Clitheroe Road, Preston, lifted the Championship prizes at the British Simmental Calf Show held within the English Winter Fair at Staffordshire County Showground’s Bingley Hall, on Saturday 20th November.

From a small but quality Simmental entry, with entries from herds in Wales, Wiltshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire, the Popes herd took the Overall & Female Championship, Reserve Overall & Reserve Female, and Male Champion awards, and all with calves sired by Denizes Impressive who was purchased by the Woods for 12,000gns at the Stirling February 2019 Sale.

Popes Trixies Mikala, Overall Champion and Female Champion

The judge for the day was Tom Hill from the Scotland Hill Simmental herd based at Wadworth, Doncaster and who tapped out the March 2021 born heifer Popes Trixies Mikala as his Overall Champion and Female Champion.  This calf is out of Popes Trixies Inoa whose grand dam is Greenside Trixie-Belle 5th, the mother of the noted bull Popes Laird. 

Following Popes Trixies Mikala through from being second in the same class to taking the Overall Reserve, and Female Reserve, was Popes Princess Maya 2nd.  Again by Denizes Impressive this April born 2021 heifer is full of breeding being out of Popes Princess Diana who is a full sister to the herd’s outstanding and much decorated show cow Popes Princess Cleo.

Popes Princess Maya, Overall Reserve and Female Reserve

Completing the Championship prizes on the day for the Popes herd, who have regularly supported the Simmental Calf Show at Bingley Hall, was the February 2021 born Popes Memphis.  Securing at the same time the hat trick of top prizes for Denizes Impressive sired calves, this young bull is out of Popes Diamonds IO, a daughter of the £10,000 Clonguish Diamond. 

Male Champion Popes Memphis

Following on with the same result as at the recent Borderway Agri Expo, Mr & Mrs RJ & BE Kimber, Beanhill Farm, Chippenham, Wiltshire won the days Senior Championship at Bingley Hall with Beanhill Leon 20.  This October 2020 born heifer’s calf is by Ballinalare Galaxy and is out of Beanhill Inca who goes back to one of the herd’s foundation cows in the shape of Deerhurst Frolic.

Taking the red rosette in the Senior Heifer Class was Fishpool Lottie (P) from TJ Hassall, Winsford Cheshire.  This November 2020 born calf is by Kilbride Farm Hans (PP) and out of Kilbride Farm Eunice 277J.

This British Simmental Calf Show is organised and strongly supported by the Midlands Simmental Club with over £400 in sponsorship and trophies put forward by the Club. 

The Midlands Simmental Club put on an excellent breed promotional stand full of breed literature, fantastic hospitality, and with Club members readily on hand to talk about all things Simmental.  A feature of the stand, and a stopping point for many in attendance was the two ¾ bred Simmental X bulls supplied from Ian Willison, Williamwood Farm, Mansfield, Notts.  The first bull was an 18th August 2020 born calf by Williamwood Jaegarbomb which was 710kgs and had done 1.6ks DLWG from birth. The second bull was 31st August 2020 born and was by Auroch Deuter.  685kgs it had again done 1.6kgs DLWG from birth.  Both of these bulls had width, length, good tops, and terrific temperament. 




  • Islavale win Overall & Reserve Overall Senior, & Reserve Junior Female
  • Annick Memphis wins Overall Junior, & Junior Continental Interbreed
  • Blackford wins Joe Watson Memorial Pairs
Islavale Viva 8, Overall Senior Champion

The Islavale herd of Mr WS Stronach, Berryleys Farm, Grange, Keith, and the Annick herd of Mr LD Quarm, Holehouse Farm, By Irvine, Ayrshire took the top Simmental honours within a strong show of Simmentals at the Stars of the Future Calf Show held on Saturday 13th November at United Auction’s Stirling Agricultural Livestock Centre.  The quality in depth of the Simmental line up was confirmed when the Annick herd went on to lift the Junior Continental Interbreed tile, whilst the Blackford herd of WG MacPherson, Blackford, Croy, Inverness took the Joe Watson Memorial Trophy (Interbreed) for Best Pair.

Simmental judge Laura Beattie, Garmouth herd

In front of the Simmental judge for the day, Laura Beattie who runs the Garmouth herd at Corskie Farm, Garmouth, Fochabers, Moray, the Islavale herd picked up both the Overall Senior and Reserve Overall Senior titles with Islavale Viva 8, and Islavale Liquorice respectively.  The September 2020 born Islavale Viva 8 is by Curaheen Giant 2, and is out of  Islavale Viva 2 (ET) EX 94 (EX2), a Chestermann Varney daughter.

Commenting on her Overall Senior, Laura Beattie said:  “The Senior Champion was a lovely, correct heifer, and was very well fleshed. She had great width, was very square over her plates, and was just full of breed character with a very sweet face.”

Islavale Liquorice, Reserve Overall Senior Champion

Following her through to take the Reserve Senior Overall was her stablemate in the shape of Islavale Liquorice, an October 2020 heifer by Ranfurly Confederate C24 11 EX 94, and out of Islavale Ebony, a Woodhall Walker daughter.  Capping a fine day’s showing, the April 2021 born Islavale Mojito picked up the Reserve Junior Female award.  This heifer is by Curaheen Gunshot (P), and is out of Islavale Illusion (ET) VG 87. Islavale Viva 8, Islavale Liquorice, and Islavale Mojito are all entered into the much-anticipated Simmental Next Generation Sale of Females & Weaned Calves due to be held at Borderway Mart, Carlisle on 3rd December.

Annick Memphis, Overall Junior Champion and Overall Continental Junior Interbreed Champion

Taking the Simmental Overall Junior title, and then a fantastic Overall Continental Junior Interbreed title, was the January 2021 born Annick Memphis, and shown on the day by stockman Andrew Perratt.  This young bull is by Wolfstar Golddigger 15, and is a heifer’s calf being out of Annick Desiree’s Joy VG87, who is a Corskie Callum daughter.  This double win was a poignant one with it being the first show outing for the Annick herd since the herd owner Lachlan Quarm sadly passed away earlier this year. Of her Junior Champion Laura Beattie commented:  “This was a terrific young bull with a bit of power about him, good bone, and plenty of style.  He’s very correct, with plenty of breed character, and is a great example of the Simmental breed.  I think this is a young bull with a lot of future and potential.”

Of her day’s judging generally, and the cattle in front of her, Laura said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the day and thought that it was a great show of Simmentals.  I’d like to congratulate all the exhibitors with cattle forward, and who really did the breed proud.”   

Springfield Major, Overall Junior Reserve

Hot on the heels of winning the Simmental Calf Show at the Borderway Agri Expo, the April 2021 born, Springfield Major was back in the prizes for Gavin Brown, Springfield Farm, Penicuik, Midlothian, when winning the Overall Junior Reserve title.  Springfield Major is by the herd’s stock bull Islavale Jabba, and is out of Hazelden Jingle 40th.   For the 25 breeding female Springfield herd, Springfield Major is provisionally taking aim at the October 2022 Stirling Bull Sales. 

Blackford Local Hero (P), Senior Bull Champion, who went onto win the Joe Watson Memorial Pairs with Blackford Lapis

The Senior Bull award was won by Blackford Local Hero (P) from WG MacPherson and shown on the day by Anne MacPherson.   December 2020 born, is by the multi titled show bull Heathbrow Important 17 (P) EX93, and is out of Blackford Echo VG 86, a Curlieu Knight daughter.  With show winning lines on both sides of the pedigree, both Blackford Echo VG 86, and her dam Blackford Allegro EX 90, are both former class winners and Junior Champions at previous Stars of the Future Shows.  Blackford Local Hero (P) then teamed up with the December 2020 born heifer Blackford Lapis, who is also by Heathbrow Important 17 (P), and out of Blackford Amber VG 87, to win the prestigious Joe Watson Memorial Pairs Trophy judged by Robert McNee, Over Finlarg Farm, Dundee.  These were the first calves by Heathbrow Important 17 (P), the 2019 European Simmental of the Year, shown by the Blackford herd.

Taking the Reserve Senior Bull award was Cairnview Laird from Mr AJ Wilson, Westcroft Farm, Kilwinning, Ayrshire.  Full of breeding this calf is by Popes Grandslam 15, and is out of Cairnview Rea 7th, a Woodhall Ferrari 14th daughter.

From a strong line-up, and from another Ayrshire based breeder, Whiteridden Starlight’s Tanya 4th from H Gilbert, Dungoil, Whiteridden Farm, Kilbirnie, took the Simmental Junior Female title.  This January 2021 born heifer is by Denizes Hamish 16, and is out of the Dirnanean Trustee sired Whiteridden Starlight’s Tanya.

Whiteridden Starlight’s Tanya 4th, Simmental Junior Female Champion.



  • Denizes Monty takes the Reserve Overall
  • Beanhill Leon wins Senior Championship
  • Newbiemains Leonidas takes Reserve Senior Championship
Springfield Major 21

The bull calf Springfield Major 21 from Gavin Brown, Springfield Farm, Penicuik, Midlothian took the top honours when winning the Overall Championship and at the 2021 Simmental Calf Show at the Borderway Agri Expo held on Friday 29th October at Harrison & Hetherington’s Borderway Mart, Carlisle.

The event, held jointly by the North West Simmental Club and the British Simmental Cattle Society, saw an original entry of 62 calves catalogued and with exhibitors from Wales, Scotland, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Lancashire, and Yorkshire.

In front of a good crowd at ringside the Simmental Calf Show was judged by Cameron Jackson who runs the establishing Future Simmental herd at Woodyett Farm, Lanark.  April 2021 born, Springfield Major is by the herd’s stock bull Islavale Jabba, and is out of Hazelden Jingle 40th.  After winning Class 4, bull calves born after 1st March 2021, this young bull won the Junior Championship before being given the judge’s tap as the day’s Overall Champion.   For the Springfield herd, which consists of 25 breeding females, it was their first time entering the Borderway Agri Expo event and their Championship win followed hard on the heels of the recent Stirling Bull Sale where they sold bulls at 6500, and 5000gns.  The 6500gns Springfield Legacy is a half-brother to the Agri Expo Champion Springfield Major, with both being out of Hazelden Jingle 40th, and who was bought at the Hazelden Herd Dispersal Sale as a calf at foot.    Speaking afterwards, a delighted Gavin Brown said: “It’s my first time here and I was just really keen to support the breed and the calf show.  The Springfield herd is continuing to establish and it’s fantastic to win an event such as this and amongst your peers. It keeps the herd momentum going and makes all the hard work very much worth it!”   From here the plan is to aim Springfield Major at the October 2022 Stirling Bull Sales.  Rounding off a good day, the Springfield herd also placed second in three further classes.

Overall and Reserve Champion

Commenting on his Overall Champion, the judge Cameron Jackson said: “This calf just oozed style and character and he was very correct. He’s just a perfect calf for his age and very much a breeder’s bull in the making.”  Of the Simmental show generally, he went on to say: “I think it’s as strong a show of Simmental calves as we’ve seen in a few years.  The modern Simmental for me is going in the right direction being as dual purpose as possible, and breeding tremendous females, and bulls with shape.”

Denizes Monty 21

Following the Champion through when taking the Reserve Junior Championship, and the Reserve Overall Champion, was the winner from Class 3, Bull Calf born on or between 1st January 2021 & 28th February 2020,  in the shape of Denizes Monty 21 from MA Barlow & Sons, Ulnes, Nr Leyland, Lancashire.  This January 2021 born calf brough a combination of both breeding and performance. Both parents of this calf, the sire Denizes Hamish 16 and the dam Denizes Trixi-Belle 6th, have themselves been previous winners of the Borderway Agri Expo Simmental Calf Show.  Denizes Trixi-Belle 6th has bred calves, Denizes Impressive, up to 10,000gns.  Next up for Denizes Monty 21, who has top figures for both calving ease, and maternal (milk), is a trip to Stars of the Future at Stirling in November.  In the last class of the day, heifer calf born on or after 16th March 2021, the Denizes picked up another first prize ticket with their polled calf Denizes Matilda 8th by Slievenagh International (PP) and out of Denizes Matilda 2. 

Beanhill Leon

All the way from Wiltshire, Mr & Mrs RJ & BE Kimber, Beanhill Farm, Chippenham, Wiltshire won Class 2, Bull calf born between 16th September 2020 and 15th September 2020, before going on to lift the Senior Championship with Beanhill Leon 20.  A heifer’s calf, Beanhill Leon was 42kgs at birth and is described as a having ‘a lovely temperament’.  His sire Ballinalare Galaxy carries both length and thickness and has bred well in the herd with big-framed cows.  Leon’s dam Beanhill Inca goes back to one of the herd’s foundation cows, Deerhurst Frolic. Beanhill chalked up another first prize win when Beanhill Lettie, a Ballinalare Farm Galaxy daughter out of Beanhill Hettie VG 86, won Class Six, Heifer Calf Born on or Between 16th September 2020 and 31st December 2020. 

Newbiemains Leonidas 20

Taking the Reserve Senior Championship , and winning the first class, Bull Calf Born on or between 1st August 2020 and 15th September 2020, was Newbiemains Leonidas 20 from Jim and Patricia Goldie, Newbie Mains Farm, Annan. August 2020 born, Newbiemains Leonidas is by the imported bull Moorglen Hillbilly who is breeding well in the herd, both bulls and heifers, and whose progeny sold mainly off farm is averaging £6000.  Leonidas is out of Woodhall Ginger (TF) VG 86 who is a Raceview All-Star KK daughter. Newbiemains Leonidas is another now headed for Stars of the Future and with one eye on a future Stirling Bull Sale.  The Newbiemains herd also picked up a first prize win with Newbiemains Lady Wag, by Skerrington Iceman 17 EX 94 out of Newbiemains Hash Tag Wag VG 86, in Class 5 for Heifer Calves born on or between 1st August 2020 and 15th September 2020.  Newbiemains Lady Wag then teamed up with Newbiemains Legend, an October 2020 born bull calf and also by Iceman, to win the Pairs Competition.

Champion Pairs, Newbiemains Lady Wag and Newbiemains Legend

Travelling from Berkshire was AE & C Bishop, Church Farm, Finchampstead, Wokingham.  Their journey was rewarded when they picked up first prize in Class 7, Heifer Calf Born on or Between 1st January 2021 and 15th March 2021, with Lynfield Precious.  Born 9th January 2021, Lynfield Precious is by Ranfurly Confederate C24 11 EX 95, and is out of Lynfield Precious 5 (P), a Dirnanean Apostle daughter.

Lynfield Precious M894

Rounding the day off was a high quality Young Handlers Class that saw the following placings:

1st Abby Forsyth; 2nd Callum Leedham; and 3rd Catherine Nicholas.

The North West Simmental Club & The British Simmental Cattle Society would like to sincerely thanks all of the sponsors for their kind support of this event and who were:

Overall Champion Calf: Barlow Trailers Ltd

Reserve Overall Champion: Barlow Trailers Ltd

Champion Pairs:  Bowland Foods

Class Sponsors:

H Pigney & Son, Appleby in Westmorland

Aspatria Farmers


J Stobart & Sons Ltd, Wigton

High Keenley Farm B&B, Allendale

Agrifeed Solutions, Preston

Starlyne Feeds, Wellingborough

Newbiemains Simmentals, Annan
