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Judge – Iain Green


SENIOR FEMALE CHAMPION – Islavale Deborah 2nd – W S Stronach


RESERVE SENIOR FEMALE CHAMPION – Islavale Viva 2nd – W S Stronach

JUNIOR CHAMPION & JUNIOR MALE CHAMPION – Blackford Geronimo – W MacPherson


RESERVE JUNIOR FEMALE CHAMPION – Overhill House Gretal – R McCulloch

RESERVE JUNIOR MALE CHAMPION – Blackford Gulliver – W MacPherson

Bulls, born 13th August to 2nd October 2014

1stIslavale Fendt by Chestermann Varney- W S Stronach

2nd Chestermann Fabio byOverhill House Data – N & N Gwynne

3rd Chestermann Furball  by Overhill House Data – N & N Gwynne

4th Dellfield Fieldmarshall by Hiltonstown Dominic – B Grant

Bulls, born 20th October to 3rd December 2014

1stIslavale Fiddler by Islavale Denzil – W S Stronach

2nd Cairnorrie Ferrari by Cairnorrie Boomer- N Shand

3rd Cairnorrie Fendt by Cairnorrie Boomer – N Shand

Heifers, born 5th August to 5th November 2014

1st Islavale Deborah 2nd by Celtic Comet – W S Stronach

2nd Islavale Viva 2nd by Chestermann Varney – W S Stronach

Bulls, born 18th January to 18th February 2015

1st Aultmore Gambler by Clonagh Tiger Gallant – W Patterson

2nd Jaw Glencoe by Kilbride Farm Delboy – D Maxwell

3rd Overhill House Gladiator by Corbally Extreme – R McCulloch

4th Bruchag Glenfiddich by Teviot Challenger – R & P McAlister

Bulls, born 10th March to 16th April 2015

1stBlackford Geronimo by Kilbride Farm Doubleaction – W MacPherson

2nd Blackford Gulliver by Kilbride Farm Doubleaction – W MacPherson

3rd Islabute Glenlivet by Teviot Challenger – E McAlister

4th Strathisla Global by Islavale Donald – A Ivory

Heifers, born 21st January to 12th March 2015

1st Kennox Diva’s Gena by Auchorachan Wizard – D Craig

2nd Overhill House Gretal by Corskie Copper – R McCulloch

3rd Overhill House Goldie by Corskie Copper – R McCulloch

4th Spey Bay Miss G by Delfur Alfie – R Pettit

Heifers, born 15th March to 12th April 2015

1st Cairnview Modesty 6th by Popes Barclay – A Wilson

2nd Dellfield Grace by Hiltonstown Dominic – B Grant

3rd Strathisla Glitter’s Geraldine  by Islavale Donald – A Ivory

4th Strathisla Ghita’s Geraldine by Dellfield Brigadier – A Ivory



Judge – Ms G Houliston

Overall Champion & Champion Heifer Calf – Sterling Barcardi’s Gigi – Boddington Estates Ltd

Reserve Overall Champion & Champion Bull Calf – Sterling Gino 15 – Boddington Estates Ltd

Reserve Champion Bull Calf – Eaton Fantastic 14 – AJ & SD Heath

Reserve Champion Heifer Calf – Eaton Gamegirl – AJ & SD Heath

Senior Bull Calf born between 1st August 2014 and 31st December 2014

1ST – Eaton Fantastic by Tilbrook Corporal – AJ & SD Heath

2ND – Denizes Fabio by Curaheen Dakota – Mr M A Barlow

3RD – Denizes Fantastic by Whitemire King Kong – Mr M A Barlow

4TH – Storersmith Force 10 by Kilbride Farm Comber – Mr & Mrs Storersmith

Junior Bull Calf born between 1st January 2015 and 30th June 2015

1ST – Sterling Gino by Auchorachan Wizard – Boddington Estates Ltd

2ND – Heathbrow Grand Slam by Hillcrest Champion – DA & LA Sapsed

3RD – Hirwaun Gruffalo by Auchorachan Wizard – Mr A Davies

4TH – Alchester Gladiator by Omorga Volvo – Mr J Shouler

5TH – Storersmith Gatecrasher by Popes Barclay – Mr & Mrs Storersmith

6TH – Storersmith Gallifrey by Popes Barclay – Mr & Mrs Storersmith

Senior Heifer Calf born between 1st August 2014 and 31st December 2014

1ST – Eaton Corporal Fetasha by Tilbrook Corporal – AJ & SD Heath

2ND – Eaton Corporal Fran by Tilbrook Corporal – AJ & SD Heath

3RD – Alchester Frances by Corskie Wham – Mr J Shouler

4TH – Crugmelyn Fenwen by Sterling Herkules – G & E Lloyd

5TH – Crugmelyn Forrero by Auroch Ace – G & E Lloyd

Junior Heifer Calf born between 1st January 2015 and 30th June 2015

1ST – Eaton Gamegirl by Tilbrook Corporal – AJ & SD Heath

2ND – Popes Diamonds Gem by Kilbride Farm Comber – JH & VG Wood

3RD – Denizes Trixie-belle 9th by Kilbride Farm Newry – Mr M A Barlow

4TH – Sterling Virtue’s Gracie by Sterling Flint – Boddington Estates Ltd

5TH – Popes Nellys Gracious by Kilbride Farm Comber – JH & VG Wood

6TH – Deerhurst Goldie by Penwern Amber – Mr G T Van Der Gucht

Junior Heifer Calf born between 1st January 2015 and 30th June 2015

1ST – Sterling Barcardi’s Gigi by Auchorachan ACDC – Boddington Estates Ltd

2ND – Popes Nellys Glory by Kilbride Farm Comber – JH & VG Wood

3RD – Alchester Gloria by Celtic Starbuck – Mr J Shouler

4TH – Chadston Tollies Glamour Girl by Sowenna Aristrocrat – B & E Chadwick

5TH – Dovefields Gabrielle by Omorga Baldwin – L Renshaw & I Brassington

6TH – Cefngwlad Gabriella by Keeldrum Clio – Anwen Jones

Strong Simmental entry at inaugural pedigree calf fair

Strong Simmental entry at inaugural pedigree calf fair

The inaugural Pedigree Calf Fair @ Beef NI Expo, held at the Balmoral Showgrounds in Belfast, was an unqualified success according to event organiser and Chairman David Connolly.

“We had a tremendous turnout of stock and visitors on the day,” he said.

“I had predicted beforehand that the event would represent a showcase for the pedigree beef champions of tomorrow. And given the views expressed by the judges, who were busy from 10.00am until 5.30pm on the day in question, this was undoubtedly the case.

David Connolly confirmed that the event will be repeated in 2016. “The initial feedback from exhibitors, sponsors, commercial trade and the paying public has been very positive. And, on that basis, we most certainly will look at hosting a similar event next year.

The strong entry of Simmentals was judged by Scotsman Hector MacAskill from the noted Woodhall Herd based at Dunbar, East Lothian.

Taking the senior championship award was Lisglass Fortune, a fourteen-month-old bull from Leslie and Christopher Weatherup’s 35-cow herd at Ballyclare. He was sired by stock bull Dermotstown Delboy, and is bred from Lummin Bronte.

Runner-up was the yearling bull Drumlone Fabulous, a Carnkern Titan son, bred by Kenneth Veitch who runs 5 pedigree Simmental cows at Lisbellaw.

Brothers Shane and Paul McDonald, Tempo, secured the junior championship plaudits with their ten-month-old bull Coolcran Gladiator. He was sired by former stock bull Kilbride Farm Ahoghill, and is a full brother to the February 2014 Stirling intermediate champion Coolcran Dazzler sold for 7,000gns.

Standing reserve in the junior championship line-up was Cleenagh Good Girl, a nine-month-old Ashland Brandy daughter bred by Adrian Richardson from Maguiresbridge.  She was the winner of the Dale Cup at Enniskillen Show in August.

English breeder Lizzie Harding from the Hallway Herd was assisting the Ranfurly herd at the show. She was placed second in the class for young handlers aged 12 to 14-years-old.

Results from the judging ring include:

Bull, born between 01/09/14 and 31/12/14 – 1, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Lisglass Fortune; 2, Kenneth Veitch, Drumlone Fabulous; 3, John Moore, Omorga Falcon.

Heifer, born between 01/09/14 and 31/12/14 – 1, Duncan McDowell, Castlemount Bianca 2; Cecil McIlwaine, Corrick Faith; 3, Leslie and Christopher Weatherup, Lisglass Fabulous.

Bull, born between 01/01/15 and 31/03/15 – 1, Shane and Paul McDonald, Coolcran Gladiator; 2, Pat and Frank Kelly, Ashland Google; 3, Noel Kilpatrick, Ballymoney Garfield.

Heifer, born between 01/01/15 and 31/03/15 – 1, Adrian Richardson, Cleenagh Good Girl; 2, Adrian Richardson, Cleenagh Glenda; 3, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Weikel 16th.

Bull, born after 01/04/15 – 1, Harold Stubbs and Alan Burleigh, Derrycallaghan Gambler; 2, Joe Wilson, Ballinlare Farm Goldenballs; 3, Ryan Gilmour, Gillview General.

Heifer, born after 01/04/15 – 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Lady Diana 26th; 2, Andrew Patterson, Wilandale Glenda; 3, Duncan McDowell, Castlemount Chrissie 2.

Photographs can be purchased on-line from Richard Hodgson Photography

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North West Simmental Club Calf Show 2015

North West Simmental Club Calf Show 2015

Overall and Senior Champion – Newbiemains Fabrege

Reserve Overall & Reserve Senior Champion – Chestermann Fabio 14

Junior Champion – Eaton Gamegirl

Reserve Junior Champion – Popes Nellys Glory

Class 1, Bull Calf, born on or between 01.08.14 and 15.09.14

1st   N & N Gwynne – Chestermann Fabio 14 Born 02/09/14

Sire:  Overhill House Data 12 Dam: Chestermann Ringleader Melody 6

2nd  Barlow Bros- Denizes Fabio 14 Born 01/09/14

Sire:  Curaheen DakotaDam: Denizes Nelly 2nd

3rd  A J & S D Heath – Eaton Fantastic 14    Born 07/09/14

Sire: Tilbrook Corporal 11 Dam: Eaton Tudor Rachel

4th  Barlow Bros – Denizes Figaro 14 Born 07/09/14

Sire:  Curaheen DakotaDam: Denizes Cadette 28th

Class 2, Bull Calf, born on or between 16.09.14 and 31.12.14

1st   N & N Gwynne – Chestermann Furball 14 Born 27/09/14

Sire: Overhill House Data 12 Dam: Chestermann Wick Mali

2ndBarlow Bros Denizes Fantastic 14 Born 08/11/14

Sire: Whitemire King Kong Dam: Denizes Tonia 4th

3rd   Barlow Brow –Denizes Felix 14 Born 24/10/14

Sire: Auroch Ace Dam: Denizes Trixie-Belle 3rd

4th  Mr & Mrs R & L Storer Smith – Storersmith Force 10 14  Born 02/10/14

Sire: Kilbride Farm Comber 11 Dam: Storersmith Cinnamon

Class 3, Bull Calf, born on or between 01.01.15 and 15.03.15

1st   Mr & Mrs R & L Storer Smith – Storersmith Gategrasher 15 – Born 04/01/15

Sire: Popes Barclay 10 Dam: Storersmith Damson

2nd  J J & J M Sanders – Bavington Gladiator 15 Born 03/01/15

Sire: Curaheen DieselDam: Rosten Sadie

3rd   Mr & Mrs R & L Storer Smith – Storersmith Gallifrey 15 Born 10/01/15

Sire: Popes Barclay 10Dam: Storersmith Butterscotch

Class 4, Bull Calf, born on or after 16.03.15

1st    B & E Chadwick – Chadston Glen Mhor 15 Born 04/04/15

Sire: Sowenna Aristrocrat 09Dam: Starnhill Furst 2nd

2nd   J David Loftus –Blackpool Grayson 15 Born 23/05/15

Sire: Islavale Dollar 12Dam: Blackpool Christine

Class 6, Heifer Calf, born on or between 16.09.14 and 31.12.14

1st   Jim & Patricia Goldie – Newbiemains Fabrege Born 01/11/14

Sire: Kilbride Farm RainmanDam: Barn Winnie

2nd   Barlow Bros – Denizes Trixie Belle 8th Born 12/12/14

Sire: Ashland TornadoDam: Denizes Trixie Belle

3rd    A J & S D Heath – Eaton Corporal Fran Born 13/10/14

Sire: Tilbrook Corporal 11Dam: Eaton Tudor Anne

4th   Barlow Bros – Denizes Wilde 14 Born 22/10/14

Sire: Auroch AceDam: Denizes Wilde 8

Class 7, Heifer Calf, born on or after 01.01.15 and 15.03.15

1st    A J & S D Heath – Eaton Gamegirl Born 01/01/15

Sire: Tilbrook Corporal 11Dam: Crowgey Cracker

2nd   J H & V G Wood – Popes Nellys Gracious Born 18/01/15

Sire: Kilbride Farm Comber 11Dam: Popes Nellys Dazzler

3rd    Mr & Mrs R & L Storer Smith – Storersmith Giggle Born 07/01/15

Sire: Popes Barclay 10Dam: Storersmith Bramble

4th   J David Loftus – Blackpool Greta Born 06/03/15

Sire: Blackpool Ellis 13Dam: Blackpool Daisy

Class 8, Heifer Calf, born on or after 16.03.15

1st   J H & V G Wood – Popes Nellys Glory Born 04/04/15

Sire: Kilbride Farm Comber 11Dam: Popes Nellys Blackbird

2nd   B & E Chadwick – Chadston Tollies Glamour Girl Born 29/04/15

Sire: Sowenna Aristrocrat 09Dam: Chadston Tollie

Class 12, Pair of Animals, any sex from one exhibitor

1st    A J & S D Heath

2nd   Barlow Bros

3rd   B & E Chadwick

4th   Barlow Bros

5th   Mr & Mrs R & L Storersmith



2015 Calf Show held at Pembroke Dock on Saturday 26th September 2015 and judged by


Class 1 – Bull Sep/Oct

1st   Aled Evans –                     Alreb Fernando b 09.10.14

2nd Anthony Davies –              Welston Fermoy b 07.09.14

3rd Anthony Davies –               Welston Fabio b 16.10.14

Class 2- Heifer Sep/Oct

1stGethin & Enfys Lloyd –      Crugmelyn Forrero b 29.10.14

2nd Gethin & Enfys Lloyd –     Crugmelyn Fenwen b 29.10.14

3rd Anthony Davies –               Welston Combers K Taschab27.10.14

Class 4- Heifer Nov/Dec

1st Anthony Davies –                Welston King T Tascha b 09.11.14

2nd Anthony Davies –              Welston Zara Angel b 15.12.14

Class 6 – Heifer Jan/Feb

1st Anwen Jones –                   Cefngwlad Gabriella – b 13.01.15

Class 7 – Bull Mar/Apr

1st Aled Davies –                    Hirwaun Gruffalo b. 30.03.15

2nd Aled Davies –                   Hirwaun Gwern b 04.04.15

Class 8 – Heifer Mar/Apr

1st Anthony Davies –             Welston King Tascha b 20.03.15

2nd Anwen Jones –                Cefngwlad Nutmegs Gold – b 26.04.15

Class 11 – Pairs

1st Anthony Davies –             Welston

2nd Gethin & Enfys Lloyd –    Crugmelyn

3rd Aled Davies –                  Hirwaun

Young Handlers             1st        Carys Davies

Champion Female

Champion:                           Gethin & Enfys Lloyd –    CrugmelynForrero

Reserve:                              Anthony Davies –            Welston King T Tascha

Champion Male

Champion:                           Aled Davies –                  Hirwaun Gruffalo

Reserve:                              Aled Evans –                   Alreb Fernando

Supreme Champion:                      Aled Davies – Hirwaun Gruffalo

Reserve:                                         Gethin & Enfys Lloyd – Crugmelyn Forrero

Kilmore hat-trick

Kilmore hat-trick

Simmental finale at Fermanagh County Show

By Julie Hazelton 

The Armagh-based Kilmore Simmental Herd scored a hat-trick at Fermanagh County Show, scooping the breed’s supreme and reserve overall championships, and the prestigious Ivomec Super Pair of the Year award.

Owned by County Armagh businessman Chris Traynor, the Kilmore Herd was founded five years ago and currently consists of 24 breeding females.

Breeders braved the wet conditions to attend the show season finale judged by Scotsman Michael Durno. “It has been an excellent show, with a strong turnout of quality Simmental cattle,” said Mr Durno, whose 40-cow Auchorachan pedigree herd is managed alongside more than 100 commercial Simmental cows.

“I was really pleased with the junior bull class. It was a strong class with 10 good bulls, many of which I am sure will be destined for the forthcoming sales in Stirling.”

The junior bull line-up was led by Chris Traynor’s sixteen-month-old Kilmore Floyd. “He is an outstanding winner, and I had no hesitation in making him the day’s male and supreme overall champion. This bull has it all – power, length, super confirmation, and his dark red coat completes the package!”

The second placed class winner Kilmore Fitz caught the judge’s eye to secure the reserve male and reserve supreme awards. “He is a very similar bull with slightly more flesh, but lacking the power of the champion.” Kilmore Fitz was the winner of the coveted DANI Rosebowl, awarded to the highest placed weight recorded bull.

Both bulls were born in April 2014, and are sons of the herd’s 12,000gns stock sire Kilbride Farm Bantry – purchased at Stirling in February 2012.

Mr Traynor made his show ring debut earlier this year, winning the junior championship at Balmoral with Kilmore Franko; and the supreme championship at the club’s Ballymena show and sale with Kilmore Finlay sold for 4,400gns. Both were sons of Kilbride Farm Bantry.

Leading the female line-up was the February 2014 born Mullyknock Forget-Me-Not bred by Robert and Lorna Forde, Tempo. She was sired by Anatrim Bodybuilder, and is out of a dam carrying the Glenturk prefix. “This is a big growthy heifer, and I’m sure she will mature into a good breeding cow,” added the judge.

The reserve female championship went to Andrea and Keith Nelson, Rosslea, who exhibited the May 2013 Scribby Farms Elegant. She is a daughter of the herd’s jointly owned 10,000gns stock bull Drumlone Anchor.

The hotly contested Ivomec Super Simmental Pair of the Year competition also reached a climax at Fermanagh County Show. Now in its 10th year, the competition is sponsored by Merial Animal Health, and attracts qualifiers from nominated provincial shows.

Merial’s Philip Clarke said: “We are proud of our long association with the NI Simmental Club. It has been another fantastic competition, with six exceptional pairs of cattle competing at today’s final.

Firm favourites for the 2015 Ivomec Super title were Chris Traynor’s Kilmore Floyd and Kilmore Fitz. They qualified at Clogher Valley Show, where Floyd also took the reserve male and reserve supreme championship awards. “They are an outstanding and perfectly matched pair of bulls,” commented the judge.

Claiming the runner-up award were the Castlewellan Show qualifiers Ballinlare Farm Edelweiss and Ballinlare Farm Esmeralda  from Joe Wilson’s 60-cow herd at Newry, County Down. Born in October 2013 they were sired by the herd’s 20,000gns stock bull Auchorachan Wizard – 2010 Perth junior and supreme overall champion. Michael Durno added: ”They are two lovely heifers, like peas in a pod.”

Philip Clarke congratulated the winners and presented the qualifiers with 200ml packs of Ivomec Super injection. “In warm wet weather it is vitally important that cattle producers use Ivomec Super endectocide to control fluke, worms and external parasites.”

Rounding off the Simmental showcase was the presentation of Danske Bank’s Male and Female of the Year Awards. This prestigious competition has been running since 1997, and the winners are determined using a scoring system which is collated at nominated shows throughout the season.

The 2015 Male of the Year award went to Ranfurly Formula 1 ET, a sixteen-month-old Carnkern Titan son from David Hazelton’s herd at Dungannon. Bred from South Park King Kong Weikel 2nd, he was supreme champion at Clogher, male champion at Lurgan and Castlewellan, and reserve male champion at Ballymena and Armagh.

Reserve Male of the Year was Dermotstown Delboy ET, stock bull in Leslie and Christopher Weatherup’s 35-cow Lisglass herd at Ballyclare. He was supreme champion at Balmoral and Ballymena shows.

Andrea and Keith Nelson, Rosslea, claimed the Female of the Year title with the May 2013 Scribby Farms Exquisiter. Sired by Drumlone Anchor, she is out of the Celtic Rock daughter Scribby Farms Cathy. This much admired heifer was first at Balmoral, supreme champion at Lurgan and Omagh, reserve champion at Armagh, female champion at Clogher, and reserve female champion at Ballymena.

Wesley Abraham from Irvinestown won the Reserve Female of the Year award with his September 2011 cow Raceview Cindy Matilda ET. This Kilbride Farm Newry daughter was supreme champion at Armagh, reserve champion at Balmoral and Ballymena, reserve female champion at Clogher, and a class winner at Omagh.

The crystal awards and commemorative rosettes were presented by John Henning, head of agricultural relations at Danske Bank, who was accompanied by Enniskillen agri-business managers Matthew Johnston and Rodney Brown.

NI Simmental Club chairman Richard Rodgers presented the Young Stockperson of the Year Award to Jason Whitcroft from the Whitdrum herd at Middletown in County Armagh. Jason is an enthusiastic young breeder who has won numerous prizes in the young handlers’ classes throughout the show season.

Richard Rodgers concluded:”Its been a great show despite the weather, and I am delighted to see such an excellent turnout of cattle. Enniskillen Show attracts spectators from all over the country, and I was pleased to see several breeders making the trip from County Cork.

“Shows are a tremendous shop window for our breed, and I would like to congratulate all of the exhibitors on their achievements this year, especially Chris Traynor who has had a tremendous first year in the show ring. Finally, a special word of thanks to our sponsors for their continued and generous support.  “

Male and supreme overall Simmental champion at Fermanagh County Show was Kilmore Floyd bred by Chris Traynor, Armagh.    

Male and supreme overall Simmental champion at Fermanagh County Show was Kilmore Floyd bred by Chris Traynor, Armagh.

Simmental Female of the Year was Scribby Farms Exquisiter owned by Andrea Nelson, Rosslea. Adding their congratulations are Rodney Brown, agri-business manager, Danske Bank Enniskillen; and John Henning, head of agricultural relations, Danske Bank.    

Simmental Female of the Year was Scribby Farms Exquisiter owned by Andrea Nelson, Rosslea. Adding their congratulations are Rodney Brown, agri-business manager, Danske Bank Enniskillen; and John Henning, head of agricultural relations, Danske Bank.

Danske Bank Simmental Male of the Year was Ranfurly Formula 1 exhibited by Jonny Hazelton, Dungannon. Adding their congratulations are Matthew Johnston, agri business manager, Enniskillen; and John Henning, head of agricultural relations, Danske Bank.    

Danske Bank Simmental Male of the Year was Ranfurly Formula 1 exhibited by Jonny Hazelton, Dungannon. Adding their congratulations are Matthew Johnston, agri business manager, Enniskillen; and John Henning, head of agricultural relations, Danske Bank.

Rodney Brown, agri-business manager, Danske Bank Enniskillen, presents the Reserve Female of the Year award to Stephen Millar, handler, and Wesley Abraham, Irvinestown, owner of Raceview Cindy Matilda ET.    

Rodney Brown, agri-business manager, Danske Bank Enniskillen, presents the Reserve Female of the Year award to Stephen Millar, handler, and Wesley Abraham, Irvinestown, owner of Raceview Cindy Matilda ET.

Leslie Weatherup, right, Ballyclare, receives the Danske Bank Reserve Simmental Male of the Year award for his senior bull Dermotstown Delboy, from club chairman Richard Rodgers, and Matthew Johnston, agri-business manager, Danske Bank.    

Leslie Weatherup, right, Ballyclare, receives the Danske Bank Reserve Simmental Male of the Year award for his senior bull Dermotstown Delboy, from club chairman Richard Rodgers, and Matthew Johnston, agri-business manager, Danske Bank.

Robert Forde, Tempo, exhibited the female champion Mullyknock Forget-Me-Not.    

Robert Forde, Tempo, exhibited the female champion Mullyknock Forget-Me-Not.

Simmental judge Michael Durno from Ballindalloch.    

Simmental judge Michael Durno from Ballindalloch.

Philip Clarke, Merial Animal Health, sponsor, presents the runner-up award in the 2015 Ivomec Super Simmental Pair of the Year competition, to Neil and Alan Wilson, Newry, who exhibited Ballinlare Farm Edelweiss and Ballinlare Farm Esmeralda.    

Philip Clarke, Merial Animal Health, sponsor, presents the runner-up award in the 2015 Ivomec Super Simmental Pair of the Year competition, to Neil and Alan Wilson, Newry, who exhibited Ballinlare Farm Edelweiss and Ballinlare Farm Esmeralda.

The 2015 Ivomec Super Simmental Pair of the Year are Kilmore Floyd and Kilmore Fitz bred by Chris Traynor, Armagh. Pictured from left: judge Michael Durno, Scotland; Chris Traynor and Richard McKeown; Philip Clarke, Merial Animal Health, sponsor; and club    

The 2015 Ivomec Super Simmental Pair of the Year are Kilmore Floyd and Kilmore Fitz bred by Chris Traynor, Armagh. Pictured from left: judge Michael Durno, Scotland; Chris Traynor and Richard McKeown; Philip Clarke, Merial Animal Health, sponsor; and club

Kilmore Fitz bred by Chris Traynor, Armagh, was the reserve supreme Simmental champion and winner of the DANI Rosebowl for the highest placed weight recorded bull at Fermanagh County Show.    

Kilmore Fitz bred by Chris Traynor, Armagh, was the reserve supreme Simmental champion and winner of the DANI Rosebowl for the highest placed weight recorded bull at Fermanagh County Show.

Andrea Nelson's Scribby Farms Elegant was reserve female Simmental champion at Fermanagh County Show

Andrea Nelson’s Scribby Farms Elegant was reserve female Simmental champion at Fermanagh County Show

Young stockperson of the year Jason Whitcroft receives his award from club chairman Richard Rodgers.

Young stockperson of the year Jason Whitcroft receives his award from club chairman Richard Rodgers.