Making a Significant Genentic Contribution to the US Beef Industry

Making a Significant Genentic Contribution to the US Beef Industry




Giving a report on the work of the American Simmental Association (ASA), and the Simmental breed in the USA, we are delighted to have Fred Schuetze, ASA Trustee and President of the World Simmental Fleckvieh Federation, as a contributor in this year’s Review.

First, I would like to congratulate the British Simmental Society, for reaching the 50th year milestone of servicing the Simmental breed and its breeders. It is an accomplishment only reached by a few and you and your breeder members must be proud.

The American Simmental Association (ASA) reached this goal in 2018 and its success is directly related to the acceptance of Simmental and their crosses by the commercial industry in the US. Our history, as with most continental breeds, started when the commercial industry was struggling with

cattle that had very little growth and the cost of production was becoming too extreme to maintain. Everyone was looking for the ‘silver bullet’ to save the industry from the ‘belt buckle cattle’, as they were called.

The success of the American Simmental Association has to be credited to the founding fathers, which is true for all Societies that have survived.  Each, has to determine what the Society’s role is to make the cattle sustainable, which in turn makes their membership successful.

In the 1950’s, performance testing was taking hold of the beef cattle industry but it was not till 1968 that the Beef Improvement Federation was formed to set the standards for this new form of producing livestock in the US versus the show ring for selection. Even though the first Simmentals were imported to the US in 1886 & 1887; the importation of Parisien in 1966 making semen available to the US, opened the doors for performance minded breeders to start the use of Simmental genetics in the US. This was done through artificial insemination of all breeds to produce the first ½ bloods which increased weaning weights by over 100 pounds and the race was on, with the formation of the ASA, based on performance testing, as dictated by the founding fathers.

The ASA has taken a different approach, compared to many other associations, as to how they effectively have developed programs to meet the needs of the beef industry in the US. Along with maintaining pedigree and performance data for the membership, there has been the development of the first genetic evaluation that incorporated other breeds to the current single step system that uses DNA to help increase accuracies. The thought of cooperation with other breeds has led to the world’s largest beef data base of over 16,000,000 records. The IGS (International Genetic Solutions) system has allowed a collaboration of records and breeds that have increased the accuracies of the total genetic evaluation for a vast majority of the beef cattle industry not only in the US but with records from Canada and Australia. The ultimate goal is to better serve both the purebred and the commercial industry around the world, which is our final customers in the purebred business besides the end user the consuming public.

The ASA has 7,322 active membership, of which 4,536 are adult members and 2,786 are junior members. The 7,322 have registered 71,981 during the year ending June 30, 2020. As of August 2020; the ASA database is comprised of just under 6 million animals making up 37.5% of the total IGS data base.

The ASA registers animals with varying genetic bases that includes Fullbloods that have a straight Simmental pedigree; Purebreds that are 7/8’s Simmental; SimAngus that can range from ¼ Simmental to ¾ Simmental; and Simbrah from the Purebreds that are 5/8 Simmental, 3/8 Brahman along with the percentages of

¾ Simmental, ¼ Brahman, Simmental ½ Brahman and vise versa, to SimAngus HT’s that carry a percentage of Brahman for heat tolerance.

“The popularity of the Simmental breed, across the commercial industry which drives the pedigree industry, is because of the genetic trends and the ability of the association to put programs in place that affect the bottom line of the producers.”

The Simmental breed, depending on who you ask, ranks 3rd in the overall population in beef cattle in the US and is by far the largest of all the continental breeds that were imported in the late 1960’s. The popularity of the Simmental breed, across the commercial industry which drives the pedigree industry, is because of the genetic trends and the ability of the association to put programs in place that affect the bottom line of the producers. Programs such as:  the collaboration with other breed associations in IGS which produces multibreed genetic evaluations, the only one to do so;

carcass merit programs to enhance carcass quality; a commitment of $700,000.00 (approx £516,000) over a 5 year period to expand carcass data; the ability to register and track percentage Simmental cattle;  a tremendous junior program, 2786 members strong which not only focuses on the show ring but on leadership development and genetic evaluation; total herd reporting that produces 75% to 80% of all the data with meaningful contemporary grouping, and finally a board of trustees and staff that work tirelessly on keeping SIMMENTAL in the drivers seat.

Another great asset is the ability to do 100% of the breeders’ work online with the most advanced computer program in the industry. The last strength of Simmental in the US, as well as around the world, is there ability to adapt to different climatic conditions and management practices.  As I stated earlier, the success of a breed is due to its acceptability in the commercial industry and this is accomplished by producing cattle that meet the needs of the commercial industry. The success of the Simmental breed in the US can be directly attributed to the two graphs that I have attached: MATERNAL TRAIT GENETIC TRENDS and TERMINAL TRAIT GENETIC TRENDS. I believe the graphs are, self- explanatory, as to why the Simmental breed is so successful in the US along with other countries involved in IGS, which is just a DBA for the American Simmental Association. In general the graphs show that within the Simmental gene pool there is both maternal and terminal genetics and these have been blended so that both are available in one breed.

and $1.05 per pond for heifers weighting 600 pounds. Fat cattle ready for harvest are selling for $1.05 per pound with variation from area to area. Simmental bulls for the commercial industry are averaging about $5,000.00 (£3,700) per head and stud bulls range from $10,000.00 (£7,400) to $100,000.00 (£73,700) per head.

In summary, I would have to say that Simmental are in a terrific position in the US; demand by the commercial industry is high and growing and as this trend continues so will the seedstock industry.

In closing, as president of the World Simmental Fleckvieh Federation and current trustee for the American Simmental Association, I congratulate the British Simmental Society on reaching the 50th anniversary of existence and wish you much success in the future along with thanks for inviting me to author this article for your society.

The Breed For Profit In Ireland

The Breed For Profit In Ireland



Being our closest neighbouring herdbook, and with a good degree of genetic connectivity, we are delighted to include an article from the Irish Simmental Cattle Society. Here the Society’s COM, Peadar Glennon gives an overview of the National herd, and where the Simmental breed fits in, and outlines the breed’s ongoing progress in genetic trends over a ten-year-period.

Simmental in Ireland
Firstly, congratulations to the UK Simmental Society on reaching its 50th Anniversary. Being the custodian of the herdbook is a vital role and one which should never be underestimated. In Ireland, we are running a year behind as the first Simmental were imported in 1971. When the current restrictions pass, we will have to plan later this year as to how best we will mark our 50th milestone with events.

Breed Strategy
In 2000 the then Council of the Irish Simmental Society developed a clear Breed Strategy focused on developing further the beefing characteristics of the breed, the clear purpose being to position Simmental competitively with other continental breeds. This coupled with maintaining the superior maternal advantages of the breed ensured a market and identity for Simmental cattle.

The National Herd
The makeup of the National Herd has seen a seismic shift to dairying since the abolition of the milk quotas in 2015. (See table on right) This has greatly increased the challenges facing beef breeds as both markets are opposites in terms of stockbull requirements.

YearDairy CowsChangeBeef CowsChange




































Simmental in the Commercial Herd
Simmental sired calves in the National herd has remained consistent over the past 10 years at 7% while 11% of the cow type is Simmental. In terms of system profitability, young bulls are consistently leaving the highest margins and Simmental are recorded as one of the highest performers in this section. The table below taken from results from performance recording of young bulls at Tully Test Station highlights this performance.

Sire BreedPre-Trial ADGOn-Trial ADGTOTAL_ADGCarcass Weight DGFeed EfficiencyTerminal Index

A.I. Usage in the Suckler Herd
On average there are 10% of the Suckler cows served to A.I. annually and Simmental accounts for 7% of this market. See table below for the most used Simmental bulls in 2019.

Most Popular A.I. Sires in the Suckler Herd


The Pedigree Herd
The following is a snapshot of the Pedigree Simmental Herd in terms of numbers:

  • 2300 Pedigree calves registered in 2019
  • Ranking 5th in terms of Breed Registrations
  • 65% of Pedigree calves born in 2019 were sired by an A.I. Sire
  • 32% of 2019 Pedigree Registered calves where sired by the 10 most popular A.I. Sires down from 37% in 2018
  • 5% of Pedigree calves born in 2019 were ET calves

Simmental Sales
The Society Sales are centred around our Premier Sales which take place at Roscommon each March & October. The sales have developed on the concept that the best animals are routinely put forward for sale.  As recently as last October, our Roscommon Sale recorded a new interbreed record price when the Behan’s Clonagh Lucky Explorer was knocked down at €52,000.  Best of luck to the Wood Family, Lancashire with their purchase and I’m sure in years to come we will see this bull put his stamp on the Simmental breed.

Online Sales
The restrictions imposed because of the Coronavirus has resulted in Livestock Marts putting in place an on-line facility for selling. In fact, our Premier sale last October was 100% on-line and worked well with very high averages and clearance rates recorded. In future it is expected that all sales will incorporate a blend of ringside and on-line activity. This will allow potential customers far greater freedom in terms of pre-sale livestock viewing and following day sale activity.

Ireland has over the past number of years, following the breed strategy put in place in 2000, emerged as a key source for Simmental breeding stock throughout Europe where the focus is on beef production. This market is twofold and encompasses live exports as well as frozen semen and embryos. The quality and easy fleshing ability of the Irish Simmental are key elements in the establishment of these markets. The last four years has seen a lot of activity in the Turkish market for semen and Pedigree Bulls to Italy for follow-on semen sales to both Turkey and China.  These markets are looking for superior beefing qualities and distinctive colour markings.

Ireland / UK Collaboration
Down through the years there has always been a strong cooperation between both Societies and breeders with the common goal being the betterment and advancement of the breed aided by the sharing of bloodlines. Some cows that certainly left a positive impact on our breed include Star Fanny & Anatrim Kay while Camus Solitaire moving in the other direction will forever be remembered. When reflecting on bulls who have left their imprint on both herdbooks, the names of Richardstown Jumbo, Hillcrest Champion, Raceview King, Sacombe Wishful Thinking, Carnkern Titan & Rosten Barney spring to mind as such. In recent years we have seen animals exported in each direction having had a massive impact on the Show circuit with Auroch Eve & Banwy T-Rex two deserving special mention.

Simmental Stockpeople
It was stockpeople with vision and a desire to succeed that painstakingly researched and sourced new genetics to take our great breed to where it is today. Recent agricultural policy encompassing a greater emphasis on evaluations, where it is envisaged that a mobile phone can decide mating decisions is worrying and must be resisted where necessary. Evaluations are welcomed but only as another tool to assist in breeding decisions. Stockpeople will hopefully always play a key role in searching for and breeding the next generation of Simmental Cattle to benefit all Simmental enthusiasts.

Central Database
The Irish Simmental Society signed up to the concept of a central all breed database, from which our evaluation system is ran, in 2002. In theory this should deliver near perfect evaluations, which is correct for certain traits, but other traits should be within breed.

In 2012 the Irish Simmental Society, together with all other breeds, made the decision to move to SNP DNA testing to pave the way for the issuing of Genomic evaluations. After four years of building up a training population which included the testing of all A.I. bulls past & present, the first Genomic evaluations were launched. One of the main advantages of the SNP system is its ability to predict parentage when ran against the DNA database. Also, of interest is the ability to carry out other add-on tests such as Polledness at the point of testing.

Performance Recording

BreedSamplesStart AgeSlaughter AgeInitial WeightFinal Live WeightCarcass WeightAvg Grade
Sire BreedSamplesStart AgeSlaughter AgeInitial WeightFinal Live WeightCarcass WeightAvg Grade

Genetic Trends
The Simmental breed has seen steady increases in Genetic Trends since the establishment of ICBF. The graph below illustrates the increases in the Replacement index for Simmental compared to other breeds between 2007 & 2018.

In 2015 coinciding with the increase in dairying, we saw a renewed interest in Fleckvieh cows with farmers looking for cows with improved milk solids and fertility. This increased interest resulted in many farmers switching to Fleckvieh with both the number of cattle imported and A.I. usage increasing year on year.  To cater for registering these Fleckvieh animals, the Irish Simmental Cattle Society established a separate herdbook section and registration numbers are increasing yearly with a lot of potential for additional growth.

Finally, congratulations again to the UK Society and all its members and looking forward with excitement to what lies ahead. Over the years many strong and valuable friendships have been created between members of both Societies. This cooperation and friendship has resulted in the subsequent breeding of many high profiled animals which have left an everlasting stamp on the Simmental breed. Long may this continue as we all strive to help in the breeding of the next superstar!

The Money Maker Breed In New Zeland

The Money Maker Breed In New Zeland



Report on the growing popularity of Simmental cattle in New Zealand from the Simmental NZ President, Colleen Knauf

Simmental would be the third most popular beef breed in New Zealand behind Angus and Hereford and the number one European breed.

The number and makeup of Simmental breeders have changed dramatically over the years that Simmental has been in New Zealand. From many small/hobby breeders there are now fewer breeders but with larger herds and on a more commercial basis.

Growth would be the prime reason for producers looking to Simmental. Cattle reach target weights more quickly than traditional breeds. “Gone before the second winter” is an advertising slogan that Simmental NZ has coined. Hybrid vigour is also a factor in attaining the extra growth and weights. Simmental is mainly crossed over Angus and Hereford cattle to get extra growth from the Simmental and hybrid vigour.

Docility is becoming a factor as Simmental NZ now have a docility EBV and have worked very hard in the last 10 years to improve a negative image of the temperament of Simmental. The strength of the breed in the past has been its terminal traits but it is becoming increasingly recognised as a maternal breed as well. Better constitution of the breed in New Zealand conditions has been a factor in this.

There is even some use now of Simmental as a terminal sire for Dairy herds as they look to Dairy beef for-profit and to find a better use for “bobby calves”. Bulls are specifically bred for

easy calving and lower gestation to suit the dairy industry.

The variety of colour has sometimes been a problem even though it is only ‘skin deep’! Traditional red and white dominate in popularity followed by a plainer red with a little white, blonde and a few black Simmentals.

Simmental do well anywhere in New Zealand.  They are found in the tropical north and right down to the chilly bottom of the South Island.  Ultra sound scanning technology has found cattle to have thicker hides in colder climates and of course they develop thicker coats.

Most sales are still for R2 bulls but there is a growing trend to sell yearling bulls as well.

Average Prices for 2year old bulls would be approx. $5,000 – $10,000.  Top money about $20,000.  Pedigree Female stock $1,200 as R1 to $3,500 for older females.  Chinese buying has buoyed the female market in recent years. Commercial values are related to the meat schedules which have hovered around $5 kg for the last five years.

Beef prices have been very good by New Zealand standards over the last few years.  Like everything else, the outlook is somewhat uncertain with the effects of Coronavirus on markets.  Simmental in New Zealand are enjoying a positive come back to cross breeding after a successful marketing effort by Angus in recent years.

Here are an example of just some of the commercial straplines and selling points that that Simmental NZ are using to market and promote the breed in New Zealand


Pound for pound, Simmentals are unbeatable. 8.5% to 23.3% extra live weight gain at weaning. 10% extra live weight gain at finishing. 3% extra return on finished carcass weight.


Beef + Lamb NZ Genetics progeny test results prove that a Simmental sire over your cow herd produces the heaviest progeny, and they’re getting some of the highest prices per kg.


Reach optimum carcass weight before the second winter – less feed, less cost, less fuss. Nothing finishes faster than a Simmental.


Simmental were the first breed to produce an EBV for docility to allow breeders to actively select for quiet temperament. The misconception that Simmentals are temperamental has been laid to rest. They just get the job done, no drama.

The majority of stock in New Zealand are fed grass only, outside in all weathers.  Supplements may be some hay or silage.  Most New Zealand Simmental tend to be a little smaller and more athletic than their British counterparts because of the environment that they

and their progeny have to thrive in.  In the past, it was generally thought that the European breeds such as Simmental were “softer” and required easier farming conditions than their traditional Angus and Hereford counterparts.  However, there are more breeders challenging this conception and breeding Simmental cattle that can do well on hill country.

Cows have to calve unassisted out on the farm and therefore calves have to be good at getting up and having feed straight after birth.  Cows need to have good mothering ability.

The Society currently has a contract with ABRI Australia to provide registration services and performance recording.  Simmental NZ also works on contract with PBBNZ (Performance Beef Breeders NZ) which provides and combines services for the main breeds in New Zealand.  All contracts and day to day running are provided by PBBNZ. 

Simmental NZ are currently working on getting EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values) to include genomic evaluations.  Sires have to be DNA profiled to verify parentage.  Breeders are encouraged to take advantage of the increasing genetic information available.  For example, whether stock is horned or polled.  Important because of increasing animal welfare restrictions on dehorning.  Another example is the colour issue.  Genomic testing is available to identify the dilution gene which will give grey coat colour over black cows – can be important for farmers crossing Simmental over Angus and Angus cross cattle.

For the last five years, Simmental NZ has been financially involved in supporting a Beef Progeny Test evaluating EBV’s.  It has been a worthwhile investment as Simmental has done well in most areas.

There are just over 4,000 cows registered at present with Simmental NZ.  More information and stories of New Zealand Simmental can be found on

In Challenging Conditions

In Challenging Conditions




It is a commonly held belief that Continental cattle require a little extra “TLC” to perform to their best. However, East Anglian-based herdsman Stephen Brett is proving this wrong with the Theberton Simmental herd of Justin and Emma Dowley, Theberton, Leiston, Suffolk.

Founded in 1971 by Emma’s father, Martin Dowley, the herd is one of the oldest in the country, with three cows purchased initially and a further five added during the 1970s.

“…we need a cow which can thrive on this sort of ground and the mediocre forage it can produce. Simmental cows suit our system well, being great mothers, docile and milky.”

“Since then only homebred females have been retained, with bulls sourced from herds across East Anglia when required,” explains Stephen.

The current plan is to retain 10-15 heifers each year as replacements, with these carefully selected with the aim of continually improving herd quality. And, with the herd closed, health status is maintained at a high level, with the herd accredited for both Johne’s and BVD.

“Surplus heifers are sold for breeding, with the bottom end finished alongside male calves, with these all sold as locally as possible, largely to local wholesaler Bramfield Meats, with cattle slaughtered at H G Blake’s abattoir, Norwich. 

“I’m a big believer in minimising unnecessary travel for stock so we aim to sell as locally as we can. All cattle grade as U and R grades, with a target of 300-350kg carcasses,” adds Stephen.

Currently calving all year round to provide a steady flow of finished cattle throughout the year, the herd is moving more towards an autumn calving block, with heifers calving into the herd at 2.5-3 years old. 

coastal marshes Stephen says they’re the ideal cow for the farm. “They thrive off this type of rough grazing, with the only supplement given to cows over the winter being home produced grass and maize silage and fodder beet.

“…They thrive off this type of rough grazing, with the only supplement given to cows over the winter being home produced grass and maize silage and fodder beet…”

“We finish prime cattle using homegrown barley, starting them on a little feed at about a year old. However, cows have a forage only diet and do well on it, rearing calves on milk alone, with creep feeding ruled out by the restrictions placed on the marshes.

“Cows have access to a straw pad for a dry lying area when outwintering, but that’s as far as creature comforts go for them,” he says.

Herd health management is also kept simple, with pour on treatments used for fluke and worms, with fluke being an ever-present threat as much of the marshland lies just 1m above sea level.

“We also give cows a mineral and trace element bolus in spring to counter any deficiencies, with fly tags also used on both cows and calves throughout the summer months.”

Breeding wise, the herd is currently using three homebred bulls alongside sires from other local herds, including Key Eric and former herd sire Thursford Ant. “We also use a little AI each year, often on heifers as they are around the yard, making AI much easier than for cattle out on the marshes.

“I tend to favour older, proven sires for AI, including Kilbride Farm Newry, Skerrington Legacy, Brinkton Sovereign and Gretna House Supersonic,” explains Stephen. “Because we don’t buy in females, we can afford to use some of the more traditional, widely used sires as our females are clear of those genetics,” he adds. 

And, despite the limitations placed on the herd due to grazing, it has been successful on the local show scene, winning championship tickets at The Royal Norfolk, Hadleigh, Suffolk and Aylsham shows.  

The herd has also risen to the top in the East Anglian herd competition, being herd of the year in 2019. “Showing isn’t the primary purpose of the herd, but it is a nice addition to what we do and has proven a good way to promote our stock in the past. Both my sons enjoy showing and Emma and Justin enjoy the shows as well.” 

“Due to the fact our cattle aren’t pushed in terms of diet, younger stock tend to struggle against those from more heavily fed herds, but mature animals more than stand their ground, including Theberton Abigail, a Kilbride Farm Newry daughter, who was successful at Hadleigh, Suffolk, Royal Norfolk and Aylsham shows in 2015.”

Stephen adds that longevity is a key attribute within the herd, with the aim for cows to still be productive at 12 years old and the best lasting until 15 years old. “We only bring heifers in if they are better than the worst cow in the herd and that means we are highly critical of our own stock, looking for incremental improvements every year.”

Ticking All The Boxes

Ticking All The Boxes




As a British Simmental herd that typically registers 150-200 calves per year, the most in England, we take a look at what’s behind the management ethos of the Bowley Herd of Mr CM Mercer, based at Hope-Under-Dinmore, Herefordshire. 

Having worked with various breeds of cattle in his career, stock manager at Bowley Court Farm, Richard Bell, says the Simmental has stood the test of time for the breed’s superior mothering ability, calving ease and temperament. 

Richard, who manages the 300-cow herd across the 550-acre grass farm alongside stockman Andrew Bennett on behalf of owner C M Mercer, has been with the herd for some 42 years and has witnessed various attributes of many breeds, but feels the Simmental breed delivers on all areas of suckler beef production. 

“We’ve tried all manner of breeds in the past, have witnessed some of the benefits of hybrid vigour too, but overall nothing has really delivered as consistently and with the ability to tick all the boxes as well as the Simmental,” highlights Richard. 

The herd consists of pedigree and purebred Simmental cattle and finishes progeny for ABP with recent sales of 12-13 month old bulls topping at £1550 with 90% hitting U grades and the remaining 10% hitting R grades. “While the Simmental is highly regarded as a maternal breed, these grades are testament to the fact that the breed can hold its own with any of the Continental breeds when it comes to quality beef production.” 

“…recent sales of 12-13 month old bulls topping at £1550 with 90% hitting U grades and the remainder hitting R grades…”

Meanwhile, some 55 heifers are retained each year with the remainder being sold locally as 14/15-month old stores, often to repeat customers. 

With just two staff working the herd, Richard says ease of management is key. “The herd starts calving indoors around the 20th March and finishes at the end of June with calves tagged, dehorned and then turned out for spring grazing,” he explains. 

In the run up to calving, cows are fed 2-3lb of cake as well as fodder beet a day according to their condition, alongside wheat or barley straw until calving. Upon turnout, twins are separated with those calves receiving concentrate all through the summer. “With Simmentals we often get twins and we see about 10%, but due to milk availability the dams are quite capable of rearing them,” he adds.  

Calves are creep fed from the beginning of August depending on grass availability, with bull calves being fed 10lb a day of blend from For Farmers alongside grass silage, while heifers are fed approximately 6lb of blend alongside grass silage. 

Currently the herd runs a total of 13 stock bulls, of which 10 have come from Society sales at Worcester or in the past Bristol and Welshpool, with two being purchased privately and one being homebred. “We usually do a range of semen testing prior to use and we tend to test the oldest, youngest and newest in the stock bull team,” explains Andrew Bennett, who has been working with the herd for the last two years.

“Historically, bulls have been purchased from the Wroxall, Heywood, Killiworgie and Bosahan herds and the late David Bell. Proving the test of time for some years, the herd’s first bull was purchased for 1000gns at the very first Society sale in Hereford Market in the form of Lindridge Keefe,” adds Richard. 

“We’re now looking at sourcing polled bulls which will no doubt help reduce labour needs going forward, providing we can keep the strong fleshing ability on the bulls,” he adds. With the exception of stock bulls, the herd has remained closed to females for some years.  

When looking for bulls, Richard and Andrew take both figures and physical presence into consideration, but with the biggest emphasis being on calving ease. “We’re conscious some bulls are pushed hard for sale, so we’re looking for natural fleshing, good legged bulls that aren’t too heavy in the front as well as looking at their calving figures.” 

Longevity is another key attribute of the Simmental breed and Richard says even the stock bulls last, with one of them still working at 12 years of age. “But while longevity is key, we are strict on culling with any cow showing temperament issues going, as well as bad feet and udders and with cull cow price hitting up to £1400 recently, it’s worth keeping a close eye on physical attributes.”

“….we’re looking for natural fleshing, good legged bulls that aren’t too heavy in the front as well as looking at their calving figures.” 

Heifers calve at two years of age at the same time as the mature herd. “We prefer to run them as a separate bunch for the first year before joining the main herd,” adds Andrew. 

Cows are routinely vaccinated for BVD, Leptospirosis, Rotavec and Rispoval 4, as well as a preventative vaccine for clostridial disease as they once lost a cow to Blackleg. “We prefer to wean during the last two weeks of October and if grazing allows, cows go back out to grass to dry up until housing at the end of November.” 

Richard admits grazing management is minimum as most of the fields are too steep to plough and many of the lower fields are subject to flooding. “The farm is host to an anaerobic digester with a small amount of arable to help with rotation. Muck from the cattle goes into the digester and the digestate is put back on to the land.

“Simmentals tick so many boxes for us, allowing us to run a closed herd, minimising the health risks associated with bought in replacements, as well as producing high value surplus females for sale alongside prime bulls which achieve good grades too. It would take a lot for us to consider an alternative breed,” Richard concludes.