Over forty commercial and pedigree breeders travelled from Somerset, Devon and throughout Cornwall to attend the eighth Cornwall Simmental Open Day on Sunday 28th July. In glorious sunshine we were treated to a tour of Castle Farm, Castle-an-Dinas, St Columb Major at the kind invitation of the Hooper Family.
After welcoming visitors with coffee and cake Cornwall Simmental Club Chairman, Barrie Wynter presented a cheque to Kieran Varker (Vice Chairman) and Natalie Brown (Social Media and Communications Officer) representing Threemilestone YFC. The £100.00 donation goes to the club’s 2019 Fundraising For Our Future Campaign. Threemilestone and District Young Farmers have the opportunity to purchase the plot of land that the club hall sits on, including the surrounding car park area for £52,000. In six months they are half way to their target.
Shown around by David, Steph and Peter we viewed over one hundred and thirty suckler cows including pedigree blondes and Simmentals as well as cross-bred dams. Grazing two hundred and twenty acres of permanent pasture reclaimed from downs the family’s hard work has resulted in plentiful grass despite the hot, dry conditions experienced this year. The farm rises to eight hundred and fifty feet (two hundred and sixty metres) above sea level. The surrounding views were marvellous as David remarked ‘one of the best offices in the world’.
Decisions throughout the move from a dairy business to a suckler beef enterprise have been based on costings and currently the herd is run to offer top class suckled calves at Truro Livestock Market from the end of August onwards with only herd replacements being retained. This allows dams to recover and gain condition before the majority calve indoors during the winter months.
With all members of team Hooper also working part time off the holding, this system aids management and reduces winter costs while maximising profits. The move to increase numbers of Simmentals over the last five years has been driven by temperament, handling ease and the dams’ ability to grow shapely calves with good confirmation that have been proved to be very easy to sell.
Following welcome refreshments Cornwall Quality Livestock Producers representatives, Peter Chapman Chairman and procurement and marketing officer Shelley Lockett, gave a presentation on their independent livestock marketing co-operative owned by its farming members.
As a group of farmers they benefit from marketing their stock together the organisation has roots going back to 1975 when a group of enterprising Cornish lamb producers collaborated to market their early season lambs outside the county to achieve higher returns.
For over thirty years CQLP have been selling livestock on behalf of members located throughout the South West to deadweight outlets across the UK. Livestock farmers work together to retain strength and independence in the marketplace, encourage best practice and improve the profitability of their businesses as well as promoting the quality of the beef and lamb they produce. With over two hundred and fifty members CQLP market over 20,000 lambs and 5,000 cattle per year sharing transport costs and benefiting from insurance against bad debts. CQLP has an interactive website where the members’ only area has latest information and prices and also offers a free advertising section covering breeding stock, machinery and miscellaneous agricultural services.
The afternoon concluded with votes of thanks and gifts for our tremendous hosts.
Ranfurly Jameson J2 18, Male Champion, Junior Champion, Overall Champion, Best Exhibit bred in NI and 1st place Bull, born on or after 1st January 2018
It was a great honour and privilege to judge the 151st Balmoral Show. I would like to thank the committee of the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society for inviting me. The weather was excellent, and this was a bonus for the exhibitors and spectators alike.
Due to the show being held early in the season and many part-time breeders the number of cattle forward was relatively small, but credit to the exhibitors, the quality was of a high standard.
With just two exhibits in the cow class, first place went to Ballinalare Farm Chanel followed by Guhard Dorothy. These were two useful cows.
As there was a single entry in the senior heifer class first place went to Ballinalare Farm Ivory. In the intermediate heifer class, pole position was held by Ranfurly Weikel 23rd followed by Breaghey Leading Lady and claiming the third ticket was Lisglass Isla. In the Junior Heifer class Cleenagh Jessica claimed first place followed closely in second place by Roscultan Jemina. These were two super heifers which should mature into excellent cows. In third position was another decent heifer namely Bannhill Farm Jinx.
With no entries in the Senior bull class the Junior Male section was led by Ranfurly Jameson J2 18, an outstanding young bull with tremendous power and scale. In second place was Bridgewater Farm Jed, this was another smart young bull with good potential followed by Bridgewater Farm Jenson from the same farm. Finally, in fourth place was Lisglass Jasper. The bulls in this class were all a credit to their breeders.
My Male and Overall Champion was undisputedly Ranfurly Jameson J2 18 and claimed reserve spot in the Interbreed Beef Recorder class. Reserve Male and Reserve Overall went to the Bridgewater herd with Bridgewater Farm Jed. Female Champion was Ranfurly Weikel 23rd I11 with Cleenagh Jessica in reserve position.
Finally, I would like to commend the exhibitors for presenting an excellent display of cattle and extend my sincere thanks to all the Stewards for carrying out their duties in a professional manner.
Ranfurly Weikel 23rd I11, Female Champion and 1st place Heifer, born on or after 1st July 2017, and on or before 31st December 2017Bridgewater Farm Jed 18, Reserve Male Champion, Reserve Overall Champion, Reserve Best Exhibit Bred in NI and 2nd place Bull, born on or after 1st January 2018Cleenagh Jessica, Reserve Female Champion, Reserve Junior Champion and 1st place Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2018
Sacombe Dandelion-Oma, Female and Overall Champion, Reserve Champion of Champions, 1st Place Cow, in calf or with calf at foot, born on before 13.12.14
When asked to judge your own breed at a show it is and will always remain an honour and something you never forget.
When that request is to Judge a ROYAL SHOW your hopes and expectations move to another level.
Although honoured and grateful to be asked to Judge the ROYAL WELSH SHOW my hopes of having large numbers of quality cattle paraded with classes being contested by 6 or more in each class, all looking to receive the red card never materialized with only 2 members from Wales (2 animals), 1 member from Scotland (1 animal), 1 member from England (5 animals) attending bringing an overall total of 8 animals to contest all of the classes.
As a society I think the time has arrived when we along with others provide money to members to help cover entry costs/time, especially if we want to be seen promoting our breed at certain large shows to try and halt this downward trend of animals forward.
The Highland/English National clearly don’t need the same kind of input, however clearly the Welsh and possibly Balmoral along with other more local well-known venues could be looked at as requiring special support.
The animals forward were of great credit to their owners who had taken the time and trouble to attend, especially those from England and Scotland as without these numbers we would have been in a terrible position.
It would be wrong of me to start a report without highlighting the outstanding animal on the day from the Borlase family, Sacombe Dandelion-Oma who I placed Female and Overall Champion and who then went on to become the Supreme Interbreed Champion of the ROYAL WELSH SHOW, from such a low number of animals forward the Simmental breed/members had still managed to present/receive the top award and my/our thanks must go to the Borlase family for supporting our breed and hope they continue with Jimmy bringing their cattle out as only he can.
The young bull class had the most entered (4) with the red card going to Sacombe Joker (F) a very nice well-balanced bull closely followed by the two Welsh members entries from the Jones/Davies families.
There was only one animal in the 2017 Heifer Class: –
Overhill House Ice Maiden from the McCulloch family.
There were 2 animals in the 2018 Heifer Class: –
1st Perrywood Jasmine (Miss B Borlase)
2nd Sacombe Jenna-Laube (Mr & Mrs P.B and J.A Borlase)
Initially although disappointed with regards numbers forward, this changed in the afternoon, where we were all excited especially yours truly to see our Champion going on to receive the top Interbreed honours.
Well done and thank you to those of you who attended/paraded animals and provided a welcome for everyone on the members stand.
Sacombe Joker, Male and Reserve Overall Champion, 1st Place Bull, born on or after 01.04.18
Judge praises quality of Simmental’s at NI National Show
By Julie Hazelton
A tremendous show with an incredible standard of livestock was how British Simmental Cattle Society president Michael Barlow described the breed’s inaugural NI National Show.
Mr Barlow from the noted Denizes Herd based in Lancashire, said he thoroughly enjoyed judging the event, held in conjunction with the 179th Omagh Show.
More than 50 entries from herds across the Province competed for a share of the £4,000 prize fund.
NI Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Club chairman Conard Fegan congratulated the exhibitors on a great show, and thanked principal sponsor Danske Bank, and the numerous agricultural and local businesses for their generous support. “It’s fantastic to see such a great turnout of cattle, and we were overwhelmed by the number of spectators in attendance.”
Stealing the show was the much-admired junior bull Ranfurly Jameson bred by breed stalwart David Hazelton from Dungannon. This eighteen-month-old entry caught the eye of Michael Barlow to secure the junior, male and supreme overall championship awards. He also claimed the DANI Rosebowl for the best performance recorded bull.
Sired by the noted Raceview King, this bull is out of the home-bred Carnkern Titan daughter Ranfurly Weikel 17th. He also secured the breed’s junior, male and supreme championship ribbons at Balmoral Show in May.
Ranfurly Jameson was junior champion, male champion and supreme overall champion at the NI National Simmental Show, held at Omagh.
Michael Barlow commented: “The overall champion is a fine example of the Simmental breed. He has great conformation, good legs and feet, and oozes breed character.”
It turned out to be a red-letter day for David and Jonny Hazelton, who won five first prize rosettes and a string of championship sashes and trophies. Their haul of plaudits included the reserve supreme championship, and the female and reserve female titles. The Ranfurly Herd – established more than 40 years ago – won the prize for the exhibitor gaining the most points at the show.
The Ranfurly Herd, Dungannon, won the supreme and reserve championships at the NI National Simmental Show at Omagh. Pictured from left: Adrian Adams and Rodney Brown, Danske Bank; judge Michael Barlow, Lancashire; Jonny and David Hazelton and David Lowry; and Kilian McDonnell, Danske Bank.
Claiming the female and reserve supreme championship awards was the three-year-old cow Ranfurly Weikel 18th VG87, shown with her January born Cleenagh Flasher heifer calf at foot.
Female and reserve supreme champion was the Hazelton family’s Ranfurly Weikel 18th shown with heifer calf at foot.
Sired by Raceview King, Ranfurly Weikel 18th VG87, is bred from the Hillcrest Champion daughter Ranfurly Weikel 11th EX90. She was Simmental champion at Lurgan Show, and reserve champion at Armagh Show.
Her full sister Ranfurly Weikel 23rd secured the reserve female championship. This two-year-old heifer was female champion at Balmoral.
Reserve female champion was the Intermediate heifer class winner Ranfurly Weikel 23rd. Jonny Hazelton is pictured with Ian Stewart, Parklands Veterinary Group, class sponsor.
The January 2018 Cleenagh Jessica claimed the reserve junior championship for Robert and Julie Stinson from Enniskillen. Purchased at the Cleenagh dispersal sale last year, this heifer is one of three foundation females in the Roscultan Herd.
Sired by the 2014 and 2015 Balmoral champion Dermotstown Delboy, her dam is the Bridgemount Vixon daughter Stralongford Courtney. The Stinson’s made their showring debut at Balmoral, winning the reserve junior and reserve female championships at the 151st show.
Julie Stinson, Enniskillen, exhibited the reserve junior champion Cleenagh Jessica. Making the presentation are Michael Barlow, judge; and Kilian McDonnell, Danske Bank.
The five-month-old bull calf Breaghey Kingdom secured the reserve male championship for Andrew and Zara Clarke, Tynan, County Armagh. Sired by Omorga Regan, he is bred from the Kilbride Farm Newry daughter Breaghey Beatrice – one of 14 cows in the herd.
Five-month-old Breaghey Kingdom, owned by Andrew and Zara Clarke, Tynan, was the winner of the bull calf class.
Reserve male champion was Breaghey Kingdom bred by Andrew Clarke, Tynan. Adding their congratulations are Adrian Adams and Kilian McDonnell, Danske Bank.
Results from the NI National Show include:
Cow, any age, sponsored by ABP Newry – 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Weikel 18th VG87 by Raceview King.
Senior heifer, born between 01/01/17 and 30/06/17, sponsored by John Thompson and Sons Ltd – 1, Jonathan Henderson, Newbiemains Intrepid by Newbiemains Golden Eye; 2, Jonathan Henderson, Drumsamney Cara’s Snowdrop by Banwy Wonderboy.
Intermediate heifer, born between 01/07/17 and 31/12/17, sponsored by Parklands Veterinary Group– 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Weikel 23rd by Raceview King; 2, JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Isla by Ranfurly Confederate; 3, Andrew and Zara Clarke, Breaghey Leading Lady by Woodhall Everhart; 4, David Carson, Lissadell Jezebel by Curaheen Vio.
Junior heifer, born between 01/01/18 and 30/06/18, sponsored by Woodcraft Kitchens (Kilrea) – 1, Julie Stinson, Cleenagh Jessica by Dermotstown Delboy; 2, Robin Boyd, Slievenagh Jewel P by Kilbride Farm Glenhead; 3, Gareth Wilson, Rathnashan Kit Kat Cara by Kilbride Farm Comber; 4, Julie Stinson, Roscultan Jemima by Dermotstown Delboy.
Junior heifer, born between 01/07/18 and 31/12/18, sponsored by Animax – 1, Shane and Paul McDonald, Coolcran Lady Jasmine by Omorga Murray; 2, Keith and Andrea Nelson, Scribby Farms Jelly Bean by Curaheen Dickens; 3, Keith and Andrea Nelson, Scribby Farms Judy by Curaheen Dickens; 4, Cecil and Scott McIlwaine, Corrick Jayne by Curaheen Dickens.
Heifer calf, born in 2019, sponsored by Millar Meats – 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Weikel 30th by Cleenagh Flasher; 2, HC Stubbs and AA Burleigh, Derrycallaghan Kalmaty Jane by Team Celtic; 3, Shane O’Neill, Drumcook Shirley by Omorga Baldwin.
Junior bull, born between 01/01/18 and 30/04/18, sponsored by T-MET – 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Jameson by Raceview King; 2, Keith and Andrea Nelson, Scribby Farms Jeronimo by Team Celtic; 3, HC Stubbs and AA Burleigh, Derrycallaghan Jacko by Omorga Volvo; 4, John Moore, Omorga Joel by Mullyknock Gallant.
Junior bull, born between 01/05/18 and 31/08/18, sponsored by Teemore Engineering – 1, HC Stubbs and AA Burleigh, Derrycallaghan Jackpot by Popes Laird; 2, Shane and Paul McDonald, Coolcran Joop by Dermotstown Delboy; 3, JL and CJ Weatherup, Lisglass Jasper by Mullyknock Gallant.
Junior bull, born between 01/09/18 and 31/12/18, sponsored by RS Concrete – 1, Shane and Paul McDonald, Coolcran Jameson by Ashland Brandy; 2, Cecil and Scott McIlwaine, Corrick Judge by Curaheen Gunshot; 3, Nigel Glasgow, Bridgewater Farm Jazzman by Curaheen Dickens; 4, John Moore, Omorga Joshua by Dermotstown Delboy.
Bull calf, born in 2019, sponsored by Huttons Butchers – 1, Andrew and Zara Clarke, Breaghey Kingdom by Omorga Regan; 2, Peter Stratton, Glengesh Kingsman by Kilbride Farm Dragoon.
Pair, property of exhibitor, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim – 1, WD and JD Hazelton, Ranfurly Weikel 23rd and Ranfurly Jameson; 2, Shane and Paul McDonald, Coolcran Lady Jasmine and Coolcran Jameson; 3, Keith and Andrea Nelson, Scribby Farms Jellybean and Scribby Farms Judy; 4, Julie Stinson, Cleenagh Jessica and Roscultan Jemima.
Young handler, 8 to 12 years-old, sponsored by Johnston Agri – 1, Thomas McAllister; 2, Jason Little.
Young handler, 13 to 18 years-old, sponsored by Warren Kerr Agri Supplies – 1, Molly Bradley.
David Hazelton, Dungannon, won the award for the exhibitor gaining the most points at the National Show. He receive the award from Laura Kennedy, Fane Valley.
Shane McDonald, Tempo, exhibited Coolcran Lady Jasmine, winner of the junior heifer class. Included is sponsor Neill Acheson, Animax.
Winner of the senior heifer class was Newbiemains Intrepid exhibited by Jonathan Henderson, Desertmartin.
Alan Burleigh exhibited junior bull class winner Derrycallaghan Jackpot at the NI National Simmental Show, held at Omagh.
Shane and Paul McDonald’s Coolcran Jameson was a junior bull class winner at the NI National Simmental Show.
Cleenagh Jessica, owned by Julie Stinson, Enniskillen, was the winner of the junior heifer class.
Ranfurly Weikel 30th exhibited by Jonny Hazelton, Dungannon, was the winner of the heifer calf class. Making the presentation is sponsor Stephen Millar, Millar Meats.
Lance Woods, Boehringer Ingelheim, congratulates Jonny Hazelton and Kyle Hayes on winning the class for the best pair of cattle owned by exhibitor.
Molly Bradley, Armagh, was the winner of the senior young handler class at the NI National Simmental Show. Included is British Simmental Cattle Society Michael Barlow who judged at the Omagh event.
The DANI Rosebowl for the best performance recorded Simmental bull was won by David Hazelton, Dungannon. Adding his congratulations is Neil McIlwaine, Euro Auctions, sponsor.
Thomas McAllister, Dungannon, was the winner of the junior young handlers class at the NI National Simmental Show.
Pictured at the junior championship presentation at the NI National Simmental Show are, from left: Kilian McDonnell, Danske Bank; judge Michael Barlow; Jonny Hazelton, Dungannon; Julie Stinson, Enniskillen; Adrian Adams and Rodney Brown, Danske Bank.
Shane and Paul McDonald’s Coolcran Lady Jasmine was the winner of the junior heifer class at the NI National Simmental Show, held at Omagh.
Prize winning Simmental young handler Jason Little.
Aberdeen and Northern Marts Spring Sale – 27th February 2019 – Sale report
Judging the Aberdeen and Northern Mart spring sale at Thainstone Centre, Inverurie, was Bob Adams from Newhouse Glamis, Forfar, Angus.
Topping the trade on the day at 6,000 gns was lot 57, TILLYEVE INVINCIBLE 17, bred by Messrs C & M Bruce, Tillyeve, Udny, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6SJ. A WOODHALL ELLISON 13 son out of a CURAHEEN APOSTLE daughter, he was purchased by Mr G D Wilson, Huntly, Aberdeenshire.
The pre-sale champion, lot 51, sold for the second-highest price on the day of 5,500 gns. ISLAVALE IVAN 17, was bred by WS Stronach, Berryleys Farm, Grange, Keith, Banffshire, AB55 6LN. This ISLAVALE FRONTIER 14 son out of a CHESTERMANN VARNEY daughter was purchased by Messrs R & J Francis, Insch, Aberdeenshire.
Next, at 5,200 gns was lot number 50, GLENLOSSIE ICEMAN 17, bred by M/S AD SUTHERLAND & SONS, Connachie, Ellas, Elgin, Moray, IV30 8TS. This OMORGA DENMAN 12 son out of a SAMARK THOR daughter was purchased by DM McCallum, Culbokie, Dingwall.
Lot 58, TILLYEVE INFINITY 17, bred by Messrs C & M Bruce, Tillyeve, Udny, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6SJ reached a selling price of 4,200 gns. Another WOODHALL ELLISON 13 son, and out of a KILBRIDE FARM VERNON daughter, sold to D Petrie & Son, Ballogie, Aboyne.
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