In an incredibly generous gesture, James and Rachael Griffin of the Hemingford Simmental herd, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, have pledged to donate the entire sale proceeds of their heifer, Hemingford Lancome, to the Breast Cancer Now charity. The March 2020 born Hemingford Lancome is entered into the Society’s new Next Generation Sale of females & weaned calves, which is due to take place at Borderway Market, Carlisle, on Friday 3rd December. The announcement of this gesture is appropriately being made now with October being Breast Cancer awareness month.
Here in their own very poignant words, James and Rachel explain why they are auctioning Hemingord Lancome for this hugely worth cause:
“Around 55,000 women and 370 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year and, like so many
of you, we have been unfortunate enough to know and watch someone close battle this disease.
In 2018 Breast Cancer became even closer to home when Rachael was diagnosed at the age of just 33, with no family history of the disease.
Following this journey, we decided that we wanted to do something to raise both awareness and funds for vital research and along with help and support for people affected by breast cancer.
Donating the sale funds of an auctioned heifer was originally planned to coincide with the Society’s 50th anniversary celebrations, and we wish to stand by our commitment to this.
We are incredibly grateful to the Society for their continued support and allowing us to instead undertake this fundraiser at their exciting new Next Generation sale. We have therefore pledged that we will be donating all the proceeds from the sale of Hemingford Lancome to Breast Cancer Now.”
James & Rachael Griffin
The Society is delighted to help and support James and Rachael to promote this amazing gesture and to raise funds and awareness for such an important cause.
At this early stage we are grateful to Harrison & Hetherington who have also readily lent their support and have immediately agreed, along with the Society, that no sale commissions will apply to the sale of the heifer. H&H will also help promote the sale for the charitable cause.
A Just Giving page has also been established, and is open now, if you would simply like to make a donation to Breast Cancer Now and in support of James & Rachael’s initiative. James will be at the upcoming Stirling Bull Sale and will be happy to chat to members about this fundraising initiative and of course Hemingford Lancome.
Some record averages at sales with strong clearance rates, confirmation of the Simmental breed as the UK’s number one continental breed for age at slaughter, and a solid year of financial performance are just some of the highlights from British Simmental Cattle Society President Stewart Stronach’s first annual report to members.
Opening the Society’s fifty first annual report for the 2020/2021 year, Mr Stronach, Maisley, Keith, Banffshire summarises the breed’s performance at Society Sales in the year and which included:
• A breed record sale average of £6482 (£+1443 on the year) at Stirling in February 2021, and a top price of 26,000gns, the second highest price for a Simmental bull at auction. • The largest number of bulls sold across the breeds at Stirling in October 2020, and an average of £5589 (+£411 on the year). • A record breed average of £4987.50 (+£977.50) at the Worcester Sale in May. • A record average of £5345 (+£510) for the Stirling May Sale.
Whilst noting that the sale numbers were again distorted by the Covid situation, Mr. Stronach said that the demand at these sales had been extremely encouraging for the breed and had been replicated in off-farm sales. Commenting he said: “Through the year we’ve seen a strong demand for Simmental store and breeding cattle in commercial sales. The breed is naturally efficient, producing fertile and milky females which are easy to handle, as well as the extra growth in easy fleshing calves.”
Pistyll Kingsman sold for 26,000gns at Stirling in February 2021, the top price Simmental in the year
Mr. Stronach’s report highlights that whilst the breed is known for its maternal qualities, the SRUC & AHDB’s National Beef Evaluations has shown Simmental to be the UK’s Number One Continental beef breed for age at slaughter: “Green credentials and a reduced carbon footprint are going to be big factors in the forward beef industry both in suckler and dairy beef. This ability in age at slaughter, coupled with weight for age, producing beef from grass, and advantages in growth rate, can define the Simmental breed in delivering a green beef product with increased profitability.” With the aim of meeting the needs of the commercial producer, the report also highlights the ‘significant’ genetic progress the breed has made in breed averages over the last twenty years for both Self Replacing and Terminal Indexes.
A stated aim in the report is to build on the established sale base of the breed and develop pedigree sales in England. In addition to the potential at the Worcester Sale in May, a further sale fixture was introduced at Melton Mowbray in March of this year. Plans for an exciting new ‘Next Generation’ Sale of females and weaned calves at Borderway Mart, Carlisle, in December 2021 have also been announced.
In the Financial Statements presented for the year the Society announces making a surplus on the year of £105,000, and inclusive of a figure of £57,000 in unrealised investment gains. The total fund balances/financial reserves of the Society at the end of the year are shown as £877,569. The figures for the year are noted as being inclusive of over £20,000 in expenditure on the Society’s transition of its DNA services from Microsatellite (MS) to Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) technology.
Pedigree registration numbers are reported as having remained at a similar level to recent years, but with the President noting a continuing downward pressure and ‘work ahead to add value to all members’ pedigree registrations”. Speaking to the financial statements, Mr. Stronach said: “The Society’s finances are solid in a period of some transition and with good budgeting will allow for the Society to continue to carry out its core herd book, promotional and technical work. The year’s figures do need to be put in context with the expenditure around shows and sales in the year significantly reduced and again due to the Covid circumstance”.
In other snapshot highlights in the report, the growing export market for Simmental genetics is noted with live animals, semen, and embryos having sold in the year to markets in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, China, USA, and Italy respectively. Also reported is the 2021 ‘Virtual’ Simmental Show with this online competition having had a remarkable entry of over 750 pedigree Simmentals animals across twelve classes.
The Annual Report has been released and circulated in advance of the 51st Annual General Meeting of the British Simmental Cattle Society, which is scheduled to be held on Monday 18th October, the day before the Stirling Simmental Bull Sale, at United Auctions, Lomond Suite, Stirling Agricultural Centre commencing at 9.30am.
The senior Simmental bull, Hiltonstown Indiana, owned by Ballymena suckler herd owner and pedigree breeder James McKane has been crowned Male and Supreme Overall Champion at the 152nd Balmoral Show, held on 22nd September 2021, at Balmoral Park, Lisburn.
Male and Supreme Champion, Hiltonstown Indiana
Born in January 2017, Hiltonstown Indiana was bred by Richard and Rhys Rodgers, Portglenone, and is stock bull in the McKane family’s 50-cow commercial herd, which is run alongside six pedigree cows registered under the Springfarm prefix. He is sired by the 2014 and 2015 Balmoral supremo Dermotstown Delboy, and is out of the Auroch Amos daughter Hiltonstown Erica VG88.
Balmoral Show was Indiana’s second outing, with him having previously won the Male Championship at Ballymena Show in 2019.
County Antrim Simmental judge Robin Boyd described the overall winner as “a big, well-grown bull with strength and power.”
Supreme Overall champion Hiltontstown Indiana with judge Robin Boyd and Richard Rodgers and Megan McKane.
Claiming the day’s Female and Reserve Championship honours was the January 2020 born maiden heifer Drumsamney Lady Jane, brought out by Jonathan Henderson, and father Roger, from Desertmartin. Sired by Kilbride Farm Glenhead, she is the second calf bred from the Omorga Murray daughter Ranfurly Lady Diana 29th ET, purchased for 3,900gns at the Ranfurly Herd’s production sale at Dungannon in September 2016.
Female Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion Drumsamney Lady Jane
The Drumsamney prefix was founded in 2010 and currently comprises of 12 pedigree cows. The Henderson duo also scooped the Reserve Female Championship title with another Kilbride Farm Glenhead daughter. The March 2020 born Drumsamney Intrepid’s Lola was bred from Newbiemains Intrepid, the Reserve Female Champion at Stirling in October 2018.
Former British Simmental Breed Society President Robin Boyd, who owns the Slievenagh Herd based at Portglenone, is a highly respected judge who has officiated at major shows throughout the UK and Ireland, and twice at the Danish National Show.
“It has been an honour to add Balmoral Show to my list of ‘royal show’ judging appointments,” said Mr Boyd, who over the years has judged at Stoneleigh, the Highland, Welsh, Norfolk, Bath and West, and the famous Perth Bull Sales.
“Agricultural shows, like many other events, have been hit hard by the pandemic. This year’s Balmoral has attracted a small entry of Simmentals, but I’d like to congratulate the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society on organising a successful show under difficult circumstances. I’d also like to thank the exhibitors for supporting this year’s show.”
Drumsamney Intrepid’s Lola and Drumsamney Lady Jane, Best pair of Simmentals. Judging of the Supreme Championship at Balmoral Show
The Bobbie Dickson Perpetual Championship Trophy for the Supreme Champion: James McKane. Reserve: Jonathan Henderson.
British Simmental Cattle Society Engraved Crystal Glasses for the Supreme Champion: James McKane.
Imex Perpetual Cow Bell for the best British Simmental female: Jonathan Henderson. Reserve: Jonathan Henderson.
Bangor and Six Road Ends Farmers’ Union Perpetual Trophy for the Female Champion: Jonathan Henderson.
Bobbie Gamble Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the best heifer born between 1/1/19 and 30/6/20: Jonathan Henderson.
NI Simmental Club Trophy for the Male Champion: James McKane.
William Black Memorial Perpetual Cup for the Male Champion: James McKane.
News Letter Shield for the Junior Champion: Jonathan Henderson.
Heifer, born on or after 1/1/20 – 1, Jonathan Henderson, Drumsamney Lady Jane by Kilbride Farm Glenhead; 2, Jonathan Henderson, Drumsamney Intrepid’s Lola by Kilbride Farm Glenhead.
Bull, born on or before 31/12/19- 1, James Kane, Hiltonstown Indiana by Dermotstown Delboy.
Pair, property of exhibitor – 1, Jonathan Henderson, Drumsamney Lady Jane and Drumsamney Intrepid’s Lola.
• Mixbury Hall stock bull Tillbrook Frank Overall Reserve • 754 pedigree Simmentals entered the online competition • Cow class sees 197 entries
Overall and Female Champion Corskie Heaven
The 2021 Simmental ‘Virtual’ Show Overall Supreme Champion is the outstanding five-year-old cow Corskie Heaven from the well known Corskie Simmental herd of WJ & J Green, Garmouth, Fochabers. Taking the Overall Reserve Supreme Champion position was the Male Champion, Tilbrook Frank from VC Bailey, Mixbury Hall Farm, Mixbury, Brackley, Northamptonshire.
An entirely online show first organised by the British Simmental Cattle Society last year, the second staging of the competition saw a remarkable 754 Simmentals entered over the respective twelve classes.
2016 born, Corskie Heaven, a Dirnanean Bradley daughter out of Corskie Eve, did it the ‘hard way’ by coming through an incredible class of 197 cows, the largest entry in the classes, before lifting the Female Championship and moving on to take the blue riband top title.
Judging the final Championship was Anne MacPherson of the highly noted Blackford herd at Blackford, Croy, Inverness. Commenting Anne said: “The Champion Corskie Heaven is a great example of a Simmental cow; she is very feminine with nice smooth flesh and plenty of length. She’s my type of female and very much shows the maternal traits which are important for the Simmental breed. Congratulations also to Mixbury Hall. Tillbrook Frank looks a really modern, powerful bull with tremendous muscle and length.”
On behalf of the Green family, Laura Beattie said: “It’s fantastic to win this competition and from such an entry both in numbers and quality. Corskie Heaven is just a really nice, feminine cow and we’re delighted that she’s gone all the way. We had eight entries in the cow class and six of them placed in the top twenty, so we are very proud of all the cows! Corskie Heaven is a Dirnanean Bradley daughter and Bradley has bred exceptionally well in the herd. Heaven’s dam, Corskie Eve is by Corskie Valiant, a homebred bull who himself had a strong show career for the herd, including being Overall Champion at the 2009 Scottish National Show. The Society’s ‘Virtual’ Show has been great again this year and it’s been so good to ‘show off’ cattle that have not been able to go out into the show ring over this last couple of years.”
Male Champion Tilbrook Frank
It was a strong showing for the Northamptonshire based Mixbury Hall herd who also lifted the Reserve Female Championship with the Spring born heifer calf Mixbury Hall Milly. Taking the Reserve Male Championship was Rockytop Luca, from Gary and Angela Christie’s Rockytop herd, Glass, Huntly. The May 2020 born Rockytop Luca, had initially won the young bull class in the competition.
Reserve Female Champion Mixbury Hall MillyReserve Male Champion Rockytop Luca
The Simmental ‘Virtual’ Show was established in 2020 to bring ‘some fun and competition’ for members with there being no summer show season during the Covid pandemic. Such was the popularity of the competition that the ‘Virtual’ Show was rolled out for a second staging this year and was supported with a massive entry.
Each of the respective classes had a young profile judge who announced their results on a weekly basis and with a supporting video talking about their results. Come Championship time and Craig Hollingsworth of the Midhope herd, Sheffield, judged the Females, whilst Alan Burleigh of the Derrycallaghan herd, Lisnaskea judged the Males. It was then over to Anne MacPherson to judge this year’s Overall Supreme Champion. Tom Hill of the Scotland Hill herd, Doncaster, had the difficult but enviable task of judging the 197 strong cow class from which the Overall Champion emerged.
Commenting generally, the British Simmental Cattle Society’s President Stewart Stronach said: “Congratulations to the Corskie and Mixbury Hall herds for their Championship wins. I’d also like to extend a massive well done to the Simmental breeders around the UK who have readily supported this competition and in such great numbers. Who would ever have thought we would have seen an entry of 197 cows in any show class, even an online class! Throughout the nine weeks of judging the quality of entries has been superb and the competition has been a lot of fun and a terrific showcase for the Simmental breed. We have been amazed week on week by the reach of the posts and the comments and discussion both domestically and in countries across the world. This year’s show really has had a ‘wow’ factor on so many levels. Whilst we hope to return to summer show rings next year, I’m sure there will be a popular demand for a third staging of the Simmental ‘Virtual’ Show.”
• Lisglass Gladioluf and Roma Legend 20 sell as an outfit also at 10,000gns • Roma Destiny and her twin bull calves sell for a collective 8000gns • Sale grosses £155,080 for the 46 lots sold
Roma Dreamer 2nd & Roma Dreamer 6th
Roma Dreamer 2nd sold for 10,000gns to lead the Dispersal Sale of the Roma Simmental herd of Roy Weatherup, Romavale, Ashybank, Hawick, Roxburghshire, held on Saturday, 11th September, at United Auctions Stirling Market.
The November 2015 born Roma Dreamer 2nd is a Dinton Nautical daughter out of the Kilbride Farm Newry sired Roma Dreamer. She was sold with her Islavale Frontier sired heifer calf Roma Dreamer 6th at foot and was PD’d back in calf to the herd’s stock bull Islavale Frontier. Purchasing the top price was JC & JL Weatherup, who runs the 35 cow Lisglass herd at Irish Hill, Ballyclare, Co Antrim.
Lisglass Gladioluf and Roma Legend
Also at 10,000ngs was the outfit of Lisglass Gladioluf at 5200gns, with her bull calf Roma Legend making 4200gns. The August 2015 born Lisglass Gladioluf is by Carnkern Titan and out of Slieveroe Caroline. She was snapped up by her breeder when being another to go back to JC&JL Weatherup, Ballyclare, Co Antrim. Her bull calf, the November 2020 born Roma Legend 20 was also by the herd stock bull Islavale Frontier. This calf was purchased by the Saltire herd of J&G Houliston, Newmains, Drem, North Berwick. Commenting on his top price purchases, Leslie Weatherup said: “We really like the Roma Dreamer breeding and it is an entirely new line to the Lisglass herd. We also purchased Roma Dreamer 3rd on the day for the same reason.” With regard to Lisglass Gladioluf he went on to say: “I bred Lisglass Gladioluf and it’s a bloodline I had lost and wanted to get back. Her dam Slieveroe Caroline was a Supreme Champion at Balmoral Show. Gladioluf had an extremely good bull calf with her at the sale and her bull calf last year sold at Stirling for 4000gns.” In all Leslie Weatherup, who is the cousin of Roy Weatherup, bought six animals on the day.
Roma Destiny and her twin bull calves, Roma Lovejoy and Loverboy
Selling at a collective 8000gns to Messrs MacFarlane, Quixwood Farm, Duns, Berwickshire, was the 2014 born Roma Destiny with her two Islavale Frontier sired bull calves Roma Lovejoy (TM), and Roma Loverboy (TM). The fourth calving Roma Destiny, born 2014, is got by Samark Superman and is out of Killiworgie Destiny. Roma Destiny sold at 2600gns with the November 2020 Roma Lovejoy reaching the same mark, and his twin Roma Loverboy selling for 2800gns. Again a prolific purchaser on the day, the MacFarlanes purchased eleven of the lots on offer.
Roma Bluebell 3rd
Another outfit at 6600gns was Roma Bluebell 3rd who made 2800gns, with her bull calf Roma Limit 20 selling for 3800gns. Roma Bluebell 3rd, who is 2018 born, is by Lisglass Barnabus 10 and out of Roma Bluebell. She was sold PD’d in calf to Islavale Frontier, to the Pitmudie herd of Heather Duff, Pitmudie, Menmuir, Brechin, Angus. Roma Limit 20, sired by Samark Superman, was bought by Norman Innes, Millbrae, Findhorn, Forres. At 6000gns was the 2018 born Roma Beauty 3rd. This maiden heifer is by Popes Barclay 10 and out of Roma Beauty 2nd. PD’d in calf to Islavale Frontier, Roma Beauty 3rd was sold with her January 2021 born bull calf, Roma Moneyboy 21, also by Islavale Frontier, and was another purchased by Norman Innes, Millbrae, Findhorn, Forres. The November 2015 born Roma Bluebell 2nd, along with her bull calf Roma Masterpiece 21 made 4300gns when being another purchase of Messrs MacFarlane, Quixwood Farm, Duns, Berwickshire. A Samark Superman daughter out of Roma Bluebell, she was sold with her Islavale Frontier calf at foot and was PD’d back in calf to the same sire. The Roma Dispersal Sale was held due to the impending retirement of Roy Weatherup who, speaking at the end of the sale said: “I’m very pleased with how the sale has gone today. I felt that the sale really offered an outstanding opportunity for new and established breeders to buy some top-quality Simmental genetics from what has been a productive herd of cattle. To that end I very much hope that they go to breed well for their buyers.”
OTHER LEADING PRICES: 4200gns Roma Dreamer (06/04/19) to Callum Croft, Hendy, Pontarddulais, Swansea 4200gns Islavale Frontier 14 to Norman Innes, Millbrae, Findhorn, Forres 4000gns Roma Bluebell 5th (01/04/20) to JW Fullerton, Corsbie, Earlston, Berwickshire
AVERAGES: 20 cows with calves at foot Top 10000gns Average £3,680
• Lisglass Gladioluf and Roma Legend 20 sell as an outfit for 10,000gns • Roma Destiny and het twin bull calves sell for a collective 8000gns Roma Dreamer 2nd sold for 10,000gns to lead the Dispersal Sale of the Roma Simmental herd of Roy Weatherup, Romavale, Ashybank, Hawick, Roxburghshire, held today on Saturday, 11th September, at United Auctions Stirling Market.
Roma Dreamer 2nd & Roma Dreamer 6th
The November 2015 born Roma Dreamer 2nd is a Dinton Nautical daughter out of the Kilbride Farm Newry sired Roma Dreamer. She was sold with her Islavale Frontier sired heifer calf Roma Dreamer 6th at foot, and was PD’d back in calf to Islavale Frontier. Purchasing the top price was the Lisglass herd of JC & JL Weatherup, Ballyclare, Co Antrim.
Lisglass Gladioluf and Roma Legend
Also at 10,000ngs was the outfit of Lisglass Gladioluf at 5200gns, with her bull calf Roma Legend making 4800gns. The August 2015 born Lisglass Gladioluf is by Carnkern Titan and out of Slieveroe Caroline. She was snapped up by her breeder and goes back to JC&JL Weatherup, Ballyclare, Co Antrim. Her bull calf, the November 2020 born Roma Legend 20 is another by the herd stock bull Islavale Frontier. This calf was snapped up by the Saltire herd of J&G Houliston, Newmains, Drem, North Berwick.
Roma Destiny and her twin bull calf’s, Roma Lovejoy and Loverboy
Selling at a collective 8000gns to Messrs MacFarlane , Quixwood Farm, Duns, Berwickshire, was the 2014 born Roma Destiny with her two Islavale Frontier sired bull calves Roma Lovejoy (TM), and Roma Loverboy (TM). The fourth calving Roma Destiny, born 2014, is by got by Samark Superman and is out of Killiworgie Destiny. Roma Destiny sold at 2600gns with the November 2020 Roma Lovejoy reaching the same mark, and his twin Roma Loverboy selling for 2800gns.
Roma Bluebell 3rd
Another outfit at 6600gns was Roma Bluebell 3rd who made 2800gns, with her bull calf Roma Limit 20 selling for 3800gns. Roma Bluebell 3rd, who is 2018 born, is By Lisglass Barnabus 10 and out of Roma Bluebell. She was sold PD’d in calf to Islavale Frontier, to the Pitmudie herd of Heather Duff, Pitmudie, Menmuir, Brechin, Angus. Roma Limit 20, sired by Samark Superman, was bought by Norman Innes, Millbrae, Findhorn, Forres.
Roma Beauty 3rd
At 6000gns was the 2018 born Roma Beauty 3rd. This maiden heifer is by Popes Barclay 10 and out of Roma Beauty 2nd. PD’d in calf to to Islavale Frontier, Roma Beauty 3rd was sold with her January 2021 born bull calf, Roma Moneyboy 21, also by Islavale Frontier, and was another purchased by Norman Innes, Millbrae, Findhorn, Forres. Full report and averages to follow….
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